
Picking up a wife 

Just when he was observing the forest in which he had landed previously, he heard a loud womanly high-pitched scream coming from deeper within the forest: "A Beast horde! Quick, run!" After hearing this deafening exclamation, Theo straight away thought of using a skill similar to the often mentioned "Divine sense or spiritual sense" in many novels he had read before. Promptly he received a new system notification: "Created new skill: [God's sense: able to expand your senses to everywhere known and unknown]"

Just like when he teleported before, the system created a skill according to the action performed and now it created the skill just by Theo thinking about it. Once again it has to be mentioned that the skills are only for convenience and Theo already has all these abilities even without the system classifying them as skills, so it is really only used for better display of some abilities.

Now after acquiring this new skill, he used [God's sense] without delay, and expanded his senses over the whole forest in zero time where he also quickly discovered a group consisting of six people.

Five of them were running away while the last one, presumably the girl, who had screamed earlier was surprisingly standing unswervingly on the place, seemingly with no intention of retreating in her mind.

Theo naturally did not think that she was stupid or overconfident, rather the woman appeared to be wanting to stall those beasts until her comrades can flee far away enough. Then she would be able to disengage from the fight and rapidly catch up with her teammates, which would be no bad plan at all.

Theo watched with relish the event unfolding in front of him, since this was something that he had never seen before and could not be compared with any kind of movie or something like that. Unfortunately, before he could be entertained by watching his first real fight in the cultivation world, she suddenly got attacked out of an ambush by a beast with a way higher cultivation base.

The woman could not defend herself against such a treacherous attack and was immediately heavily injured and thrown against a massive tree trunk, where she then slid down until she reached the muddy floor with a "bam" sound arising due to her body colliding heavily with the floor.

And when the beast wanted to finalize the kill and initiated a second attack, it was suddenly a little confused, because at one point in time Theo had suddenly appeared in front of the girl and was thereby standing in front of the vile creature. The beast was wondering as to why another human suddenly appeared in front of it, but it nevertheless still resumed its attack and even deployed more energy, so that the newly emerged human in front of it could not make any waves.

Alas, the beast never got its chance to continue its killing blow, because Theo had already raised his hand to the front and pointed at the attacking beast as well as the other beasts in the beast horde and silently muttered in his mind: "Annihilation" This was another skill of his, which also got displayed on his system panel after reciting its name for the first time right now. [Annihilation: Can destroy every known and unknown organic and inorganic matter at will]

After casting this skill, the surrounding beasts as well as the attacking ones were all reduced to literally nothing in a flash. Those poor beasts did not have any time to react or to cast any defence, it naturally would make no difference because when Theo wills something to be annihilated, then his will is like an imperial decree and there is no other outcome than his willed targets erasure. They did not even get the chance of reincarnation, since their souls were also completely destroyed, thus giving them no chance to even enter the underworld.

Hence after wiping out those beasts, Theo turned around slowly with an imposing and rather domineering look plastered on his face until he saw that the woman on the ground seemed to already have fainted due to her serious injuries from before.

This meant that she did not see how domineering he saved her and also how imposing he looked just now. This made him a little embarrassed and he immediately returned to his usual facial expression of aloofness and indifference. He swore to himself on the spot that he would never do such an embarrassing thing again in the future, because it was simply not befitting of his personality. Nevertheless, it still frustrated him a little bit, because he wanted to pretend to be b a little for the first time of using his powers due to thinking that since he was already saving someone, then he should also have an imposing image.

Clearing his head of these messy thoughts he walked in her direction and then he not only saw how stunningly beautiful this woman with her smooth like jade skin and heavenly sculptured body was but he also saw a game like interface pop up in his vision the moment he looked at her, which displayed her status to him:

{Name: Lin Xiaofei}

{Title: Ice Queen}

{Age: 17 Years old}

{Occupation: Core Disciple of the Mystic Cloud sect}

{Cultivation: early-stage Ancestor God realm}

{Cultivation technique: Mystifying six clouds technique}

{Dao Companion/Husband: None}

Seeing that this woman was the core disciple of a certain sect did not surprise Theo much, because it was definitely well deserved with the strength as well as the courage, she had to face this beast horde by herself to let her fellow disciple's escape. Theo actually admired her a little for this act of hers, because he wasn't sure if he would have acted in a similar way in same situation, since he is self admittedly a rather egoistical person. Subsequently to him admiring her a little in his thoughts, a System Prompt came at once:

[It is detected that host admires Individual "Lin Xiaofei" Do you wish to select her as your wife?]

[Yes / No]

"Hmm, that seems interesting, Hehe. To be honest who wouldn't like such a beautiful woman, and she still got sent to my doorsteps like that, so how could I reject this? Wait, Lexie, what happens if I click on [Yes]? Will she be forced to be my wife or what happens then?"

"Master, the Individual [Lin Xiaofei] will not be forced by the system or any such thing, in the opposite, she will voluntarily be your wife, because the system already detected that you two are compatible with each other and only due to this was the notification sent out in the first place"

"That sounds good, then I gladly accept" Theo thought after hearing Lexie's detailed answer and in the next moment he clicked on [Yes] in his mind.

Immediately he saw that one thing on his status panel had changed, next to [Wive(s) now stood an additional name, namely Lin Xiaofei]

[System: Overlord of all Systems]

[Master: Theodore King]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Human (now) / freely changeable]

[Lifespan: Ω]

[Systems: Ω]

[Power: Ω]

[Strength: Ω]

[Speed: Ω]

[Luck: Ω]

[Skills: Ω]

[Wive(s): Lin Xiaofei]

[Children: none]

[Servants: none]

"Okay, later I will also give her a system, since she is now my wife, so how could I not grant her some power." He silently thought after quickly coming to terms with him having a wife now.

