
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · 書籍·文学
67 Chs

Diagon Alley

The twins broke out their signature evil smirk at the word 'mischief.' They nodded and exchanged mischievous glances with each other, forming a silent pact of excitement. Harry, observing their enthusiasm, couldn't help but join in the smirking exchange.

He quietly disclosed the plan about sneaking into Hogsmead and then apparating to Diagon Alley. The twins' eyes lit up with anticipation; they were more than ready for the adventure. However, as Harry began to explain the purpose behind their escapade, their excitement waned, and a hint of reservation crossed their faces.

Noticing their sudden change in demeanor, Harry playfully punched their arms, breaking the serious atmosphere.

"No sulking. I treat you as brothers. Don't treat me like a stranger," Harry declared with a friendly yet determined tone.

The twins were momentarily taken aback by this unexpected declaration, their expressions shifting from uncertainty to a mix of surprise and gratitude. The smiled and nodded. Soon the trio was quietly making their way to the one-eyed witch statue. The early morning hour granted them the advantage of an empty passage, devoid of any prying eyes.

Harry, Fred, and George reached the one-eyed witch statue, its hump concealing the entrance to the secret passage. Fred tapped the statue with his wand, muttering "Dissendium," and the hump swung forward, revealing a dark opening.

With a shared glance, they entered the passage. The tunnel was narrow, and they moved cautiously, footsteps echoing in the confined space. The damp, earthy smell surrounded them as they traversed the winding path. The passage seemed to stretch on forever, creating a sense of both excitement and trepidation.

After what felt like an eternity, they saw a faint glimmer of light ahead. The passage opened into a small cellar beneath Honeydukes in Hogsmeade. They emerged cautiously, ensuring that the coast was clear.

The room was filled with the sweet aroma of candies and magical treats. Shelves were stacked with colorful packages, and the subdued chatter of the bustling shop above could be heard through the floorboards. It was a hidden haven for mischief, and the twins' eyes gleamed with the possibilities that lay before them.

Harry led the way, a mischievous glint in his eye, as they ascended a creaky staircase that led directly into the back of Honeydukes. The trio quickly did a Disillusionment Charm on themselves and quietly made their way outside the shop.

Once outside, they sought refuge in a small tree cover before undoing the charms.

"Do you guys know how to Apparate?" Harry turned to the twins.

"Nope, we don't. We thought we would wait for you here while you go and come back quickly," George replied, with Fred nodding in agreement.

"This would also give us a chance to visit Zonko and see what's new. You know sniff around potential rival," Fred added with a wink.

"I can take you both with me, though," Harry pointed out. Fred and George looked bewildered at this revelation. It was already impressive that Harry could Apparate as an 11-year-old, but to take two of them with him? That exceeded their expectations. They, like Ron and Hermione, were beginning to grasp the extent of Harry's magical prowess.

The twins exchanged surprised glances but, after a moment of consideration, their mischievous grins returned. Fred nudged George playfully.

"Why not, Georgie? This could be fun!" Fred exclaimed, excitement bubbling in his voice.

George chuckled, "You've got a point, Freddie. Lead the way, Harry!"

Harry grinned, gesturing for them to hold on to his arm. The twins each grabbed a part of Harry's robes, unsure of what to expect. With a determined look, Harry Apparated them to Diagon Alley.

The sensation was unlike anything the twins had experienced before. Unlike the jarring and noisy Apparition with their dad, this was smooth and soundless. They hardly felt a thing, and before they knew it, the trio had landed in the bustling streets of Diagon Alley. Fred and George stumbled a bit upon arrival, their eyes wide with astonishment.

"Blimey, Harry! That was brilliant! And so quiet!" Fred exclaimed, patting himself down as if to check if everything was still in place.

George grinned, "You've just revolutionized our approach to pranks, mate. No noisy arrivals to give away our entrance!"

Harry chuckled, pleased with their reaction. "Welcome to Diagon Alley, the Harry way!" said Harry with a wink. He quickly pulled out his subspace pouch and took out what money he had, which turned out to be 15 galleons. He gave them to the Weasleys asking them to buy him some potion supplies and treats, while he went to withdraw the money from his vault. The twins agreed and they took off towards the Apothecary first.

Harry made his way towards the imposing structure of Gringotts, the wizarding bank. The bustling streets of Diagon Alley were relatively empty as he entered the cool, dimly lit interior of the bank.

Navigating through the marble halls, Harry reached the counter where a goblin, Griphook, awaited.

"I'd like to withdraw some money from my vault," Harry stated, the words carrying an air of casual confidence.

Griphook, a creature of few expressions, nodded and led Harry through the labyrinthine passages deep into the heart of Gringotts. The journey seemed longer than before, perhaps because Harry now had a purpose beyond the initial awe of the vast underground bank.

