
Chapter 65

AN: Although i am commited here, I got an Adhd zombie brain, so sticking into one thing is really not my style. I tried, it just didn't work. At some point, i really need to convert some of the voices in my head into something else u know? That's why i've been thinking, should i write another story as thought dumpster?

If I do, I wonder what's good these days.


Days have been skipped and Years passed by so fast.

Inside the game, YGGDRASIL, many things happened to all the Players that are playing within it throughout these years.

Some enjoyed it, some didn't, and some are just, neutral about their opinions.

Years after the YGGDRASIL was released, many strong Players, Clans, and there are even famous parties have been known throughout the whole nine Worlds.

But nothing beats the prestige that strong Guilds get.

Many players have created or joined Guilds. In YGGDRASIL, being in a certain Guild means a lot for a Player. It serves as your identity, it describes how famous you are or your Popularity.

Especially if you are a member of the Top Ranking Guilds.

There are a lot of Guilds inside YGGDRASIL, but all of it has only one goal, and that's to reach the top 100 Ranking in the list of the Strongest Guilds.

In those years, the Guild of Ainz Ooal Gown has prospered a lot. They grew from their Original 26 members when they started, to their current 46 Members.

Though that's a relatively small number of members compared to the other Guilds, no Guild will dare to engage in a war with them while holding the thought that they have a Member advantage.

The Ainz Ooal Gown guild as a whole is said to have a strength enough to destroy a Guild that has over 200 members within it. Their Guild Base is not even a part of this criteria yet. The same Guild Base that is said to be, the strongest and largest Guild Base throughout the entirety of YGGDRASIL.

At this point, unless it's a newbie, every Player in YGGDRASIL would surely know the Guild of Ainz Ooal Gown. Well, they are placed in the 3rd rank amongst the thousands and thousands of Guilds throughout the whole game so this fact isn't that surprising.

But actually, that's not the only reason why this Guild is so famous.

In the year 2133, the exact date of YGGDRASIL's 7th year anniversary, a certain event that would be known as the [ Great Racial Alliance Invasion ] happened. It is an event where the Great Tomb of Nazarick, the Guild Base of the Ainz Ooal Gown Guild, got raided by a total of 2678 Players.

Yes, they were raided by that many Players. 3678 Players have gathered and joined forces to try and bring down the Ainz Ooal Gown guild.

At that moment, everyone thought that all the odds were against them. That the Ainz Ooal Gown is now doomed. The fact that there are 7 World Champions amongst the raider hyped this idea even more to the extent that this Raid, has been watched by the whole community.

It got streamed, it got clipped, it got recorded, IT GOT EVERYTHING!

The title? 6 World Guardians vs 2 World Champions.

It actually became a joke at some point that the title isn't even about the Guild Raid anymore.

Anyway, Guilds and Clans are usually afraid to mess with AOG, even the two guilds that are ranked above them, wouldn't mess with them for no reason at all. But just the fact that these 6 Players were included in the raid, was already enough to boost the ego of the other Players, Clans, and Guilds to join in on the fun, thinking that, having these six cheat-like Players within their team, AOG would not stand a chance.

They didn't even care about the two core members of the AOG Guild anymore. Raizel and Touch-Me.

Well, it's quite understandable, cause, why would they? They have six, and the others have only two. Even if the other one of the two is Raizel, what are two World Champions in front of Six World Champions? Not to mention the additional three thousand-plus players that are with those six.

The answer is nothing. At least, that's what they believed in.

Overall, that's pretty much one of the major reasons why the number of people who joined the raid is so great. They all think that their chances of success in this raid will be so high. Now for the other major reason, it's probably due to the fact that Raizel, who is basically the most hated Player in the entirety of YGGDRASIL, joined in.

After being the public enemy, Raizel holed himself up in the world fortress called NIFLHEIM. 

This means, that organizing a hunt for him is impossibly hard cause just reaching the World alone is already, extremely difficult. Now given that fact and with the added conditions of many more annoying things, the quest for killing Raizel became almost impossible even if the whole community teamed up again to hunt him down.

