
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · Book&Literature
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68 Chs


As Harry and Hermione entered the Great Hall, their eyes scanned the room for their friend Ron. However, what they saw left them utterly surprised. There, sitting at one of the tables, was Ron, engrossed in a book.

Harry blinked in disbelief, while Hermione's jaw dropped open. They exchanged bewildered glances before cautiously approaching Ron.

"Ron, are you... reading?" Hermione finally managed to articulate, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Ron looked up from his book, a sheepish smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, I thought I'd give it a try," he admitted, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"But... why? I thought you hated reading" Harry couldn't help but ask, still trying to wrap his head around the unexpected sight.

Ron hesitated for a moment before answering, his gaze dropping to the table. "Well, you know, I've been thinking... After everything that happened with Abigail, and learning how you dealt with it..." he trailed off, his voice filled with emotion. 

Harry and Hermione exchanged a knowing glance, realizing the depth of Ron's revelation. It wasn't just about reading a book; it was about the realization of the importance of magic and the responsibility that came with it.

"I just... I didn't want to be left behind, you know? Be a sidekick. I didn't want to be the one who always needed saving and if someday my family is in a pinch I want to help them just like how you helped your sister Harry...," Ron continued, his words carrying a weight of determination.

Harry felt a lump form in his throat, touched by Ron's sincerity. "Ron, you've never been a sidekick. You're my best friend, and I would never treat you as a sidekick Ron," he said earnestly.

Hermione nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting her admiration for Ron's newfound determination. Her feelings towards Ron were starting to move from friends towards something much more.

Ron smiled gratefully at his friends, a newfound sense of purpose shining in his eyes. "Thanks, Harry. Thanks, Hermione. You are right you know. I'll make sure to put in the effort, not just for myself, but for my family too.." he vowed "..and you guys too", he quickly added. 

"Oh Ron!", Hermione hugged him with blurry eyes.

Harry observed the heartfelt embrace between Ron and Hermione, feeling a swell of pride for his friends. Ron's transformation was evident, and Hermione's genuine display of emotion only reinforced the bond that had formed between them.

"Hey, it's okay," Ron said softly, his own cheeks tinged with a rosy hue as Hermione pulled away, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Hermione quickly composed herself, her usual confidence returning as she cleared her throat. "Sorry, Ron. I just... I'm really proud of you," she admitted, her voice filled with sincerity.

Ron's smile widened at Hermione's words, a warmth spreading in his chest at her genuine praise. "Thanks, Hermione. Means a lot," he replied, his voice tinged with gratitude.

Harry couldn't help but smile at the exchange between his friends, feeling grateful for the bond they shared. Harry was glad that he wouldn't have to do anything to put these two together. They already seemed be on the way. Harry internally smirked.

As they returned to their breakfast, Harry couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. But not for a while though, his body still ache too much but he wasn't showing it to anyone. 

"So Harry, how are you feeling?", Ron asked as he turned to Harry. Harry slightly winced as he sat down. Hermione noticed that but didn't say anything. 

"Well apart from feeling like my entire body was thrown to the ground from the highest tower in Hogwarts, pretty good", Harry joked. Hermione and Ron seemed concerned at this so he quickly added, "It just my magical reserves are not full yet, so there is constant pain as my body tries to regenerate the magical energy. Nothing much".

Harry's gaze wandered across the Great Hall, taking in the familiar sight of students chatting, laughing, and enjoying their morning meal. The buzz of animated conversations filled the air as the room brimmed with energy.

As his eyes shifted to the teachers' table, Harry noted the absence of a few professors. Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout engrossed in conversation, Professor Flitwick seemingly preoccupied with his levitating plate. However, the noticeable absence of Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape caught Harry's attention.

The Headmaster's seat remained empty, a stark contrast to the usually bustling presence of the wise and eccentric wizard. Dumbledore's absence intrigued Harry, sparking a curiosity about what might be occupying the venerable wizard's time.

Harry's thoughts then drifted to Professor Snape, a character as mysterious as ever but then again the potions master's consistent avoidance of breakfast had become a peculiar norm, leaving an air of enigma around the dark-haired and stern-faced professor.

Leaving all that aside as he pulled food onto his plate, he turned to Hermione, "What's on the time table today Hermione?" 

Hermione checked the time table, "We have got double History with Hufflepuff now then free hour. After lunch we have double Potions". Harry groaned, starting the day with double history was the last thing he needed. Well at least he well get some more sleep, so there is that. The trio quickly had breakfast and went back to their dormitory to change into their robes and headed for the history class.

