
Ouroboros Record: The Infinite Circle

In the shadows deep, Amphisbaena Black, An ambitious man, his spirit intact. Journeys he embarks, seeking the divine, Omnipotent, omniscient, a goal so fine. With fervent zeal, he treads a daring path, Unyielding, determined, to surmount the wrath. No matter the means, be it good or ill, He’ll conquer all odds, his purpose to fulfill. Evil or virtuous, it matters not to him, For his determination burns, fierce and grim. With sacrifices made, he persists without rest, Until his last breath, he’ll strive for the best. An unwavering spirit, unyielding and strong, In pursuit of greatness, he’ll fight the throng. Amphisbaena Black, his name whispered in awe, A testament to the will, an eternal soul’s flaw. Through darkness he marches, guided by light, A man of ambition, a beacon burning bright. Omnipotent, omniscient, his quest underway, Amphisbaena Black, forging his own way.

SapniI · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter 8: Amphisbaena's Adventurous Internship

As the steam train departed Hogwarts, Amphisbaena pondered in his heart.

Life at Hogwarts without a savior was undoubtedly safe and blissful. Amphisbaena had encountered no strange occurrences during the past semester.

On Platform 9¾, the Black family eagerly awaited the return of their cherished son, whom they hadn't seen in half a year.

Mrs. Black glanced at Amphisbaena and remarked, "My, how much you've grown!"

"Have you made new friends at the academy?" Mr. Black inquired with a salute.

The Blacks felt both reassured and concerned about their precocious child. While Amphisbaena never caused trouble like other children, he kept to himself, engrossed in magical books, a source of worry for his parents.

"Of course, Hogwarts is fascinating. I not only met Jesse, but also became good friends with Foren and Ivan..." Amphisbaena shared imaginative tales of a joyous Hogwarts experience.

In his stories, Hogwarts brimmed with laughter among friends, replacing libraries, alchemy, and potions.

Amidst the Black family's happiness, Amphisbaena looked hopefully at Mr. Black and asked, "Dad, can I intern at the Fantastic Beast Management Department this winter vacation? I could be your assistant."

During winter and summer breaks, young wizards in England sought part-time jobs or internships. Even the infamous Voldemort had once apprenticed at a magic shop in Knockturn Alley.

Mr. Black, proud yet apprehensive, weighed his son's request. After all, as a father, he took pride in his work, and the wizarding world, being a small utopian society, often witnessed professions passed down through generations.

"Amphisbaena, though you have a great passion for Fantastic Beasts, the work in that department is still premature for you."

The Department of Magical Animal Management, the second largest department at the Ministry of Magic, held significant authority. It not only provided refuge for dangerous magical creatures that might threaten Muggle society but also combated illegal trade of magical animals, protected endangered species, and oversaw the welfare of magical creatures, including interactions with sentient beings like fairies and giants.

Many regular employees served in the department, and numerous senior Hogwarts students undertook internships there. Hogwarts was England's sole institution for higher magical education.

Yet, someone as young as Amphisbaena had never been an employee before.

Although the Ministry of Magic hadn't enacted laws against child labor, Amphisbaena was simply too young.

"Father, I promise to listen to you diligently, or else I'll spend the entire winter vacation studying," Amphisbaena threatened.

Reluctantly, Mr. Black relented, "Very well, but if you prove too mischievous and get expelled by someone else, I won't intervene."

The Black couple, desiring a happy upbringing for their son, certainly didn't want him to become an isolated bookworm, despite his inclination.

"Yes!" Amphisbaena enthusiastically high-fived Mr. Black, aware that he now possessed half the ingredients for his potion.

Early the next morning, Amphisbaena and Mr. Black, dressed impeccably, arrived at the Ministry of Magic in the underground of London using the Floo Network.

Despite the inconveniences, the Floo Network served as a nearly perfect attendance tool for work.

Upon their arrival, many greeted Mr. Black, saying, "Hi, Benjamin! Good morning. If I recall correctly, this must be your son."

As a colleague of Mr. Black, Amphisbaena was no stranger to many.

"Hello, Mr. Isaac," Amphisbaena adjusted his suit's tie and spoke solemnly. "Mr. Benjamin Black has hired me as his temporary assistant for an internship in the Department of Fantastic Beast Management."

Amphisbaena's serious expression, befitting his age, prompted laughter from the adults who possessed a higher tolerance for such "naughtiness" typical of children.

"As you can see, Isaac, Amphisbaena insisted on accompanying me to the ministry all day yesterday," Mr. Black remarked with a wry smile.

"It's an internship," Amphisbaena corrected.

Isaac interjected, unable to contain himself, "Alright, it's an internship, Mr. Amphisbaena. What sort of tasks can you handle?"

Amphisbaena pretended to ponder for a moment before responding, "Perhaps I could assist in the care of magical creatures, like dragons."

His directness about his intentions elicited another round of cheerful laughter throughout the office.

After all, young wizards, especially boys, held an insatiable curiosity for legendary creatures like dragons, symbols of wealth and power.

Though adults indulged in the child's enthusiasm, Boll explained, "Mr. Amphisbaena, we don't keep dragons or similar magical creatures in the Ministry of Magic."

Amphisbaena couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. "No dragons at all?"

"While dragons may be absent, we do have other magical creatures in need of care within our facility. If you've truly read 'The Book of Monsters,' perhaps you could give it a try," Boll kindly suggested, not wanting to crush Amphisbaena's spirits.

"Perik, please escort our young Mr. Amphisbaena to the temporary sanctuary."

Perik, a man in his twenties, shrugged helplessly at Boll's words, leading Amphisbaena through the Floo Network to the temporary shelter within the Department of Fantastic Beast Management.

The castle-like structure resembled a zoo, with massive floor-to-ceiling glass panels dividing various habitats.

"It's enormous here!" Amphisbaena exclaimed joyfully, sensing the immense possibilities awaiting him.

"Indeed," Perik replied, "During the smuggling of magical animals across the UK, we temporarily house captured creatures until a magical animal protection organization can accommodate them."

"Animal smuggling?" Amphisbaena inquired, puzzled.

"Yes, magical animal smuggling is the largest illicit activity in the wizarding world. In England alone, there are 100,000 gold gallons' worth of smuggled animals every year. Some are smuggled out, while others are smuggled in."

"We also receive magical animals that have survived illegal hunting and house extremely dangerous creatures from the wild."

Amphisbaena had gleaned some knowledge of these matters from Mr. Black. Magical animal smuggling constituted the largest contraband in the wizarding world, surpassing the entirety of Muggle customs smuggling. The creatures involved were often rare and valuable, both in terms of magic and monetary worth.