Not with the God-defying totem gone, no. It's basically the only reason why the last massive Hunt for Raizel, became possible.

That's why, with Raizel participating in the AOG's great raid, all the participants thought that they could have another chance to kill him.

Actually, it's not that much of a stretch to say that this Raid, is practically organized just for Raizel. Since no one can reach Raizel, all who are pissed at him decided to go for the closest thing to him. 

Which is pretty successful since they managed to lure him out of his turf.

Overall, to make the long story short, all the participants of this great Raid are aiming for one thing. The ruination of AOG and its members. Raizel included.

But, given all these and that, low and behold, as surprising as it is, the victim came out victorious in the end. The underdogs, the side that almost no one thought would win, won.

And the funniest thing about this is that they didn't even come close to achieving their goal even with the combined effort of 3500+ Players. They all served as nothing but a laughingstock for the community and free advertisement for the AOG guild.

An Advertisement that shows how strong they truly are.

But of course, UPS comes with its own DOWNS. Even with their victory, the effect of the aftermath is still pretty great.

Not only many things have been destroyed inside the Nazarick, and lots of major NPCs died, but a lot of their Guild Base information has been publicized too.

Since the Players that raided the Nazarick, managed to enter on different floors, pieces of information about the internal part of their base have been leaked out. Something that never happened once before.

Thankfully, the leaked information is only about the 1st Floor up to the 6th Floor since all those Raiders were able to reach that Floor only before they were completely stopped.

Well, they managed to reach the sixth floor's boss room at least. However, the information they have about the Boss Room on the 6th Floor won't help them much, probably.

Because originally, a chicken is not supposed to be there.

Well, it's their fault anyway. If they had raided the Tomb in a much faster way, they would have passed the 6th floor and probably, even reached the 10th floor at least. But due to their snail-like pace, a certain Player got bored and decided to order a certain chicken to go down and finally play.

But still, the information about Nazarick was still leaked out and that fact won't change. But yeah, even with this information on hand, no foolish raid has been made against them ever since that embarrassing event.

They were defeated by a group of 47 Players even though their numbers were much greater than theirs.

This became a meme actually since at first, they were so proud of themselves, that they even spammed the #RipAinzOoalGown throughout the community.

But Instead of destroying the Guild, they helped them increase their Popularity and Reputation as the strongest Guild in the whole of YGGDRASIL.

That fact is now cemented through and through.

Now, as bad as it is for the Raiders, it won't change the fact that it's one of the best happenings in the game. Truly one of the most memorable events throughout the years that YGGDRASIL has run.

There are many more MEMORABLE events, not just this.

Those memorable events make the YGGDRASIL as a whole.

Those events are its foundation.

However, no matter how strong the foundations are, over time cracks will appear and inevitably, make those very foundations collapse.

Starting from the whole 7th year, the game YGGDRASIL has started to fall down in its popularity charts.

For some reason, the game has started to lose its popularity and many players have started to lose interest in the game.

Many players have stopped Playing already and some have even deleted their accounts. Many players are still Playing but all of them are not playing as much as they used to anymore.

As the years go on, the game loses its hype for the new Players that it even comes to the point where the only one that is left playing the game, are those that are considered to be 'Veterans'. Meaning, the ones that have invested a lot in the game and cannot just leave.

For those people, letting go is not an easy thing to do after all the work they've put on.

However, the developers still tried their own best to revive the lost popularity of the game. They tried a lot of methods, they gave a lot of giveaways and free items for the Players, and they even arranged some events that let the Players gain a lot of things... but all of that sadly failed.

It didn't meet the things that the developers were expecting to happen. Nothing has changed in the state of the game even after all that.

So as days go by, many Players are quitting the game, as in quitting the game permanently.

But even if that's the case, they still ran the game. It continues on its tracks, even though the rating of the game is already at rock bottom.

They continue, they try, they push... Gave it their best...

Until they finally reached their limit.

In the 12th year. In the last month of the year 2138. The game's community by then has completely lost the vibrancy it once had.

And as a result, the remaining players that are still playing YGGDRASIL, have met their final day online.


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