Finally, they arrived at the door of Harry's vault. The massive door swung open, revealing a sight that took Harry by surprise no matter how many times he sees it. The vault wasn't just filled with gold, but also with silver and bronze – a dazzling display of wealth.

After withdrawing a considerable amount – 150 galleons – Harry made his way back to the counter. It was then that a thought occurred to him.

"Is there a way I can avoid coming in person every time I need money?" Harry inquired.

Griphook raised an eyebrow, considering the request. "There is a method. We can link your subspace pouch directly to your vault. It will allow you to withdraw funds whenever you require, without the need for a physical visit."

Harry's eyes lit up at the convenience of the suggestion. "That sounds perfect. How do we do that?"

Griphook guided Harry to a side room, where a magical process unfolded. The pouch was enchanted and connected to Harry's vault with intricate spells. Griphook explained the security measures in place – only individuals Harry personally designated could use the pouch, and only Harry could withdraw funds.

With the process complete, Harry tested his new arrangement. He keyed in the designated code, and the pouch seemed to respond, proving the successful link to his vault.

"Thank you, Griphook. This makes things a lot easier," Harry expressed his gratitude.

Griphook nodded, his sharp eyes acknowledging the transaction. "Remember, with great wealth comes great responsibility."

As Harry exited Gringotts with his newly acquired financial freedom, he couldn't help but feel a sense of empowerment. His next destination was the rendezvous with the Weasley twins, who were likely causing their brand of mischief somewhere in Diagon Alley. 

Harry spotted Fred and George emerging from Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop, their arms laden with bags filled with prank supplies. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he swiftly made his way towards them.

"Hey, you two! How was the shopping spree?" Harry greeted them with a twinkle in his eyes.

The twins exchanged knowing glances before Fred replied, "Oh, you know, just the essentials for a bit of mayhem. We got everything that you asked for."

Harry chuckled. "Perfect. Let's add a bit of Quidditch to the mix, shall we?" He ushered them towards Quality Quidditch Supplies, where he purchased them a subspace pouch similar to his own.

"Now, let's make our way back to Hogwarts," Harry suggested. In an instant, the trio Apparated to Hogsmeade, their arrival seamless and noiseless.

"Back through Honeydukes, then?" Fred asked, already anticipating the path.

Harry nodded, and soon they were making their way through the secret passage beneath Honeydukes, emerging behind the one eyed witch statue.

Once back within the castle walls, Harry guided the twins to an empty classroom. 

"Alright listen up", Harry said. The twins immediately gave him their undivided attention. "I have got the money from the bank. I will give it to you now." Harry added while taking out his subspace pouch. 

The twins nodded, and looked at Harry as he took their subspace pouch from them and deposited three hundred galleons in it. 

"Now guys, go crazy with the inventions, but don't make anything too dangerous. I'll help you test your inventions whenever I can", Harry said with a smirk.

The twins looked at Harry. A eleven year old child who was their business partner now. A child who asked them to be his brothers. They felt grateful and brotherly affection towards him since they met him, but never pushed it but he had told them in the morning that he treated them like brothers and expected them to treat him like one too. They didn't say anything but each pulled Harry into a hug, which Harry reciprocated. They promised to make their business a success. 

As they exited the classroom, Harry discreetly motioned for the twins to join him.

"Hey, I've got something for you," Harry said, handing them a small pouch. "It's 10 galleons. I want you to get Ron a new wand. His current one isn't the best fit, and it could cause trouble. Tell him it's a gift from you both; he'd never accept it if it came directly from me. It's for his own safety, you understand?"

The twins exchanged a glance, taking the pouch. George nodded, "Got it, Harry. Consider it done. We'll make sure Ronniekins gets a decent wand. And, don't worry, we'll pay you back once our pranks start raking in the profits."

Harry grinned, appreciating their understanding. "Thanks, guys. I know he'll be in good hands with you. Also you don't have to pay me back!"

The trio made it back to the common room. The entire trip to Hogsmead and then to Diagon alley had taken them almost 3 hours. The twins went straight to their dormitory to change, while Harry took the things he had gotten the twins to buy back to his dormitory to put away. He looked around to see that Ron had already left.

Harry returned to the common room, and his eyes caught Hermione gracefully exiting the portrait, likely heading to the Great Hall for breakfast. He called out to her, and they strolled together toward the heart of Hogwarts.

Little did they know, this seemingly ordinary morning held the promise of unfolding events. After all, Dumbledore's surprise is yet to unveil.

if you guys like the story so far, please comment it would mean the world to me!

Alsiel_Acreators' thoughts