
Out of the box

Each of our lives are like a story. Each year is a new chapter, a new phase to our life. And each of our stories are connected in one way or another. All stories have a purpose and a set of characters. If this story has all the components present, it shall be completed. Yet, some stories may never be completed. A constant loop, a never ending repetition of events that seems endless. Some may have a missing purpose, others might lack in characters. How can this story be complete?

Avery_Sky · ファンタジー
4 Chs


Things are not like what they seem. Like a hidden meaning in a simple sentence. Or a secret message through a song. Usually, a human would always stick to what they are comfortable with and rely on sound data. But, what if I tell you, the world you know is not what we know it as. What if I tell you there are worlds outside of what we know? Places where humans may not be alone? Or maybe a world where magic exist? Travelling through these worlds may seem impossible. However, you need to get out of the box to fully see the possibilities. 

Each of our lives are like a story. Each year is a new chapter, a new phase to our life. And each of our stories are connected in one way or another. All stories have a purpose and a set of characters. If this story has all the components present, it shall be completed. Yet, some stories may never be completed. A constant loop, a never ending repetition of events that seems endless. Some may have a missing purpose, others might lack in characters. How can this story be complete?

That's life I guess~

Avery_Skycreators' thoughts