
Overlord of all Systems

The 17 year old boy named Theo, who was a novel addict and whose greatest wish was to get a system, obtained The "Overlord of all Systems" System. This opened him up unlimited Possibilities and from then on he could live his life in bliss. Join him in his journey accross the omniverse. *First, english is not my main language and I'm just writing this to train my English so don not expect a crazy good story and this is my first ever novel. But still wish you fun.

WangLing3 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

The Cultivation world (rewritten)

First Adventure

One might think that he got such powers and would give his parents some power too, but Theo was of another opinion, because his parents gave him to the orphanage when he was a kid, then why should he give them something in return now.

One could say that he is cold blooded and doesn't care about family blood relations, but in his opinion, it is really unnecessary to give them something, since they also gave him nothing.

He had already asked Lexie just now: "What are my parents doing these days?"

"Master, should I project live footage of them?" Lexie answered immediately to which Theo just replied:


Then in his mind he saw the scene of a handsome dark-haired middle-aged man and a beautiful also middle-aged woman sitting in a living room. Those two are his parents, and it is not hard to understand why Theo is so handsome, when his parents still look so good in their forties. Because he was a little distracted due to seeing his parents after such a long time again, he at first didn't even notice that there was a girl in the room.

She looked to be around 15 years old and had fully inherited the good genes of the parents and was accordingly beautiful.

"Huh, who is this?" Theo asked full of doubt, but before he could await an answer of the system, his parents already answered the question for him when they spoke in the projected scene: "Daughter, come here we want to talk to you about something important."

"I have a sister?! That's …. unexpected." Theo didn't know what else to say after suddenly knowing that he had a sister. I guess everybody would feel a little weird after getting to know such important information so suddenly.

He said before that he would not give his parents any power, but for his sister he had mixed feelings, because first they didn't know each other at all, but secondly, she was still his sister and she had done nothing wrong, so he had to think a little about this issue. And just when he was about to close the projection, he heard something that made him freeze. After his father in the projected scene called for his sister to sit next to them, he continued to speak:" The important thing we want to talk about with you is, that you actually have an older brother, who should be around seventeen years old."

This sentence caused him to involuntary frown, because it meant that his parents still remembered him, but out of a certain reason did not pick him up from the orphanage and brought him home.

After this he stopped paying attention to the scene, because he had no intention of knowing the reason for the time being, if there was a reason, because he felt that it did not matter since the fact is that they let him stay in that orphanage all the time. The only thing that he needed to contemplate, was how he should deal with this sister of his, but that is something for later, because he was now going to visit the cultivation universe and have some fun.

The moment he thought of teleporting to the cultivation universe, he instantly disappeared from his original place and appeared an infinite number of lightyears away, since the cultivation verse was based on the fiction of Earth, it was located in an intangible and unspeakable place that should be impossible to find let alone enter.

Immediately after this a system notification was displayed in front of his vision.

[Passive ability: Omega Void control activated]

[Passive ability Omega Void control: Grants ultimate Authority over every concept of void in existence and beyond]

[New Title achieved: Sovereign of Space-time]

He just looked at it casually, but didn't pay too much mind to these, because even without these skills or titles he has the same power, so it is just to make it more orderly and looking better. After quickly scanning through the above contents he adjusted his vision to the front.

He didn't even know how far he had travelled, but he was in front of what seemed to be a cultivation plane in the cultivation universe. You may ask how he knew where the cultivation world was and how he found it, it is quite simple because he just had to think of the cultivation universe when teleporting and it automatically brought him here. And since he didn't specify where exactly he wanted to go, the teleportation just brought him to this plane in front of him.

He could also activate [Omega Knowledge] (omniscience) and he would directly know everything in existence and beyond, be it past, present, or future and naturally the location of the cultivation world but he did not want to do this because he felt, that if he used this, then his personality would drastically change as an Omniscient being. And obviously there would be no fun since he would know exactly what is bound to happen.


In an unknown location in the Cultivation World, a male was fighting with hundreds of monsters and every second he casually punched one of them to meat paste. The boy had short brown hair with silver eyes that looked like mesmerizing small moons when you looked in his pupils and from his physical build it could be inferred that his age was around 16 to 17 years old. He wore a black Armor with red stripes just like out of a fantasy game and he ran with otherworldly speed from monster to monster and punched through their heart or head to kill them. After he killed all of them, he sat on the muddy forest floor and said in his mind:

"System how many Points until I finally reach the God King realm?"

The next moment a robotic voice spoke in the boy's head but in between its speech it suddenly malfunctioned.

