
Overlord: Withering of the World Tree

Yeshua had just graduated from college and was about to enter the workfield, but he had suddenly contracted coronavirus. He was slightly devastated at first, but he quickly got rid of that feeling, instead, he became even calmer than he was before. Why? Well, the reason was that he was curious of what happened after death. Pretty crazy, right? Now that he's in another world where he can gain unimaginable power, what will he do?

Dikomposition · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Volume 0 Chapter 1




"...How boring. There's nothing to do in here."


'Sigh, I can't believe I actually got coronavirus.'

That's right I, The Great Yeshua, actually contracted coronavirus. I don't even know how I actually ended up contracting it in the first place. I just remember waking up in the morning with extreme fatigue and a raging headache.

It's been a few weeks since then and my condition has only gotten worse.

No one has visited me since my parents had passed away due to an accident, and my siblings are too busy with their lives to bat an eye to me. All in all, it's pretty depressing to think about it, so I just ignore it.

Even then, there's nothing to do in a quarantined hospital such as the place I'm in. No phones, books, music, etc. Basically just no entertainment in general.

Just staring to the blank ceiling all day long 24/7. I'm quite positive I'll go insane if this continues any longer.


But, I highly doubt I'll live long enough to experience insanity. My condition has not seen any improvements no matter how many machines and remedies the doctors utilized.

Though, I kind of wish I lived long enough to read the next volume of Overlord. I always wondered what would happen in the Elven Kingdom.

Anyways, it's getting pretty late now, so I should probably head to sleep. While I risk the chance of dying during my sleep, it wouldn't really matter to me. As a matter of fact, I'm quite curious of what happens after death. Will our consciousness continue to remain in the emptiness of space? Or will we simply cease to exist and become scattered energy throughout the universe?

I mostly likely wouldn't be able to get an answer, but I still relish the thought.

Getting my mind free of any extra thoughts, I fell asleep after a few minutes of blank thinking.




'ugh... who the hell is knocking just enter the god damn room, the door's unlocked anyways.'



'Jesus Christ, just open the damn door.'


"Okay, okay, stop it already!"

I had gotten irritated to the point that I couldn't just let them continue knocking. I removed my blanket and got up. Surprisingly, I did not feel any discomfort while moving like before, maybe the medicine has started taking effect.

I was still pretty sleepy, but, nonetheless, I still got up to open the unlocked door.

I went to the door, which, for some reason, looked different than before. I probably just needed more sleep.


I opened the door, but I was confused at what I saw. There was a man. A man in delivery clothes to be exact, and he was holding a box in his arms. My brain must not have been fully awake for me to dream this much.

"Hah, I actually do need to go to sleep after all."

I was about to slam the door shut when the man spoke.

"Um, is everything alright sir?"

I stopped my movements and looked at him with my eyes wide open. Was this really a simple dream or was I experiencing a lucid dream?

I didn't know and I didn't want to know, so I just went with the flow. "U-uh, yeah everything's fine, why?"

"Oh, nothing sir, I came here to deliver your package. Just sign this sheet right here and you'll be all set."

"Alright, but what's the package for?"

"Hm? It's the Neural Nano-Interface you ordered a few days ago."

Neural-what? It sounds familiar, but nothing comes to mind.

"Oh yeah, I just remembered that I ordered that. Haha, my bad."

"It's alright sir, if you can just sign here then you'll be set."


I got the pen and signed my name on the bottom of the sheet.

"Here you go this should be enough."

"Thank you, sir."

He grabbed the clipboard and whistled. "Hm, that's a rare name. Are any of your relatives foreigners?"

Bewildered, I questioned what he meant. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's just that there are not many foreigners living in Japan now because of the dome they built years ago. It's impossible for any foreigners to get in, unless it's someone special. That's why I was asking if any of your grandparents or great grandparents moved here before the dome was constructed."

What the hell is he talking about? What dome? And he said we're in Japan? I never knew dreams could start bullsh*tting.