Coming out of his thoughts he rested his gaze on the still on the floor lying Lin Xiaofei and then activated another newly thought of and created skill:

[God's reset: enables one to rewind and heal everything to its former state and grants complete authority over the concept of rebirth and resurrection. When somebody gets healed by this skill, he will be imperishable and unkillable for eternity unless the master forbids it]

Theo watched as colour returned to her from her due to blood loss pale face and she slowly started waking up. After a minute or so she was completely awake and looked at Theo with a dazed and incredulous look. He thought she was just a little muddle-headed after her near-death experience but it was actually because Theo was the most handsome man she had ever seen and probably also would ever see.

But naturally he did not know this at that time and just asked her if she was fine and she answered a little bashfully:"mhm I'm fine, thank you so much for saving me." Even though she did not see clearly how she was saved or by whom, but she was very sure that she was saved by Theo since he is also the only one in this area right now, so who else but him would have saved her. While saying this her cheeks got absolutely red but Theo did not think anything about it because he had never interacted much with girls before so he had no clear idea what this spelled.

If her fellow sect member saw her like that, they would surely be completely out of their minds because the as "Ice queen" known Woman was talking so timidly with a boy. under normal circumstances she would not speak with men and if they came to woo her, she would coldly reject them each time, that is how her title came about. Next, she stood up from the muddy forest floor and patted of the dust and mud from her blood-stained clothes and said to Theo:" My name is Lin Xiaofei and thank you again for saving me."

"It was no problem and you have no need to thank me, since you are my wife from now on," He declared absolutely domineeringly.

"Ah, ok, wait…., you made me your what? Wife!? Did I hear this wrong?"

After hearing the first half of Theo's sentence she was still saying things like: "Ah" and "ok", but when Theo came to the part where he made her his wife, she directly asked what was going on.

This did not surprise Theo, because every woman that was told that she was made a wife by somebody completely foreign to them would probably react like her or even stronger and more aggressive. The reason Lin Xiaofei did not get aggressive was probably because Theo had just saved her life and she did not want to directly get angry with him.

"I will not say much and you can see for yourself" Theo said, while in his mind asking Lexie to create a wife system for Lin Xiaofei and transfer it to her.

"System is being created, 5%…,19%….,76%….,99%"

"System creation completed"

"Wife of the Overlord System transferred to individual Lin Xiaofei"

At the same time as the last notification sounded in Theo's mind, Lin Xiaofei who could not comprehend what Theo's last sentence meant, suddenly heard a "ding" sound in her mind.

"Huh, what's going on? What was that bell like sound just now? Was it some kind of artifact, the man in front of me activated?" Before Lin Xiaofei could find any answers to her questions a to her unfamiliar and strange female voice sounded in her mind.

In addition to the voice various light screens emerged in her vision that were inlaid with various information, that she miraculously could understand without even knowing what the symbols they were displayed with meant.

"Ding, Wife of the Overlord System was successfully activated"

"Ding, synchronization complete"

[System name: Wife of the Overlord]

[Master: Lin Xiaofei]

[Race: Human]

[Life span: Ω]

[Wife Capabilities: Ω]

[Mother skills: Ω]

[Omega Goddess: Ω]

[Power: only under the Overlord]

[Strength: only under the Overlord]

[Abilities: Wife of the Overlord; First Omega Goddess; Omega smile; Omega Womb; mother of Chaos; touch of the Overlord]

[Omega Goddess: Due to being the wife of the Overlord you are granted incalculable power, but the only purpose for this power, is for you to accompany the Overlord in all everlastingness]

[First Omega Goddess: As you are the first Goddess, you are to manage the Overlord's Harem]

[Mother of Chaos: For every child born, you will also birth a new chaos for your children to play in without constraint]

[Omega smile: every being that makes you smile gets granted an unlimited lifespan and will become the strongest being in their respective universes]

[Touch of the Overlord: due to having touched the Overlord, everything that you touch will be granted unlimited spiritual energy and will become unkillable while also being immortal]

[Omega Womb: With every offspring carried by you, you are granted one wish no matter what it is. You can also reproduce as often as you want and carry as many babies as you want.]

[All abovementioned abilities can be turned off or on at will by the master]

[Ding, transferring every System function to master. Loading, 15%...,30%...,60%...,85%..., 99%…,100%]

[Transferring successfully Completed]

Scanning through the information, Lin Xiaofei soon became extremely speechless.

What great gift had she been granted just now, she couldn't even describe it in words, so unimaginable was it.

She slowly averted her gaze away from her system panel and looked at Theo standing opposite her. While she opened her mouth and tried to say something, she was directly interrupted by Theo who suddenly leaned forward and kissed her exquisite red cherry blossom lips.

"mhhm" Because she originally wanted to say something to Theo and was then blocked for speaking by his kiss on her lips, she made such a sound, that made her immediately turn red in the face so ashamed was she.

Theo, seeing her like this had a smirk plastered on his face, but inwardly thought: "Wow, so that's how kissing someone feels. It's actually an incredible feeling."

Yes, in fact this was Theo's first ever kiss. Don't think that by him being so handsome he would have had many girlfriends, but unfortunately the society on earth is really materialistic and if you don't have money, you really have low chances of finding a girlfriend even if you are as handsome as Theo was.

Now that he got this system and also took Lin Xiaofei as his wife, he decided to make a somewhat bold move and just go for a kiss and that is how the previous situation came about.

After a few seconds Theo moved his lips away again and stared at the blushing Lin Xiaofei that was already infinity times more beautiful, sacred as well as charming then before due to the transformation by receiving the system just now.

If you have any suggestion for the story or some things I should add like skills, etc, then just comment them down below. Thanky you!

WangLing3creators' thoughts
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