[Host, 650 thousand Points till y...bzzz....bzzz...error..error... detected Overlord]

[Initialising System Reboot, 10%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60%, 80%,95%, 99%- error]

"Wha...what the hell was that? Why are you crashing System?! System!

Only after a few seconds was his system online again, but it did not say the reason for the crash and only gave a vague reason that a small update had to be done.


Right when this happened Theo got a notification from Lexie.

[Ding, Master, detected 11 Systems in the cultivation Universe, As the Overlord of all Systems you can naturally remove these if you wish so]

[Do you wish to remove the 11 Systems from their hosts?]

"No, since they have gotten a system then it was their luck and I wouldn't be as cruel as top directly removing it from them without reason" Theo declared in response, to which Lexie directly cancelled the removal.

[Ding, Removal of the Systems was aborted]

"Oh, and Lexie, can you speak like a normal human and not use this "Ding" in front of almost every notification?" Theo asked her in his mind after getting slightly irritated of this "Ding" sound. He couldn't understand how the protagonists of many novels never got irritated by this sound that is like a loud bell ringing inside one's own mind every time a notification is made.

"As you wish, master, I will refrain from using "Ding" in front of my notifications from now on." Lexie immediately replied positively to which Theo only said:


After doing all of this he pulled his focus back to the present and now that he was going to enter the cultivation world he right away thought: "Ok now let's first create some clothes that cultivators wear so that I don't stand out so much like I would with the clothes I am currently wearing." Then he directly started using his [Creation Skill] and created himself a black robe with red Dragons coiled around his sleeves and a Golden Dragon symbol on his back as well as a pair of black air force that had a small omega symbol on the side of each shoe. (Black air force type ahh energy) The great thing with his creation skill is that he only needs to vaguely think of what he wants to create and it will be directly created, this makes the skill really convenient to use. And just when he was appraising his newly made creations, he saw two System prompts appear on his panel.

[Black omega air force


Durability: Because it was made from Mana from The Omega Being, it has unlimited durability and is indestructible

Speed: Whoever wears them will be infinitely fast]

[Black Omega Robe


Durability: Because it was made from Mana from The Omega Being, it has unlimited durability and is indestructible

Defence: it is indestructible and has an infinite regeneration function for everyone who wears it]

"Haha its quite nice but brings me no benefit because I don't need these weak buffs, but at least they look really badass, Hehe." He thought happily. So now with his clothing also being in place he was ready and could thus finally start his first adventure in the Cultivation world. He was originally still far from the cultivation world and could only see it from a distance, but now he gradually approached the plane in front of him until he crossed something like the atmosphere of the plane just that it was made of spiritual energy and laws.

This was probably to stop foreign creatures to invade or to stop the spiritual energy from leaking out of the cultivation world. This little barrier could naturally not stop him and he immediately phased through it without any problem. The first thing that he noticed was the spiritual Qi that was abundant everywhere here and he directly inhaled a mouthful of it. "Hmm, it is just like the air on Earth except that it feels cleaner and without any pollution. The reason why Theo did not feel much difference between the air on Earth and the air here is that the spiritual energy has no impact on him because he is already way too strong, so the mana only has the effect of a cleaner air to him. After looking around in the air for a while he decided to land in some random forest that he saw while looking around from high above in the air. Subsequent to landing in the forest he was directly fascinated by the nature there because the trees all looked so ancient, majestic and big, because they were like 150 meters high at least and the other plants also looked really cool in his opinion. The forest was probably only how it is because of the absorption of mana in the surrounding air over a long time, which led to mutations of the plants. Everything looked like it came directly out of a fantasy and it stunned him for a few seconds until he came back to his senses.

*Spiritual Qi = mana (It's just another name)

*Will use both names


In another part of this forest was a group of disciples of the Mystic Cloud sect which could be discerned from their blue and white robes with their sect emblem of a cloud with blue strings surrounding it. This sect was a rather prestigious sect with an extremely high status in the surrounding area. In this group were 3 girls and 3 boys of which the girls looked like beautiful fairies and the boys like gallant handsome Knights, but this was with a few exceptions the norm in the cultivation world because the mana cleansed the bodies of Cultivators in the process of cultivating, so it was not unreasonable for most cultivators to look as good or even better than the models on Earth. But among the 3 girls was one that really stood out because she had jade like skin with a picturesque face and she had a perfect body structure. Her name was Lin Xiaofei and she was the disciple in charge of this mission where they had to kill 15 Ancestor God Realm beasts and she was the only one out of their group who had a Cultivation of the early-stage Ancestor God realm, the others were at most at the late stage of the ancient God realm. So, this mission was extraordinary and terrifying difficult to accomplish but they were still successful by using their artifacts as well as various secret techniques. Now everyone is taking a break on scattered rocks or tree trunks to recover their used Qi, but Lin Xiaofei had a frown on her face because she had a bad premonition that something terrible would happen. This premonition is like a sixth sense to warn Cultivators from danger and now her sixth sense was giving her alerts all the time but she could not just get away right now because she had almost no Qi left after this exhausting battle. So, the only thing she could do now was to warn her fellow disciples that some kind of danger might be coming and then continue to rest in order to refill as much of her mana as possible. But what she didn't know was that her fellow disciples were traitors who colluded with the Beast tamer sect to kill her

