
Overturning Fate (~A Journey of a Lifetime~)

~~Personal Tags~~(currently on hiatus) #Weak_to_strong #Magic_world #Demi-human mc -------------------------------++------------------------------ A journey always started with a single step but as you step further and further never-ending tides will push against you, stopping and straying you from your path. Those who push against the tide with all of their might and will walk in the path of the strong. Those who played the tides and making it push you further with their mind and thought is the path of the wise. Only those who walked both paths will truly become a legend, walking a path they have taken with no regrets. Join Valin journey. A journey that will last for a lifetime yet most will never treads. "I shall overturn fate if it's against me." -------------------------------++--------------------------------- Hello, the author here. this is technically my first real novel. I'm not a native in English (but I'm quite great at it) and I'm using Grammarly keyboard and whatever knowledge of English I have to type in my phone lol. I'm editing this my self+grammarly so don't expect a truly high-quality novel (also because writing novel mobile is 10x harder than on a computer) but at least try reading before anyone judges me lol. P.s. if you like what you see pls support this novel by giving comments, rating, review, and power stones. , the most important thing is for you guys to enjoy~. Novel cover copyright is not my own pls comment on my latest chapter if you(owner of the picture) want to take it down.

ExodusGaming555 · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Arrive to Tritania

"Dad are we there yet?" ask Valin for the 10th time after 30 minutes ride. Although he was still a bit enthusiastic as this is his first experience out of the village, all he sees during all these times were more and more trees as the carriage pass by with the occasional sound of birds chirping.

He was so bored because he has no one to play with that he kept asking his dad when will they arrive at the town.

His dad and other people on the carriage could only chuckle at his antics and just ask him to wait a bit or take a nap for a while.

The carriage has no seats inside so they have been sitting on the floor all this time and Valin butt was hurting after all the bumps and shaking the carriage done along the road.

As Valin started to get tired because of boredom, he finally remembers the technique he read this morning.

He then tried to position himself to a relaxed position but there's no "relaxing" in this carriage as there's no real comfort on the carriage.

"What are you doing Valin? You're moving way too much," said Howard seeing his son antics.

"I'm trying to sleep but I can't because it's uncomfortable here," Valin answered.

"Well come here and lay your head on my lap. At least it will be more comfortable than sleeping on hardwood."

Valin then lay his head on his father's lap. He then closed his eyes and then tried to enter that wonderful state. Howard gives Valin some good head pats while he was sleeping.

Although at the beginning it was a bit hard because the shacking and the bumps along the road he, at last, managed to enter the serene mind state.

From the wind caresses his skin, the blood flow in his vein, the heat in the surrounding, the sound faint sound of insects amidst the spinning wheel, the shaking of the carriage, all of it feels so clear to Valin.

He then started to once again feel the stream that he discovered in his previous session.

He curiously started to observe this stream. He feels that it was flowing slowly throughout his body with no apparent rhyme or reason.

He instinctively feels that he can control this stream. He tried to make it move faster. At first, nothing happened but as time goes on he feels subtly the stream gets faster the stronger he wills it.

It was truly hard to move. He even thinks that it was mud that he was moving.

After some time moving it, he started to feel really exhausted and accidentally fell asleep.


After Valin was asleep, the carriage keeps moving slowly and surely toward the town.

As time goes on the carriage finally arrive outside the town. Howard then wakes Valin up to see the spectacle in front of them.

Valin wakes up only to see the grand view of the town from outside. The sturdy walls, the flags fluttering in the wind, a small mountain piercing the clouds in the background, and the soldiers in imposing armor guarding the gate.

'So this is Tritania, the town of all monkey folk.' Valin thought in awe from the view.

Although it was called a town, it was so wide that one could even call this place a capital and almost no one will complain about it.

As the carriage slowly closing towards the gates, the soldiers stop them from moving forward.

They were wearing metallic armor with a crest the similar motive as the flags on top of the wall.

The flag motive was a bronze mountain with a golden tree at the peak. It has silver-like dust spread throughout the tree leaves, pinkish flower scattering down the tree, and a grey colored background.

While the soldier crest was basically the same just with a yellow border on it.

As the guard came nearer they asked questions and then proceeds to check the goods inside the carriage.

"So this kid is for the grand ceremony tonight huh." asked one of the guard.

"Yes my son here is for the ceremony tonight" answered Howard

The guard looked at Howard closely with a frown and then bid good luck to Valin for his ceremony.

Valin, of course, doesn't notice a thing of this little exchange as he was preoccupied with the majestic sight.

The carriage then enters the town and Valin was awed by the sight. The streets were so crowded by the pedestrian, Buildings made out of bricks and stones, The variety of people walking in the town, and all kinds of stalls and shops everywhere.

Not long after the carriage stops in front of one of the buildings in the town. Valin and Howard the hop off the carriage and proceed to say goodbye to everyone else in the carriage.

The carriage then moves on, seemingly selling the goods they have to offer at a good price.

The 5 floored building they about to enter has a large signboard that says "Stardust Inn". As they enter the building they see a lot of people was ordering drinks and waitress delivering orders.

Most of the customers have bows, swords, shields, and all kind of weapons and equipment in their possession, making Valin a bit afraid of them.

Seeing the state of his son, Howard could only smile and rub Valin head. Valin pouted at his father actions.

They then headed to the reception desk beside the stairs. After talking with the receptionist for quite some time, they then managed to get a room key and headed towards their room upstairs.

Entering the room, Valin sees a small room with 2 straw bed on the middle and a storage chest.

Howard then unloads their stuff in the chest and proceeds to lay down on the straw bed for a while.

Valin followed and feels that the straw bed was truly not bad, its even quite fluffy.

" Ready to sightseeing around the town?" asked Howard after resting for a while.

"YES!!!!!" said Valin loudly as his hype and motivation reignites.

Howard laughs a little seeing Valin so hyped. He pats Valin fur and tail from dust that accumulated during the trip then heads out around the town.

~Author here~

Hope you all enjoy this chapter

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