
Overlord: Withering of the World Tree

Yeshua had just graduated from college and was about to enter the workfield, but he had suddenly contracted coronavirus. He was slightly devastated at first, but he quickly got rid of that feeling, instead, he became even calmer than he was before. Why? Well, the reason was that he was curious of what happened after death. Pretty crazy, right? Now that he's in another world where he can gain unimaginable power, what will he do?

Dikomposition · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Volume 0 Chapter 2

"Okay, your total will be ¥7,580."

"Ah, here you go."


"Thank you very much for shopping at Supermarket Plus, have a great day!"


Wow, that was pretty weird. I knew there were forms of protection against pollution in this world, but I didn't expect it to this extent. The only information I knew was that everybody had to wear a mask outside, but almost everything in the store had a protective case to it.

It's kind of a little bit extreme to me, but it's normal to everybody else that inhabits this world. I will have to get used to it for the following decade. Also, the produce they sell is very expensive. It's most likely they have a shortage of it or can't produce much of it anymore.

Besides that, I was really shocked once I had found out what identity I had in this world. No I wasn't the main character, rather, I don't even think I am relevant to the story at all. Right, let me get to the point.

So basically, I'm the son of a huge mega corporation owner that's one of the major funders of the dome. It's kind of crazy to think about it, but I have a lot worries taken off of my shoulders because of that. Why, you ask?

Well, YGGDRASIL is a game that's mostly pay to win. You can pay to get a creator tool for more customization, more inventory slots, and exceeding the amount of spells you can learn by buying cash-shop items, and that's just to name a few.

Although this does create some implications for me. I'm the only son of the owner and sooner or later, I will have to inherit the company. I don't know when, but hopefully it's not in the next twelve years.

This body of mine is about to turn 16 in a few months. I'm positive there isn't an age limit for playing YGGDRASIL, but I will most likely have to lie about my age to interact with the main cast.

The main reason why I want to interact with the main cast is mostly related to the New World. If I were to create my own guild or play by myself, there will most likely be a chance I would be transported to a different time in the New World. So my plans are to get close to any of the 41 members of Ainz Ooal Gown as early as possible.

But, the thing I'm mostly excited about is just playing the game in general. I'm kind of glad this guy is a rich kid since he basically has no limitations on what he can buy. The only bad thing though, is that I have to wait half a year until the game releases. I've read somewhere in the Overlord Wikipedia that some classes require the player to be physically fit in real life, so I guess I'll start exercising for that.

I remember training to be an MMA fighter during highschool, but gave up because of how taxing it was. I don't think I'll have to learn every martial art I did. I mean, I don't think I will have any uses of self defense martial arts in the game.

I also won't do extreme training I'll just do enough that I'm physically fit and healthy. It's also going to be a little bit boring during these six months, so I'll probably try that [Aberage] game to familiarize myself with using the technology.


{6 months later, 1 minute before YGGDRASIL servers open}

Alright, the time has come. I've made sure to buy the best internet I could for smoother gameplay. I've already installed the game, I'm just waiting for the servers to open.

Oh, here comes the countdown.







'There! Start up YGGDRASIL!'

[Starting up YGGDRASIL]

The megacon system gave me a brief notice before fully launching the game.

In an instant, my whole interface changed from the home screen to the loading screen of YGGDRASIL. It showed a text to press any key to start.

After that, it showed the terms conditions one has to accept. Of course, like any sane person would, I just accepted without reading. Then it showed me a screen of the controls of the game. I read through it carefully since I might need it later.

After skimming through it once, I officially started the game. My whole interface changed once again, now viewing a place that looked like a royal palace.

[Insert your name]

The game prompted me a message to choose a name. Fortunately, I had already decided on a name beforehand so I wouldn't stay stuck on this screen thinking about one. I think the name I chose is cool.

[Name 'Ragnarok' has been chosen]

I closed the pop-up screen after viewing it once and looked at the scenery in front of me.

