
Overlord The Vampire Lord

YGGDRASIL was a fictional online game in the Overlord series. It was a DMMO-RPG developed in Japan. Millions played this game, but amongst them was an odd one. a player who went on to play the game without the need for high-tier gear. a player who was titled the Player Killer, A Player So Overpowered that even the game developer had enough of him, bending him after he did the unthinkable. but this player killer was a part of the best guild, Ainz Ooal Gown, luckily he could pop up before the game shut down for good.

itachi1010 · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Showing Off

Ainz had sixty levels of job classes, and one of them was quite special. It was a class that was very rare even in YGGDRASIL, held only by a small number of players. Ainz could enter this class because he was not fixated on pure power, but had instead focused on roleplaying a necromancer to the hilt. Had he pursued character power, he would not have discovered this class, which required a very unorthodox build by chance.

This was because the class's entry requirements were five levels of Overlord, a focus on necromancer-type job classes, as well as an overall character level of ninety-five. In normal games, most people would spread the news of a newly discovered class on walkthrough sites to share with others. However, games like YGGDRASIL put a very high premium on information. For instance, few people would share news about a World Class Item with others without charge. This was especially true for classes with trump cards.

The class in question was called Eclipse. The class description stated, "Only an Overlord who is truly dedicated to the pursuit of Death may enter this class, which swallows up all life like an eclipse."

The move Ainz was planning to use was only available after reaching the maximum level fifth in Eclipse, a skill that could only be used once every hundred hours. It was the trump card of the Eclipse class. That skill was called, The Goal Of All Life Is Death.

At that moment, a clock face appeared behind Ainz, its hands indicating 12:00. Then, he cast a spell.

"Widen Magic - Cry of the Banshee." Ainz cried out, A woman's wail echoed through the air. This cry carried with it an instant-death effect. Ainz had used various skills to augment this spell, so its potency was greater than normal and harder to resist. Still, it was useless against Shalltear and the Einherjar construct.

Einherjar. Shalltear's trump card. A construct-type avatar is almost visually identical to Shalltear. This avatar can't use magic and some of the skills of the original, but its equipment and stats are the same. it looked just like her but was completely white.

Oddly enough, Shalltear's summoned minions who had no resistance to instant death did not fall. This situation was quite bizarre, but Ainz remained unmoved. Rather, one could say that things were going as planned.


The clock faces behind Ainz ticked, and its hands slowly moved as the spell took effect. Ainz glanced at Shalltear in the distance as his health dwindled under the onslaught of the Einherjar, and at the same time, he felt quite disappointed.

'…So I can't finish this cleanly, huh? Damn you, Peroroncino, did you build her specifically to counter me? To think you actually gave her a resurrection item! Dammit!' Ainz cursed his guildmate within his heart.

Ainz frantically struggled to avoid the attacks of the Einherjar. After twelve seconds had passed, the hour hand had completed a full circuit, and it pointed to the heavens once more. Then, Ainz's trump card took effect. In that moment... the world died. This was not metaphorical.



The Einherjar evaporated into white mist as it couched its lance, and dispersed before Ainz's eyes. Even a homunculus with no concept of life died instantly. Shalltear's familiars shared the same fate, unable to resist the destruction that overtook them.

That was not all. Even the air, which was not even alive to begin with, fell into death. For over one hundred meters in all directions, the air was no longer breathable. If any living creature tried to respire within that area, their lungs would be corrupted by the deadly air, and they would die.

Neither did the land escape the embrace of death. The terrain in a hundred-meter radius was instantly transmuted into sand. Only Shalltear and Ainz could move in this world, where only death remained.

Ainz's trump card, The Goal Of All Life Is Death, strengthened the effect of instant death magic and skills. Thus augmented, those instant-death effects could bypass any immunities or resistance and kill their targets after a certain amount of time had passed.

One could resist it by using a resurrection effect on themselves within twelve seconds, as Shalltear had.

The air and the land had also died because of that effect. In YGGDRASIL, the environment would not have succumbed, but in this new world, the effects were quite appropriate to the skill. All things were equal in the face of Death.

Ainz himself was taken aback by this strange effect. The land had not died like this in YGGDRASIL. He could not help but shake his head after witnessing the effects of the game's powers in the real world.

However, Ainz swallowed back his surprise. The pride in his heart would not permit him to show any sign of shock. Instead, he acted as though this had been part of his plan. Carrying himself with the arrogance that befitted a ruler, he gently asked the sole survivor:

"What do you think, after experiencing the power that can slay even the unliving?" The wind blew, dispersing the dead air between them. That wind carried his words to her.