with a Beast horde that contained several late-stage Ancestor God realm Beasts within it. The reason they wanted to kill her was because she was going to be appointed as holy maiden of the Mystic Cloud sect and many boys hated her because whenever someone of them confessed their love to her, she just coldly rejected everyone including the 3 members in her team. The girls hated her out of jealousy because she had superior looks, talent and she was sought after by all boys and men in the sect and also outside of the sect. For those reasons, the Beast tamer sect joined forces with them, because they did not wish to see such a strong talent in the enemy sect so they were glad for this chance to cooperate with those traitors in her sect to easily eliminate Lin Xiaofei.

Then after a few minutes of resting the floor started vibrating and rumbling sounds could be heard from within the forest. The sounds were becoming louder and the shackling of the floor intensified by the second. Then after a few seconds the first beasts could be spotted running in the direction of Lin Xiaofei's team's rest place.

"A Beast horde!!!Quick run!" Shouted Lin Xiaofei, who naturally noticed the beasts coming in their direction. She could not understand why there would suddenly be a beast horde, but she had no time to think about this because she had to first let her fellow disciple's escape. Normally Cultivators would first think about themselves, but not Lin Xiaofei. She had always been extremely kind hearted and would first try to help others, but due to knowing this the traitors wanted to abuse this characteristic of hers and run away while she would succumb under the treacherous claws of the late-stage Ancestor God realm beasts that were hidden in the beast stampede.

After hearing Lin Xiaofei's shout, the other disciples wasted no time and quickly ran away while she stalled for time for them to escape. She was not even that nervous because she only saw low level beasts that should be relatively easy to handle with her early-stage Ancestor God realm Cultivation. Naturally she did not plan to engage in a fight with all the beasts in the beast stampede, because that would be equal to suicide, for her mana could not last so long. She only wanted to stall for a short time, so that her fellow disciples had enough time to get away and with her strength of the early-stage Ancestor God realm she was also faster at running away so she could completely catch up with them after a short time.

Plans are good but unfortunately the reality does not keep up with them most of the time and when she was still thinking about stalling for a short time, she was suddenly sneak attacked by a late-stage Ancestor God realm beast that was previously hidden under the numerous beasts in this beast stampede and before she could muster up any kind of defence she was already hit by the blow and only due to sheer luck did she not die on the spot, which was already a great achievement due to the huge strength difference between them, and was instead thrown out against a robust looking tree, where she then slid down like a rag doll, while spitting out mouthfuls of blood.

The late-stage Ancestor God realm beast had naturally been hidden in the stampede by the beast tamer sect because only they could command beast that good and this was to deal Lin Xiaofei a save killing blow, because they were not sure what kind of escape methods she possessed. So instead of showing the late stage Ancestor God realm beast from the beginning and scare Lin Xiaofei away, they rather let it stay hidden for a while until she had no chance to escape. And their plan had worked perfectly like you can see, unfortunately they have not calculated that a certain variable would disrupt their fool proof plan.

Subsequently to sliding down the tree heavily injured and coughing up so much blood that it seemed like she would die of blood loss, her mind churned and thoughts came up:

"I don't want to die yet. I want to see my family again! But why would there be one late-stage Ancestor God realm beast or possibly even more in this low-level beast horde? It doesn't make any sense! Damn it, when I think of it, it seems like I got betrayed by someone so that the beast Tamer sect knew my location, because this Beast Stampede shouldn't be formed naturally or there would have been some signs beforehand and the sect would absolutely not have sent us on this mission."

She wasn't the soon to be holy maiden for nothing and quickly came up with this conjecture. And just when the same beast that mortally wounded her, charged again at her and she thought that it would be the end of he and she would say hello to meng po in the underworld, a boy with his back turned to her suddenly appeared before her. She saw how he just pointed his hand forwards and all beast slowly turned into nothingness and dissipated between the heaven and earth. And just when ´the boy was turning around, she fainted due to her serious injuries.


Theos POV:

currently rewriting everything

WangLing3creators' thoughts