There were already dozens of other players waiting in the lobby as well. Without wasting any more time, I quickly went to a portal on the far end of the palace. My guesses are, that's the portal that will make us choose our race and officially begin the game.

I noticed a few other players that were quick on the uptake also approaching the portal. I quickened my pace to the portal and entered it. My whole view went blank, except for my HUD.

Another text box appeared in front of me.

[Select your race.]

1. Human

2. Demi-Human

3. Hetermorph

Without any hesitation, I quickly chose heteromorph. The idea of having stronger job classes is appealing, but you can't really beat immortality. If I were to pick any of the other choices, my lifespan would be limited and that would be detrimental to my plans.

Not even a few seconds after, and a whole list of heteromorphic races were listed in front of me.

I scrolled a bit until I could find a class that would suit me the best. I had already made my top 3 choices of a race I would most likely choose. They were Angel, Demon, or Dragonoid. But I still checked the list if there were any other classes that could catch my eye.

As I was scrolling through the letter D section, I noticed one of the choices was highlighted. I scrolled to check and see...


I was a little bit confused. In the wiki, the race, Dragon, couldn't be chosen since most [World-Enemy] classes were apart of that race. Hence the reason why the developers locked the option.

But, why is it available now? Is it perhaps because I'm the first person to choose a heteromorph race? Or is it an external force that's manipulating the game for me?

I doubt it's the latter because I have not been in contact with the developers and this body has not had any forms of connections with them either.

So that leaves me with only one choice.

It's probably a hidden race that only one player could obtain. I was sure of it. I didn't waste any more time and quickly clicked that race.

[Are you sure you would like to continue with your choice?]


[Race [Dragon] has been chosen]

[Select which world you would like to start in]

Again, a list of choices were presented in front of me. Well, just nine to be exact. There are only three logical choices that I should choose from. They were also the world's that most heteromorphs chose in the story, and the deeper you delve in that world, the more difficult it gets. These three respective worlds were Niflheim, Helheim, and Muspelheim.

Although, I would probably choose between Niflheim and Helheim since the novel covered more information about the two.

In the end, I ultimately chose Helheim. There's really no particular reason other than the fact that the dungeon [The Great Tomb of Nazarick] resides there.

[World Helheim has been selected]

[Choose your Spawn Point]

The map for Helheim popped up in front of me. There were a lot of locations I could spawn in, but I ended up choosing the outskirts of the map. Helheim is a world that gets more difficult the further you go to the center.

[Spawn Location 'Ghastly Forest' has been chosen]

[Transporting Player to Helheim]

Once again, my screen temporarily went black. A few seconds passed and a bright light had emerged from the screen.

The bright light subsided and the view of my screen changed to the scenery of Helheim.

The experience was surreal. I couldn't even explain it in words. I stood frozen in place for a few seconds as I was mesmerized by the view in front of me.

The trees were a dark-rotten color and they seemed to have faces that twisted in agony. The sky was overshadowed by an unrelenting darkness that never seemed to subside. Occasionally, a few ghosts could be seen traveling through the air.

It felt just like reality.

[New Quest(s) has been added!]

I was broken out of my trance by the window pop up. I checked the [Quest] tab to see what quests were given out.

New Beginnings - Defeat a monster

Reward: 1,000 exp, Minor Healing Potion x5

Weaponized - Open [Basic Weapon Set] from the Item Box

Reward: [Basic Armor Set]

Hm, they're pretty basic quests if I say so myself. Im not quite sure how I'll fare off in fighting a monster though. I guess I'll just wait and see. For now, I'll finish the other quest and I'll try finishing the other one later.

Wait a minute... I just realized something very important.

How the hell am I going to equip a weapon on this gigantic body of mine?! I didn't think about it at first, but now that I am, I realize I could just crush any monster with my weight.

With that being said, I really do hope there is a humanification ability I could purchase with skill points later on... I really don't want to be stuck in a body like this.

'I'll try to go find a monster in the meantime.'

