
Out of the box

Each of our lives are like a story. Each year is a new chapter, a new phase to our life. And each of our stories are connected in one way or another. All stories have a purpose and a set of characters. If this story has all the components present, it shall be completed. Yet, some stories may never be completed. A constant loop, a never ending repetition of events that seems endless. Some may have a missing purpose, others might lack in characters. How can this story be complete?

Avery_Sky · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter One: Nothing seems impossible

The sky was a beautiful shade of blue, the clouds covered the sun. It was a beautiful day to just go out and have fun. The sapphire skies were lit up by a golden sun. The clouds look like cotton candy or maybe fluffs. It wasn't that hot that you will feel your skin burn. And it's also not too cold that it can make your stomach churn. The tree branches were dancing with the wind. The birds were singing a beautiful tune. The streets were busy, the people are chattering, and the cars past by. What a wonderful and tranquil day. Nothing can go wrong, right? Well, so far, nothing can go wrong.

"Hikari, where are we going?" A petite yet dangerous female said to her companion on her right. "Artemis, didn't I tell you we were going to a thrift shop for merchandise?" Hikari, the friendly and not so terrifying friend of Artemis, said. "And I thought Hikari was forgetful." Yua, the third and final girl in this weird sisterhood. "But why exactly are we going there? We can go to the actual stores to buy them." Artemis argued. "Well, not everyone has parents that would let you buy merch at a certain time," Yua replied, a bit annoyed. The shortest female rolled her eyes at their responses. Silence loomed over the three as they walked. However, it wasn't awkward nor uncomfortable. It was a tranquil and peaceful silence. The tree's leaves were dancing with the wind as the trio walked. The sidewalk was busy as always and quite noisy. Some are talking with their companions, some are just bustling about. "Let's visit the cafe first! A good meal can lighten up the spirits." Yua suggested. "Great idea, Bb," Hikari replied, while Artemis just nodded. The cafe was just beside the shop they were looking for, quite fortunate. "And it's beside Treasure lies ahead, the thrift shop, right?" Artemis added as she looked beside the cafe. Hikari nodded with a smile. "This is my favorite cafe as well!" She said.

The cafe was small compared to the others, yet this cafe can feel like home. The cafe had an effortless yet cute aesthetic; The walls were a cream color with small doodles all over. When the trio went inside, they were blasted with cold air, Hikari shivered quite a bit. Seemingly as she is wearing blue high waisted jeans and a teal floral off-shoulder crop top with black converse. The 5 ft (154 cm) girl also had a cute and medium-sized backpack to carry her stuff in. She also has a simple dangle star earrings, her prescription glasses, and a friendship bracelet she bought for the three of them. Her short hair was part of the side, and her hair was placed on her ears. Her slightly chubby stature was adorable and matched the cuteness of her outfit. The warm and friendly aura of her outfit and smile can be seen far away. Like always when the trio goes out, she brings out the motherly look.

The other two, on the other hand, they both didn't mind the cold air. Yua was wearing a comfy outfit to fit their outing and has the most practicality. Her slightly over-sized black t-shirt complimented her light skin. The t-shirt had a saying that goes Loyal women are Queens in a white color. There was even a crown that was embroidered on the t-shirt. While her gray sweatpants matched with her sling bag and her white Adidas shoes. She has a simple bud earring and a friendship bracelet bought by Hikari. Her hair was tied into a low ponytail, and her side bags were evident. She brought out a very chill and careless aura with her. Artemis seemed to be the opposite of the two. She was wearing a Korean aesthetic outfit that matched her figure. A slightly over-sized black and white horizontal striped t-shirt tuck that is into a pink plaided knee-length skirt. Her accessories include a white punch bag, cross earrings, a friendship bracelet bought by Hikari, and a simple ring necklace. She also has white chunky rubber shoes to complete the outfit. Her short hair, like Hikari, was laid down and parted at the side. Making her look more cute yet intimidating. She had the mean and cold aura at first glance, such a contrast to her currently adorable outfit.

The trio found their seats near the window like they always do. There was a magnificent view of the busy streets and the bustling sidewalk. The cafe wasn't crowded nor was it deserted, the waiter then immediately came to serve them. He placed the menus in front of the girls with a welcoming smile. "Hello and welcome to The Hideaway Cafe," He said, his voice sounded zealous and giddy. He stood there, waiting, as the three looked and observed the menu. It was past lunchtime, and the trio weren't that hungry since they already ate their lunch. To be exact with the time, it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, a perfect time for some snacks. He recognizes the chubby-cheeked girl, a regular customer, as they say. "Hikari? Was it?" He started with a soft voice as he looked at the said girl. "Would you care for your regular order?" He added as he tilted his head a bit, making him look cute. Hikari glanced at the amount of money in her wallet and sighed. She was a regular in this cafe, so she has her usual order. However, she did not bring that much extra money for snacks.

