
Our Memoirs

Rhenea Thompson , has always lived her life behind a mask, her smiles always hide her pain while her eyes glimmer in despondent sadness, She is a famous painter known as Rhe.T Her artwork is sold at galleries for millions. she grew up without parents and lived in an orphanage, yet she survived through it all but she knows that she's a terminally Ill patient with limited time. Her green eyes that shined, Now looked like dim emeralds. her pale golden hair glimmers like melted gold in the sun, her smooth porcelain skin is covered by her clothes that hide her tiny scars both inside and out. Life always seemed to have a problem with her. Xavier Ford has been a studious all academic achiever, he's gained awards for his excellence in all subjects his whole life. Graduated at the top of his class, and a PhD in brain tumor He is Rhenea's attending doctor and her own personal villain His blue eyes shimmer like ocean waves behind his golden spectacles and his warm light brown curly hair is like chocolate in the summer Life for him wasn't perfect but he always tried to make the most of it

FluffyLuscious · 都市
9 Chs

chapter 7

The months passed by fast, but when Rhenea had her chemotherapy cycles time felt like it passed slower than usual

It was tiring, painful and torturous.

After her 2nd cycle, her hair started turning paler in colour

She started losing bits of her hair after the first two cycles

She felt embarrassed

Her hair had always felt like something that helped shield and protect her.

To be honest, she didn't feel much difference initially in her treatment however. But it took some time until the effects kicked In.

The real deal of pain were the side effects of chemotherapy.

She had stayed at the hospital for over 6 months now

She had finished over 12 cycles overtime the doctors saw an improvement in her health and when her cancer cells reduced they allowed her to get discharged from the hospital

when her Chemotherapy finally ended.

She started to gain all the weight that she had lost,

she had started looking normal healthy again

she didnt know how that happened but she was glad to put everything past her,

However she had one dead vein in her left arm, due to the number of chemotherapy burns.

Xavier had been with me through it all,

And during my last session he held my hand and let me squeeze it as tight as I could in case I felt pain,

He looked like he was hurting more than me when he saw me flinch in pain from my repeated injection wounds

But after my last session was completed

his eyes were dripping with honey-like affection when he hugged her.

He felt assured knowing she was safe and healthy in his arms

Rhen was holding Xavier's hand walking down the hospital's path to the reception one last time

" Hi lillian, I'd like to pay my hospital bills " she said happily

'Rhenea's eyes started looking brighter and happier ever since they started dating

He had wondered when he had first met her,

about how her eyes would look when happy.

And now he gets to see her that way everyday' Xavier thought with a smile

" Oh! There's no need to, it's already been paid by Dr. Ford" Lillian said

Rhenea turned around and faced Xavier

" you paid? When?" She asked

"A while back" he said

"But wasn't the bill high?" she said

"It wasnt" he said with a slight shake of his head

"Money is a small price to pay, for your health" he said with a smile

Hearing him say that she couldnt help but smile too

'But even if I got a finger cut, my medical bill still wouldn't be low, the medical system pricing is really-' she thought,

Then she thought of another solution.

"You know.. im going to need a personal doctor to live with me in case my condition relapses" she said dropping hints to him

Xavier's face turned serious when she said that

" You're right, I guess I have no choice but to sacrifice myself for this duty of honour" Xavier replied

After hearing what he said Rhen's lips fell apart

" Do you.. Wanna die " she asked