Thanks to my tall stature, I was able to see from higher distances that were far away from me. I scourged around to find any unfortunate monster I could. Alas, no luck.

'Oh? Is that a graveyard?'

I did end up finding a graveyard not too far from my location. I just hope there were some mobs that I could kill there.

I sprinted through the forest and I arrived there in under a few minutes. It looked like any basic graveyard you would see, except that the sky made it look more eerie and there were a bunch of bones lying around the graves.

Just as I was about to leave, the sounds of rattling and dirt shifting were getting louder and louder by the second. I turned around and saw the pile of bones turning into skeletons and the hands of zombies sprouting from the ground.

I didn't give them any chance to properly assemble before I sweeped my tail over them. A few skeletons and zombies were victims to this attack.

New Beginnings - Defeat a monster (Complete)

Reward: 1,000 exp, Minor Healing Potion x5

[Player Level Up!]

+3 Skill Points

+3 HP

+5 MP



+1 DEX



+2 Resistance

+2 Special Ability

[Racial Class [Dragon] has leveled up!]

Dragon lvl 1/15

[New Racial Traits have been awakened!]

[Minor Healing Potion x5, have been sent to the Item Box]

[Requirements have been met. Job Classes [Mage] and [Warrior] are now available]

The amount of notifications I got after killing those undead was unreal. I would love to read them, but I have a few mobs to deal with right now.

I closed the notifications and looked at the impact of my blow. As I expected, almost all of the mobs in the area were obliterated. The except few were monsters that were farther away from the area of impact.

I didn't think it would be that easy killing them. I guess there are some advantages in having an overly huge body.

Anyways, I should probably kill them already. I can't wait to explore the other parts of this world.

I crouched in a tiger's position and pounced on a group of zombies. Some were protected by the bodies of their kin, so I swiped my claw at their bodies.

+90 exp

+84 exp

+87 exp

The skeletons were much easier to kill. All I had to do was slam my body against them. It only took me a few minutes to kill all of the mobs there.

+65 exp

+58 exp

+61 exp

"That was pretty fun, haha. Alright, time to check what all those notifications were for."

'Hm, okay. I completed the quest and leveled up which increased my stats. My race leveled up which gave me new traits. Although the most notable one was the one that said new jobs were available. Although I like the idea of being a weapon wielding warrior, a mage is more versatile and it seems like a better class to play in. Yeah, I'll just choose the [Mage] class.'

[Job Class [Mage] has been learned]

[Choose three Tier 1 Spells]

Oh, yeah there it is. When a person thinks of a mage, the first think that comes to mind about them is magic. Now, every time I level up, I would be able to learn three spells until level 100.

The list of 1st tier spells was super long, so I took my time in checking each spell and their description. Well, not all of them. You could be able to tell the uses of a spell by the name itself, but this does not apply to every spell.

Some spells that I read were completely useless so I crossed them out. There are a lot of good choices, but I'll choose the best ones for now.

[Tier 1 Spell「Magic Arrow」has been learned]

[Tier 1 Spell「Quick March」has been learned]

[Tier 1 Spell「Summon Monster 1st」has been learned]

The reason why I chose this spells were quite simple.「Magic Arrow」gives me a form of attack besides brute strength.「Quick March」 gives me an increase in speed. This is good because dragons are not known for being fast on land due to their huge bodies.「Summon Monster 1st」allows me to summon a monster, albeit a weak one. The main reason why I chose this particular spell is to use the summoned monster as a meat shield or divert tactic.

Now that I have that setup, I need to put in the information for these monsters inside of the [Game Encyclopedia]. I want to gain as much information as I can so I can know all of the weakness of each monster. I already know some weaknesses of each monster, so that'll make my studies much easier.

"Alright, that's done. I guess I should actually start grinding now, huh."


BaneOfExistence A/N: This story is going to be mainly based off of the game, but it won't be hundreds of chapters about the game. There'll be a lot of timeskips so it won't get boring.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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