"No, I do apologize, Mr. Harry." She started as she looked at the waiter. "I don't have enough money for my usuals, so I'll just have a hot cocoa." She added as she gave him the menu. Harry, their waiter, nodded and looked at the other two. "What about you two?" He asked, looking at the other girls. "Do you want me to pay for you?" Yua asked Hikari, knowing the older's cravings. The chubby girl shook her head and chuckled. "No, thank you, I'll be just fine. Just order for yourself and make sure you can finish it." She responded. "Are you really sure you don't want to? Me and Yua can split the money? Or maybe we all can share?" Artemis retarded, but Hikari shook her head again. "You two go order! I'm not that hungry anyway," Hikari commented as she patted their heads. The two other girls sighed and shook their heads. "I'll have a caramel macchiato and a red velvet cake," Artemis ordered. Harry noted that down and waited for Yua's order. "I'll have red velvet as well and a Lipton tea, please," Yua responded. "I'll be right on it then!" Harry said happily. He went on and served others on his way.

"So, what are you planning to buy?" Artemis asked, curious about what Hikari would acquire. "Well, it depends really. I guess whatever fits in my budget." The younger one replied nonchalantly. "Hopefully, I can get Harry Potter's wand or maybe a golden snitch. " She added. "There is Harry Potter merch there?" The shorter girl asked, and Hikari nodded. "What other merch can you find there?" Yua asked, curious about what can be found. Hikari thought for a while, and she froze as she did. Her head tilted upwards while her hands fidget under the table. A habit of hers when she ponders or is in deep thought. "I am actually quite unsure of what other fandoms are in there. I mean, I merely saw there was a Harry Potter section in their poster." She responded. "Didn't you see the other fandoms in the poster?" Yua asked. The older girl shook her head and smiled sheepishly. "Are you blind or something?" Artemis asked playfully. "Might I remind you, I do have vision problems like you.." Hikari replied as she stuck out her tongue. She adjusted her glasses to prove her point. "I only got these yesterday." She added about her glasses. The oldest rolled her eyes at the youngest looking. Yua, the actual youngest, on the other hand, was laughing hysterically. And so the conversation continued. It went from Hikari being blind to Kpop to Anime and so on.

After a while, their orders came, and they all are excited to eat. However, there was an extra something. Instead of hot cocoa, Hikari got her usuals. Which are a bottle of water, a chocolate cookie, and a blueberry cheesecake. And the bill was placed in front of them. To their surprise, it was already paid. This caught the attention of the three fangirls. "I do hope you enjoy your meal," Harry said. He was about to leave when Hikari called onto him. "Mr. Harry! This isn't the hot cocoa I ordered. There must be a mistake in your part," She said, confused. Harry chuckled and shook his head. Though her sentence might seem rude, she was just confused, and Harry knew that she meant no harm. "No dear, it's merely a simple thank you from the staff." He said. Hikari then remembered all the help she gave them and giggled. "If you insist, but next time. I'll be paying." She said as she smiled. The older man nodded and patted her head. "Alright, alright! Next time, you'll be the one paying!" He said before leaving.

When Harry left, the group chuckled to themselves suddenly. "Guess that commission of yours paid of," Artemis said as she patted Hikari's head. "I mean, I really loved what you did for the advertisement. Your design was cool and all it took me only 30 minutes to finish," Artemis replied, Yua nodded and smiled. The girls dug into their meals as they talked bout life. As they shared their life with each other, they also shared their deserts. Often times, feeding it to the other. Out of context, these three would look like they were a couple. The three of them are used to it though it happens a lot. The girl in the middle, Hikari the spaced out for a while. Yua noticed her and immediately asked what's wrong. "I had this story in mind and, it's called To another world." Hikari then started. "Oh, is our author up to something again?" Yua asked as she leaned in a bit. Hikari is quite fond of just writing stories at random. Though the majority of the time, she isn't able to finish her plans on making a book. "The title sounds a bit plain. It won't really attract that much of attention to your audience Unless you have a unique and aesthetic cover page." Artemis commented. As a fellow writer, she often gives ideas and advice to the younger ones. "It does, but I don't have any ideas. So the title would be a work in progress." Hikari replied with a smile. "What is it about exactly?" Yua asked as she leaned toward Hikari. She then laid her head on the shorter girl's shoulder. Artemis wanted to join in and held Hikari's hand. The younger writer was about to respond, but then an older female came to their table.