"Incredible, I would expect nothing less of you, Ainz-Sama. My household summons are dead to the last. However, your MP is almost depleted, while my health… is still at maximum." Shalltear said with a smile, her eyes glowing as she checked Ainz MP.

Yes, Shalltear was out of MP but she was not a caster like Ainz. Ainz only had 2 or 3 attacks remaining. meanwhile, she had her Lance.

A Divine class item that was given to her by her creator, Peroroncino. Each strike allows Shalltear to recover a portion of her life force proportionate to the damage inflicted on the enemy. Deals striking damage, which has increased effects against the undead.

So, what did she have to worry about? She had everything in the bag, she was the winner. so she didn't mind talking and hearing her former master's last words. but was Ainz truly done for?

Ainz did not flee, but merely stood proud where he was. She could sense his determination from his stance, and so Shalltear asked

"Any last words?"

"Well, hm… Since you felt that I was at a disadvantage, that without my MP I would be nothing more than a mook… You came at me with everything you had. For that, I must thank you, Shalltear. If you had fought more carefully, things would not have gone so smoothly." Ainz said, and for a moment Shalltear doubted her ears. It would seem she had heard some nonsense.

The anxious and uneasy Shalltear clutched at her Spuit Lance. the more Ainz spoke, the more anxious and uneasy she grew. intending to finish this battle right away, intending to kill her foe with strike after strike, even if he fought back... but An instant before that, something fell from the heavens, causing a cloud of dust to fill the air.

with blinding speed both she and Ainz could barely keep up with, the thing landed in the center. They both watched, as the large wings, just one of them being more than twice as big as this person, these large wings slowly began to enter this person's body. those black and white wings... Ainz saw them before, how could he forget them?

"Dracula?!?" Ainz cried out in shock, joy, and disbelief. he was sure this was Dracula. Only one person in the whole game had such an appearance, many tried to copy Dracula's wings, but it was a unique color gifted to him by his unique race. Vampire Lord. Dracula was the only Vampire Lord, he was a one-of-a-kind.

With a wave from Dracula, the dust cloud disappeared. and before Ainz joy, Dracula stood... but something was off. Ainz's emotions which were too strong were suddenly suppressed, how could they not be? undead like him couldn't feel too many emotions,

'what's with that blank look.' Ainz thought while looking at Dracula's blank eyes, once his emotion calmed, he was capable of thinking, and something didn't seem right.

"Lord Dracula?" Albedo who had a soft smile the whole time while watching the battle between Ainz and Shalltear eyes widened as she shot up. Cocytus who was on his feet, about to rush to AInz froze as Albedo reacted.

"... he is the strongest of all of the 41 supreme beings," Albedo said with a weird look, her words were a blow to both Cocytus and Demiurge. Little was known about Dracula.

"Ainz told me about his power, how he alone caused the whole world not to dare attack the great tomb of Nazarick. It was only when he was banished using a world item, that many other guilds joined focus and attacked the great tomb of Nazarick. but they foolishly underestimated the power of the great tomb of Nazarick, they couldn't even reach the throne room." Albedo said tunning the 2 of them

"I thought Touch Me was the strongest?" Cocytus said in confusion, but Albedo shook her head.

"Dracula was gone for too long, he might as well have died. On him are 3 world times, those clothing, those shoes, and two swords. he was the fastest person alive... there was a say, once he moved. you're dead. he was a man capable of one-shooting Touch Me under the right condition, normally he would just need 2 blows to defeat Touch Me. If... If he is our enemy." Albedo said, causing Demiurge to sweat slightly. he didn't know Dracla was so powerful

"Momonga, it's you... return to the guild. I will deal with my Shalltear. I looked around, there was no one coming. but just in case. go to safety." I said while turning to look at Shalltear who was on high alert while looking at me. She wanted to attack, but she knew although I was showing her my back, I was on high alert.

"Well... I can't leave. all of this was my mistake." Ainz said softly, to which I shrugged while looking at Shalltear.

"You know. At first, you were going to be my creations. I wanted to see if I can make you into a Vampire Lord like myself." I said with a smile, stunning Shalltear.

"But that proven impossible. The best I could do was make you a True Vampire, in the end, Peroroncino took you off me... well, mostly because I took the stuff he was going to use to create you. but he ended up finding a new taste into undead. he went on to recreate you in his image." I said with a shake of my head while thinking of the guild pervert.