Wait, now that I think about it... Neither of us have been speaking english in our conversation... just japanese. Also, now that my mind is fully awake, I just remembered what that Neural Nano-Interface was from. If I pair that up with the 'dome' he was talking about, then I can only come up with one conclusion.

I am in a parallel world. This whole time I had thought that I was just dreaming, but it seemed too surreal to think that way. The reason why I came to the conclusion that this is a parallel world are two facts.

1. I'm in Japan, most likely in the distant future.

2. Let's say I somehow time traveled to the future. If this were the same world, I would probably be in America, not Japan.

Although one thing I can't understand is how logical my current thinking is. It's most likely because my brain has not fully processed the predicament I'm in right now, which is not good.

"Um, sir, are you okay?"

I was broken out of my stupor by the man, and quickly answered, "Yeah, I'm just a little tired since I'd barely woken up."

"Ah, okay. Well then, I'll be on my way. Have a nice day."


I took the box onto my arms. While I was walking back inside, I noticed how neat and extravagant the interior of the room looked.

It wasn't the type of interior that had an exotic color to it, rather, it was a nice contour of white. It was pretty spacious too.

I plopped the box gently on the bed and prepared to open it, until I noticed I needed something sharp to open it.

I checked the kitchen and found a knife I could use.

I gently ran the knife across the tape to not potentially scratch the device.

Once I finished, I opened the box and carefully took out the Neural Nano-Interface. It was a headgear with a bundle of wires next to it. There was a separate component inside the box that contained a camera and a few miniature wires were connected to it.

Deep inside, I was very excited that I had the chance to play a semi-realistic mmo-rpg. I've played vr games before, but I doubt they would be able to compare to them.

But a question arose in my head. Do I even have a PC to connect it to? Though I quickly eliminated the thought. I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't have a PC to begin with, only someone stupid would do that.

I looked around for the PC and quickly found it. I didn't notice it at first since I wasn't really paying attention, but it was at the corner of the room on a table.

It was a pretty cool looking PC, although it was a pre-built one, I could tell it was amazing considering how much of an extravagant lifestyle this guy lived in.

But now, another problem arose, how do I login to the computer? This question created a chain of questions in my mind. I took over this person's body and I know nothing about his personal life. He lives alone, but if his family or friends were to visit, they would find it strange how weird I acted or how I forgot a lot of stuff.

Now that I think about it, I don't even know this body's name. I just decided to put my own name while I wasn't properly awake. If they were to find out I used a fake name, I could probably get into some serious consequences!

I started panicking and didn't notice the object that was on the ground. I slipped on it and ended up hitting my head on the wall.

"Ouch, what the hell did I-" Before I could finish my sentence, I was interrupted by a severe migraine on my head.

'AHHH. W-what the hell is happening to my head!?'

But the pain went away as quickly as it came. I sat down on the hard wood floor to catch a quick breather.

"Haah, haah, wha-what in the actual f*ck was that!?"

That was pain that I've never, ever experienced before. But I know why it was so painful.

"Hah, so we both have the same name, eh?"

The sudden pain was a wave of memories that surged into my mind. It was all of the memories that this body had experienced, whether they were the useless ones or the important ones.

Although I'm kind of glad it only lasted a second because I probably would've passed out if it were even a second longer. But I do feel a little tired right now. Scratch that, I feel super exhausted right now. A little nap won't hurt anyone, right?


BaneOfExistence A/N: Yo, author here. This is my first fanfiction and hopefully it goes well. Now, what I wanted to talk about was the next few chapters and chapter releases.

For starters, the next few chapters will be just explaining the setting up of the game and a little bit of extra stuff.

Now, the chapter releases will be random until next weekend. Why you ask? Well that's because I still have one more week left of school. After that I'll have 2 months of free schedule so it's most likely I'll post daily or every other day. It all depends on how motivated I am. That's all I have to say... for now. Have a good day!

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