"Yes, ma'am? You need anything?" Hikari was the first to respond. As always, she became the spokesperson of the group. Her two more introverted friends stayed quiet but listened in, in case of drama arising. "I do need you three to stop acting like couples! It's disgusting and very distracting! " She yelled, her voice laced with venom. "Don't you know that children might be watching and might copy you. I don't want my daughter to become a part of those LGBT girls." She added, her voice a bit louder. The rest of the people just watch as the scene unfolds. It's just like a drama movie. "And your clothing is just despicable. You girls are showing so much skin." She added as she glared at them. "Excuse me?" Hikari started. "For your information, we aren't even dating. Have you heard of friendship? Guess not cause you don't seem to understand our bond." She added, unbothered by her previous outburst. "And our outfits are just fine, It's just the shoulders and legs. It's not like we are fashing some parts that we can't." She added. The two other girls tried not to laugh as Hikari just indirectly said that the passerby had no friends. The older female gasp and acted hurt. "Excuse me! You are such a disrespectful child. Who taught you to disrespect older people? Your parents?" She then yelled at her. The younger females rolled their eyes while Hikari covered her ears temporarily. Once she took her hands off her ears, Hikari then looked at the older one and sighed. "You disrespected us first, and she just answered with honesty," Yua responded, getting angry. "If you wanted to be disrespected, then I could've done it myself," Artemis said harshly. "Artemis, calm down. Please do leave, we just want to eat peacefully." Hikari then responded.

The woman was about to respond when Harry came and ushered her out. "I do apologize for that," He said to the whole cafe. The three girls sighed in relief and thanked Harry. To which the older responded with a small wave. After that, the three fell into silence as they finish their meals. Once finished, they made sure to leave a tip and left. "Well, that was eventful," Hikari said as she chuckled. "I was so close to punching that woman in the face," Artemis said, annoyed. "I mean, you aren't alone. That was just rude," Yua then commented as she held Hikari's hand. Not long after, they reached their destination. They then entered to find themselves surrounded by a lot of merchandise. "This is..." Artemis started, she was amazed at the amount of items they were. "Amazing! There are so many items to choose from!" She then squealed. The other two females chuckled and decided to wander around. The three stuck close to each other to make sure they won't get lost and separated. And just in case the other two needed a spokesperson. Not long after, they found themselves in the deepest part of the shop. It was quite dull and seemed unclean. There was a lot of dust, and it was really uncharacteristic of the store. Hikari, having asthma, she sneezes and coughs often cause of the sheer amount of dust. "Well, I think we wondered too deep. I bet we are in the storehouse now." Hikari said as she rubbed her nose. As they looked, three things caught their attention. There was a pen that seemed to be made with gold, A notebook that has a hard blue cover, and a pocket watch that maybe is an antique. The shortest girl, Artemis, took the pocket watched and looked at it. It was a normal-sized pocket watch that has a key-shaped accessory. It had intricate designs and has a gold-like coloration. The middle child of the group, Hikari, picked the golden pen. It was a ballpen, and it had beautiful gold markings on its surface. Yua, on the other hand, had no choice left but the blue-covered notebook. It was plain looking, other than the golden lyre in the middle of the front. They seem relatively normal, but there was something about these items that drew the three towards them. "That's weird." Yua started. "What's weird?" Artemis asked as she looked at the taller female. "The notebook has my name engraved in gold at the back." The younger added. The other two females then investigated their own possessions and found the same thing. "My name is engraved in silver," Artemis said as she flipped the watch at it's back. "Mine is engraved in silver as well and it's on the cap..." Hikari trailed off as she stared at the pen.