Shalltear to say the least was shocked to hear more about her creation, she knew who Dracula was. She could even remember seeing him, she remembered a fight he was in with one of the guild members, but she couldn't remember much.

"Shalltear, do you want to fight me as well?" I asked with a smile while walking up to her, Shalltear, hands shook for a moment before she stabbed forward. her lance stabbing through Dracula's chest, but she didn't smile as she felt like she hit nothing.

"what a shame." Behind her, Dracula appeared. causing Shalltear's pupils to shrink. She didn't know if I teleported or what, but she didn't care. she jumped forward while stabbing behind her. only for her lance to stab through an afterimage.

"where did he go?" Dracula said while on one new, right next to her looking around with her. he even had a hand over his eyes, searching.

"Don't mock me!" Shalltear roared as she turned to stab him, only for her attack to hit another afterimage. She looked all over the place, searching for where Dracula could be before she froze. he was behind her, turning with her, and staying out of her sight.

"Shalltear, at the peak of my power. I was capable of fighting 100 level 100 players. to me, a level 100 is no different to a level 60 or 50. the dragons were not the final boss in YGGDRASIL, I was." I said with my back pressed up against Shalltear's back, and llinned back to speak into her ear.

Shalltear quickly turned to stab me, but I dodged with ease, it was easy to read her reckless movements. plus, I was a bit too fast for her. Shalltear eyes glared into me, which I just shrugged while doing some stretches.

"it has been years since I last fought. so give me a second, I might have lost my edge." I said with a smile. which enraged Shalltear to the point she shot toward me. her lance shot towards me but with a blank. she found herself on all 4s, while Dracula sitting on her back as if she was a chair.

"Since a few people are watching, I believe I should show off a little. am I doing a good job?" I asked with a smile, Shalltear's eyes turned bloodshot. enraged, she shot up, but her pupils shrank as both of her hands suddenly flew off,

"You let me so easily enter your head, it makes it easier for me to read our movement. a little tip, in battle. when you can attack, trick your enemy into thinking you can't. when you can't attack, your enemy should believe you're capable of attacking. In other words, don't tell me what you're going to do. keep me on your toes." I said while holding a purple sword.

"..." Shalltear stood there, she was shocked. how could she be so defeated to the point she couldn't even land a hit?

"Now... look into my eyes. since the brainwashing isn't complete, even if it's a world item, I should be able to undo its effect." I said while grabbing Shalltear's head and forcing her to look into my eyes. instantly, her eyes went blank.

Shalltear was undead, so she had the Basic Undead Race Traits

Biological Penalties' Resistance

Bludgeoning Vulnerability V

Critical Hit Immunity

Dark Vision

Death Immunity

Disease Immunity

Doubled Damage by Fire

Eating, Drinking, and Breathing are Unnecessary

Energy Drain Immunity

Good, Light, and Holy Vulnerability IV

Good and Holy Consecrated Areas' Vulnerability II

Mind-affecting Immunity

Necromancy Resistance

Paralysis Immunity

Physical Penalty Resistance

Poisoning Immunity

Recover by Negative Energy

Sleep Immunity

But she was a vampire, and I had Vampire Lord. with this, I could bypass her immunity the same way the world item that brainwashed her did. suddenly my eyes began to start building, a sight that shocked Ainz, who quickly stepped forward to stop me. but I stepped back on my own, my eyes shot closed.

"Are you alright?" Ainz asked, to which I stood there for a moment before I just nodded slightly while removing the blood from my eyes.

"I was able to under her mind control. the power of a world item is absolute. but this one power was to bypass all things without limit. its mind control was not a locked and unbreakable." I said softly, while my ears picked up the sound of someone hitting the floor. which was Shalltear who had fainted

"you're eyes," Ainz asked

"it's still a world-class item. I'm blind, but the blind effect would disappear after a few days. let's return. As I am now, I would be a sitting duck if we were attacked." I said calmly, although there were skills I picked up that allowed me to use other senses than my eyes to fight, I had no interest in risking things right now.

Ainz agreeing with my words, we quickly left. and soon appeared within the great tomb of Nazarisk, where almost everyone gathered in the great tomb of Nazarick.

"wow... everything see you took care of the place when I was gone. it looks different." I said with a smile, making Ainz's unchanging face cringe. while the other NPC dared not be rude before two of the supreme beings and were all kneeling out of respect.