

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

CHAPTER ONE - Contract Signature

Lily Jones was a woman who was 23 years old. She had a unique personality. She was a sweet, kind, and sensitive young lady who placed the highest value on her self-worth. She was never cursed by her parents. She was a shy and kind woman.

CEO Alex Smith had 25 years of experience. He radiated a chill. Jang didn't believe in love. Alex thought that money might buy him love. Above everything things, he treasured his work.

Alex is fixated on excellence. He didn't like clumsy individuals.


Lily and Alex were seated next to one another and talking about their mothers' request for an impromptu wedding.

After taking a long breath, Alex leaned closer to Lily, who was perpetually staring down at her hands.

I negotiated a deal since I knew that neither you nor I wanted to get married. Okay? " "Under this contract, we can easily get a divorce."

Lily was buried in her thoughts while he watched her and waited for her to speak.



She was furiously pacing the medical centre. The moment her name was called, her mother started sobbing hysterically. Her family doctor was there in front of her when she turned around.

Doctor Davis, My dad isn't home. Jones, Mr., C-Would you kindly let me know where he is? Davis stared down at the ground with a dejected expression. "I'm sorry. But, Lily, your father--" She knew what he was going to say to her. She gave him a shoulder pat while giving him an emotionless look. Please correctly point me.


Lily was shown her father's body by Dr Davis. They covered him with a white sheet. She walked up to him and exposed his face. She saw him and cried her heart out, breaking down in tears.

She started slapping his chest.

"What's up, Dad? Whyyyyy? Why are you torturing us like this? Get up; you said you wouldn't leave me. I yelled, "Get up now; it's no longer funny." Get up. You must be kidding, but it's not funny.

Kindly stand up. I'm sorry, Daddy.

Her mother and brother were frightened as Dr Davis took her to the emergency department after she slumped on the floor.


After some while, she awoke to find her mother sitting on the bed. Mrs Jones couldn't bear to see her daughter in such anguish since she was so worried about her health. She mournfully looked at her mother, her eyes welling up. She gave her a brief hug before sobbing uncontrollably.

"Mom? What became of my father? As she held Lily, she sobbed. "Soo-Yun, accept it. He's gone." In shock, Lily wrenched out of the hug and turned to face her mother. Mom, didn't someone kill him? Her mother gave her the saddest grin as she turned to face her. "Shhh." Go to bed right away; I'll be right back.


She was left alone once Mrs Jones left the room. She could not bear to imagine her daughter performing on such a prominent stage. Mrs Jones sat down on a bench. She was approached by Mrs Smith, who gave her a pat on the back.

She'll be OK, I'm sure. First, you need to relax. She gave Mrs Smith her hand and nodded.


Days passed

Lily and her mother were disagreeing about their company. She was unable to manage it on her own. Mrs Jones desires that she succeed her father in running the business.

You ought to work for us, Lily. We keep dropping projects. That's not good. Your father put a lot of effort into it. Please help me; it's important. I'm old. For me, it's too much. It's too early for your younger brother to handle it.

Her mother pushed her to join the company as an employee. Lily declined to take part. She has numerous cases to handle. You already know I'm a lawyer, Mom. I'm unable to because I have numerous cases to resolve.

Lily left the house after grabbing her jacket. She requires a breath of fresh air. Mrs Smith held Mrs Jones' hand and made her sit on the couch. "Mrs. Jones, calm down. She can do whatever she wants."

They both kept talking to each other. They both eventually realized that their kids were still young, and why not?

Both of them are married. At the same time, they both stated it. How about their wedding? They exchanged hugs and laughter.


At Night

After dinner, Mrs Jones attempted to persuade her daughter to wed Mrs Smith's son. His closest friend since elementary school has been her.

Both of them are highly accustomed to one another. Lily wanted to focus on her profession and felt unprepared to get married at such a young age. She reached into her ears with her fingers.

"Mom, please don't push me." Mrs Jones sighed deeply before lying to her. Your father has always wanted to wed himself to you.

Hearing her father's name, she looked at her mother and nodded in accord. Because of how much she loved her father, she readily consented when her mother told her that it was his wish. But for Lily's sake and the future of her younger boy, her mother lied to her. She must keep her company alive.


Mrs Smith was trying to convince her very conceited son while this was going on. "I can't. You already know that I'm dating someone. Don't force me, then.

He was berating his parents and flinging things to the ground. His mother gasped as she gazed at him. "She is a gold digger, and you must follow my ruling," I said. Your mother. I am aware of your best interests.

To get a better look at her, Alex leaned in close. "Mom, you can't force me to do that. I am not a child anymore.

Without saying anything, Mr Smith was just staring at them, but the conversation was turning sour. Smith, remain composed. Your mom is right, I think. obey her instructions.

Mr Smith's son turned to face his father when he said that, giving him a stern look. What if I don't take her advice?

Mr Smith got to his feet and went over to them. He fixed his attention on his son. Then you are not a part of our family any more, I said.

Alex regarded him, grabbed his car keys, and sped away. "What do you believe? Will he come back? Mr Smith put his hand on his wife's shoulder. "Don't worry, he needs to come back,"


Alex rang his girlfriend's doorbell at her residence. As she flung open the door, he gave her a tight hug. She patted his back to end the hug. "I left them because they wanted me to marry the daughter of my mother's best friend." She punched him in shock. He gave her a quiet look. She shot him an angry glance.

"What? Are you crazy?" Did you leave all of your wealth? I'll be there to live with you, too. I'm sorry, Mr.; kindly depart and never come back. Bye.."

He drove to his car, was simultaneously startled and heartbroken, was emotionless, and even though he didn't cry, he began to doubt himself. Was I not good enough for her; our relationship ended because I gave her all the money; my mother was right; she is a gold digger; I have to respect her judgment.



Lily was contemplating something, so Alex clapped his hands. His hand caressed her cheek. Do you have your attention? Just reply with a yes or no; I have no time to waste.

Lily gave a flimsy smile before returning to reality. I'll sign, all right.

After that, he got up and headed for his car. Lily stayed in her seat. She cast a sidelong glance at him.

He used to be a kind man, but now he's just unpleasant.

We attended the same college and high school. We used to be tight, but after meeting Emily Allen, he changed.



Lily received a backwards hug as she was making her way to class.

She knows who that person is. Her closest friend, Alex, has called.

"Smith, what are you doing? We're in class. What if someone perceives us in this manner? She is released from Alex's embrace, and Alex rubs her cheeks.

"I have no issue. Everybody knows how close my best buddy and I are since I'm hugging her. She grasped his hands in hers while addressing him directly.

We're still in school, though. Come on, get out of here already. After stating that, she produced a pouting expression. "Okay, but you're so monotonous.

He didn't want to see her pouty face, so he diverted his sight. "Oh, didn't you hear we were getting a new student today?"

Smith gave her a close, piercing stare that made her move back. "Leave it, and then tell me." The question "How are you doing?"

Such a moron, Lily. He always found it annoying that she didn't comprehend what he was doing. "Are you kidding? You just recently met me, and now you want to know how I'm doing.

Alex bit into his cheek with his tongue. "Lily, why can't you respond to me? Why do you continuously aggravate me without good cause? She turned her head away and scowled. You're incredibly volatile. He pushed her aside.

"I'm sorry, I have to go to class. Bye."

She groaned. "Wait for me here," They continued on their way to class.


End of Flashback.

Lily had forgotten about it, oh my goodness. Because you have other things to do, don't worry about it. Let's meet up with him and inform him that everything is over.