This was a peculiar phenomenon. Quite frankly, it's an impossible deed to be done. The families of the three were not wealthy, but they are also not poor, just struggling. Precious items were kept and not donated or sold. How would these items be theirs? Or why did it look so vintage, yet the three were young? It doesn't add up. Artemis was the first to conclude that it might just be a coincidence. Yua just honestly didn't care about how and why the items had their names. Hikari, on the contrary, seemed to enjoy theorizing fictional reasons for it. As she already concluded that maybe the actual reason seemed to be plain and boring. "I'll hold on to this, I might ask the clerk later," Hikari said as she held the pen close. The other two agreed on their actions and continued to venture. Along the way, there was this box that caught their eye. It had all of their names engraved in gold, and the box itself looked new. Yua was the first one that came up to it. She opened the lid and marveled at the precious jewelry inside. There were two rings and a necklace. One ring was gold and the other was silver. Another difference is that their gems are of a different color. One had an amethyst color while the other had the fiery red one. The necklace was in a choker style cut, and its pendant was held up by a velvet cloth. The pendant was what strikes the most to Hikari. It had a rose design and seemed to be made of ivory, or maybe it was just white paint. "We shouldn't get that. Even if it has our names." Hikari started. "It isn't ours to keep even the items we found. We'll ask the store clerk later." She reasoned. "Oh, C'mon Hikari! I know you want that necklace. You have been eyeing on it since Yua opened it." Artemis said teasingly. "I have, but it doesn't mean I am willi-" Hikari was then cut off by Yua. She has managed to put the necklace on her neck without the shorter female noticing. "It does look good on you, and it kinda matches with your outfit. The faded red of the cloth not so much, but it'll do." Artemis then critiqued. She was wearing the red gemmed ring and was looking at it. "It doesn't really match, but I'll wear it." She then said as she smiled sheepishly. Yua just stared at the ring on her finger as she sighed. Hikari wanted to remove the necklace on her neck but something compiled her not to. So she just followed suit with the two other girls.  "Let's just get this over with." She said as he dragged the two towards where they started.

That is not the case, however, they seemed to be lost. "I don't remember seeing this," Hikari said as she pointed to a crystal ball. "We're lost," Artemis said as they looked around. They didn't see any aisle of merchandise or anything similar. There was no more dust or dirt, just a creepy place. It looks like as if they stumbled upon an altar of sorts. Imagining the rituals made here made Artemis and Hikari shiver. Yua seemed to pay no mind on what they were seeing. She was rather concerned about the condition of her friends. Hikari wasn't all that scared, to be frank, she's actually enjoying the action. Artemis, on the other hand, was panicked in the inside. The room that they were is weird. There were candles, potions, and words written in red.

"Beware of what you seek." Hikari read.

"For what you desire can lead to your downfall." Artemis continued.

"You are your own nightmare." Yua ended.

The three shivered slightly at the words that were written right above the crystal ball. "Why do I feel as if those words pertain to us?" Hikari said. She then read the phrases that were written on the walla again. "I often ask and imagine what life would be like. I seek for a cause, but not of my own, but rather I live for those around me. And I should be cautious about what I choose to seek in the end." She started. "Artemis, you are quite a stubborn and hard-headed girl. Often times, you don't know when to quit. Which can be a good attribute in the right situation but a futile one if not. Your own goals can lead to your demise or something like that." She continued. As she looked at the text, she noticed it wasn't blood. So she was quite relieved to see that. "Yua, the only person that can bring you down is yourself. Normally that applies to everyone. But, you have this personality of listening to the voice in your head. Of course, these are just speculations." She then ended.

"No, No, you do have a point." Artemis started. "Why would the people allow us to venture this far in the store? If we are still are in it anyway. This could be just a coincidence, or maybe someone planned this ahead?" She continued. "It's not like we ran into people with the same names as us. I mean, our names came from different origins. And another thing, those quotes can be correlated to anyone. However, It was weird on how we said the lines as if we new our signal. It was as if a person was controlling us to say those words. I'll be honest, I thought Hikari was just gonna say all of it." She further explained. Yua just looked at the two. She was questioning how these two get the energy to think like that. She thought maybe it's just a coincidence. But deep down, Yua knows it isn't. The sentences on the wall then disappeared. Hikari and Artemis flinched at the sudden disappearance. Yua, on the contrary, was clinging on to Hikari for safety. Artemis and Yua were a bit scared and they can admit it. Hikari, still was enjoying the action. She didn't view this as something that could be their demise, rather, she thought they were in a story of sorts. "Okay, now is not the time to think fiction Hikari." The slightly chubby figured girl said to herself. But after a while, comment sense came back to our chubby protagonist. "I think we stumbled upon an escape room?" She then suggested. "That's also quite impossible cause this was the thrift shop." Artemis then replied. Yua was beyond confused and didn't exactly know what was going on. If she were, to be honest, she didn't know what was going on but will act like she does.

"An escape room? Are we trapped? What?" Yua said, confused as she looked at the two. This lead to Hikari giggling and wheezing a bit. Artemis was not surprised, but she wasn't annoyed. "So, Hikari, what do you think we should do?" Yua asked the shorter female as she held her hand. "I'll be careless and touch the crystal ball," Hikari responded. Artemis was gonna stop her, but since she was close to the crystal, Hikari touched it. At first, nothing happened, No traps were trigger or were there any obstacle. But then, the scene changed into something unexpected. The creepiness of the place melted away, and something marvelous appeared. The three were now standing in a library of sorts. It was a majestic library. It was as if all the books of the world were compiled into one organized and humongous place. "At this point, I'm not even surprised," Artemis said as she sighed. "But the place is gorgeous," Yua said as she looked around.

