

Percy Jackson but with a twist *I'm a teenage author feel free to give some notes*

Joci_Zierke · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Welcome to the City of Pax" exclaimed someone I had never seen before. Well, technically I've seen no one here. I'm Joci, daughter of Artemis. Apparently, if you're a demigod (like me) your godly parent is supposed to inform you before you turn ten. Well apparently Artemis or my mother said screw the rules and told me two months ago. I'm thirteen!

As soon as I stepped inside the city, I was in shock. There are parts of the city that look like ancient Greece and Rome but there are also parts that look like ancient China. I just keep walking forwards with the wind blowing in my face, hoping I would find signs to tell me where I'm going. Suddenly, an Asian girl dressed in a surprisingly pretty kimono, with colors of baby blue and pink with a tiny bit of white, who looks to be about my age runs up to me.

"Hey are you the new demigod?" She had somewhat screamed and asked me at once. She had long black hair braided but it still went down past her knees. She had flowers and pins in her hair decorating the braid beautifully. I stared at her trying to read what type of a person she was. "Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to introduce myself I'm Jyn" the girl I now knew was named Jyn had told me. She finally looked into my eyes and her eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown color.

"Uh yeah, I guess I am the new demigod. I'm Joci." I had informed the girl. After that her eyes grew triple in size. "Are you good? Your eyes just tripled in size." I questioned. She nodded vigorously. I doubted that was true but then again I barely knew the girl.

"Yes, I'm alright!" She screamed at me. I would have been shocked except for that is something I would do as soon as I got comfortable with people. "Sorry I didn't mean to scream. I'm just so excited to have another demigod here." She admitted while she was staring at me. Almost like she was trying to remember something. "Oh, do you know who your godly parent is?" She questioned.

"Uh, yeah my mother is Artemis." I'd informed her yet again. Her eyes again tripled, maybe even quadrupled in size. Her chocolate brown eyes beginning to look like muddy pebbles. Her smile grew tenfold, it was like staring at a white wall.

"Oh my heavens! We haven't had a child of Artemis in years." She yelled practically loud enough for the whole city to hear. Her excitement radiated like the sun. It almost seemed like she was going to explode. I shuddered at the thought. "I need to show you around!" She seemed so happy I didn't want to say anything in case I might hurt her feelings.

"Welcome to the City of Pax! Established over a thousand years ago by multiple pantheons. This is the one place where their demigod children can live without being judged. We also have creatures and monsters from each pantheon too. Don't worry their nice." She said all with a smile on her face. "Continuing on, we have the Greek, Roman, Norse, Chinese, Hindu, Japanese, Egyptian and finally the Korean pantheons. How bout we start off with the Greek area because that's where you'll be staying." She continued. It honestly felt like she was talking for ages. I didn't want to interrupt though. Should I?

"Wait, so they're divided into pantheons? And, Which pantheon are you? I asked. Okay I interrupted and you're probably thinking Joci that's rude. I know it is but I just needed a break from her voice. If I'm having to deal with her talking all the time I might just burst my eardrums.

"Yes, and I'm from the Chinese pantheon, my moms Bixia. Chinese goddess of fertility. Anyways, we're here in the Greek part of the city. " Said Jyn totally ignoring the fact that I interrupted her.

The area looked like it came out of ancient Greece itself. Everything was built out of stone and had tons of columns. The roofs were made out of only what I could assume to be terracotta. There were temples everywhere. One for each of the gods, with the gods signature color as the roof. It was not very authentic but I'll take it. Jyn kept moving to where I assume I'll be staying.

As we got closer I saw different buildings with different gods' names on them. Hades, Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Athena, Hestia and finally I saw the building with the name Artemis in front of it. Wow, that's a lot of dorms I'm assuming they were in a row. We moved back closer to the Hestia cabin before Jyn yelled at a girl to come out "Kenna come out and meet the new demigod please." Jyn yelled.

The Hestia dorm was decorated with beautiful reds, oranges and yellows. Almost looking like a hearth. Which seemed fitting as Hestia is the goddess of the hearth. The area was warm and inviting like anyone could come and they'd be protected. The air smells like freshly baked bread and cheeses of all assortments with a hint of olives. I was honestly a little disappointed to not be living here, it seemed so cozy. Though I loved the area, it made me feel weaker than normal. I am usually stronger at night. Probably has something to do with my mom being of the three moon goddesses, thanks mom.

"Coming Jyn!" yelled the girl I could only assume to be Kenna. I waited for about thirty seconds before a short blonde girl who also looked to be about my age. She looks kind and almost feels like your own mother. Her eyes were a stunning blue. Looking almost like the ocean itself.

"Hi I'm Kenna, my moms Hestia and I'll help you around this part of the city." She said this all with the most comforting smile. The smile could honestly light up the whole city.

She wore mid shade blue jeans with holes patched with cute rainbows or campfires. Fitting, anyway she wore a yellow top matching the sun. She wore her hair up in a braided bun. In the braid making her bun she had fire hair clips. She was pretty, she looked like she'd be the one to stop fights between friends. If I ever get friends that would definitely come in handy.

"Come on Joci, we should move on." Jyn told me. Even though a small part of me just wanted to stay here with Kenna.