"Welcome Paradoxes," A female voice proclaimed.

This confused the girls, and they went closer together. "What do you want? And Who are you?" Hikari asked loudly. "Hikari! Do you not learn? You don't do that in any situation." Artemis scolded the younger. Hikari then facepalmed at her actions and apologized with an awkward smile. Yua was clinging on her two best friends and is seeking for comfort.

"Do not fret my younglings. You are safe here for now." Another voice stated, it sounded like a male. "We are the Authors, and soon enough you all shall take our places. " A now much familiar voice said.

"Mr. Harry?" Hikari stated confused as she shielded her two friends in the front. Then Harry, their waiter from a while ago, appeared in front of them. Beside him were two other people, both of which the three do not know. The one that seemed female has a yellow glowing body and red hair. Kinda like the sun. What seems to be Mr. Harry has a glowing purple body but everything else looked normal. And the last one appears to be male and has a blue glowing body. "Okay?!? What the heck is going on?" Artemis asked quickly. This lead to one of then figures to sigh and looked at what seems to be Harry. "Are you sure they are the ones? They don't seem capable..." She whispered to the male. Harry rolled his eyes at her and looked at the three. "You shall see that they are fully capable of doing this task," Harry responded strictly. "I don't see how they can accomplish such a task." She added. "You haven't seen how they are yet, Stella," The other male voice responded. "Lavern, that's why I am afraid and doubting. We don't know what they are capable of, and yet Orpheus here wants to throw them into an uncompleted story." The female voice, or Stella, argued. The three continued to debate back and forth. It seems it might take a while for them to finish.

While the three were arguing whether or not our three protagonists can complete their task, all three of them had already sat down and started talking to themselves. "From the name itself, Paradoxes, I bet that there something about time or maybe a constant loop," Hikari said. "Then Ms. Stella said something about throwing us into uncompleted stories. So maybe it's our job to complete them!" She then added. "So we are basically Y/n in the blue-eyed series?" Artemis said and Hikari nodded. Yua looked at them confused but she listened in to their conversation anyway. The two girls started to theorize on what must be going on. Their chattering alerted the arguing trio into listen in. "See! I told you they were capable." Harry, or Orpheus, said proudly. Everyone now became quiet as they looked at Orpheus. "Anyway, moving on," Lavern said as he sat near the three girls. "You are the Paradoxes. Your job is to complete the storyline of the unfinished worlds." He said as he patted their heads. "That is really all you need to know." He added as he shrugged. "No, it isn't. You forgot to explain the relics." Stella said as she gestured to the items they were wearing and holding. Each of their items glowed a soft color. Hikari's pen and necklace shined a blue tint, Artemis had a red color, and Yua had a purple glow. "The pocket watch and the Firey Phoenix," Stella said as she looked at Artemis. The pocket watch and the ring of Artemis glowed brighter. "The representation of Past and Passion. You can see a person's greatest regret and their dream." Stella started. The red glow disappeared, and Yua's items glowed brighter. "The notebook Lyre and the Ring of feelings," Lavern said. "The representation of present and one's emotion. With this, you can show one's greatest fear and control some of their emotions." He said as the glow slowly disappeared.

The golden pen and the necklace started glowing brighter as well. "The pen of gold and the Melodic," Orpheus said as he looked at Hikari. "The representation of the future and one's opinion. You are able to see what happens in the future and be able to mimic one's voice." He added as he patted Hikari's head. As they were explaining, the three just spaced out. They were trying to comprehend what's going on. Once everything was explained, Artemis sighed and shook her head. "You think we believe you immediately?" She said as she looked at the three of them. "I do! Cause who doesn't want to have an adventure." Hikari said as she clapped her hands. "I don't. I just want to sleep or be in my bed." Yua said as she sighed. "Pretty please?" Hikari said as she clung onto Yua. The younger female just sighed and nodded. "Fine," Yua said as she hugged Hikari. The two of them looked at the other female. "Are you gonna join us?" Yua then said as Hikari clung onto her like a Koala. "Why not?" Artemis then said as she joined in to the hug pile. The Authors just chuckled and shook their heads. "When shall we start?? Hikari asked as she looked at the three authors. "Right now?" Lavern asked as he looked at the other two. "Are you ready to see your fates?" Orpheus asked as he smirked. "I'm surprised that they have no further questions," Stella said as she looked at the three hugging. "That must be why the relics choose them," Lavern said.

"At this point, nothing seems impossible. So be open about it." Hikari said as she smiled at the three.

I had fun writing this! Wonder what happens next~

Avery_Skycreators' thoughts