As the students waited expectantly for Professor Binns, the door to the classroom creaked open, drawing everyone's attention. To their surprise, it wasn't the usual ghostly figure of Professor Binns floating through the board. Instead, a tall, lean figure stepped into the room through the door, and a hush fell over the students.

Harry's eyes widened as he recognized the newcomer – it was Remus Lupin, a name synonymous with the Marauders and Harry's father's friend. The surprise was evident on Harry's face as his face had broken into a knowing grin, realizing that this was the surprise the Headmaster had alluded to.

"Hello, everyone," Lupin greeted with a warm smile. "I'm Remus Lupin, and I'll be your new History of Magic teacher."

A collective gasp and whispers rippled through the classroom. Ron and Hermione sat wide-eyed, clearly taken aback by the unexpected change. Dumbledore had taken Harry's suggestion seriously.

Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the success of his suggestion. The entire class buzzed with excitement, curious to learn history from a living, breathing teacher rather than a ghostly monotonous presence.

Lupin's presence infused an air of enthusiasm into the room, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged glances that spoke volumes. The unexpected turn of events had just made History of Magic a class to look forward to, and Harry couldn't wait to see how Lupin's approach would differ from the dreary lectures of Professor Binns. 

"Good morning, class!" Lupin greeted, his voice carrying a friendly tone that immediately set the students at ease. "Now could anyone tell me how the course material that has been covered so far?"

Hermione's hand immediately went up. Professor Lupin smiled and nodded towards Hermione, "Yes, Ms. ".

"Hermione sir. Hermione Granger."

"Yes Ms. Granger. If you could tell me what materials have been covered so far."

Hermione quickly recited the topics covered so far in the classes to Lupin. Lupin frowned at the topics but didn't interfere Hermione. At last when Hermione had finished, Lupin smiled at her and thanked her. Hermione was pleased with herself as she sat down. 

"Well it would seem that Professor Binns have been quite focused on mostly Goblin Revolutions and wars. But I think there is more to history then just revolutions and wars.", Lupin said with a smile.

Rather than delving straight into the dusty pages of the textbook, he began with a simple charm that brought historical events to life in the form of moving illustrations.

As the Great Fire of London danced before their eyes and the Goblin Rebellions unfolded in animated detail, the first-year students were captivated. Lupin's storytelling was not confined to words on a page; it was an immersive experience that transported them to different eras.

He seamlessly integrated humor into his lessons, making even the driest of topics entertaining. Lupin's ability to balance education with amusement was a revelation for the students. Historical figures were no longer distant names but characters with quirks and anecdotes that resonated with the students.

To illustrate the concept of magical treaties, Lupin conjured a comical scenario where wizards from different countries attempted to negotiate while riding magical creatures. The laughter that erupted in the classroom was a far cry from the usual monotony.

But Lupin didn't stop at visual aids. He encouraged interactive discussions, allowing students to share their perspectives on historical events. The once-muted class now buzzed with excitement as students debated and questioned, discovering the relevance of history in the magical world. 

By the end of that first class, Lupin had shattered the stereotype of the tedious History of Magic lessons. The first-year students left the classroom with a newfound appreciation for the subject, eager for more lessons that promised not just knowledge but an enchanting journey through magical history. Remus Lupin had, in one class, transformed the History of Magic into the liveliest and most entertaining experience the first years had ever encountered. 

Harry was delighted by the class. This is what history class should be like. He remembered reading the history books and other books before coming to Hogwarts, so that he could get a grasp of things which were illegal and for what reasons there were illegal. Mind you that didn't stop him from doing illegal things like Apparation for example.

At the end of the class, when everyone got up to leave, the trio made their way to the front of the class. 

"Professor Lupin", Harry called. 

Lupin turned to him with the greatest smile. "Harry...I am so pleased to see you again."

"So am I Professor. From what I see you seem to be doing well."

Lupin's gaze lingered on Harry, the child of his dearest friends, James and Lily. He had never visited Harry, consumed by a sense of shame that haunted him. Shame for not being able to protect the Potters, for failing his duty as their friend. The burden of guilt had kept him away, distant from the one living connection to his cherished past.

The shame ran deeper, fueled by his condition as a werewolf. The stigma surrounding lycanthropy had hindered Lupin from leading a normal life. It robbed him of opportunities, forcing him into precarious part-time jobs just to make ends meet. The fear of rejection had confined him to the shadows, away from those who might judge him for what he was.

But there was a silver lining – Harry had found a loving family in the Dursleys, providing him the warmth and care Lupin wished he could have given. Still, it didn't erase the guilt that clung to him like a shadow.

The revelation of Sirius Black's innocence had added another layer to Lupin's complex emotions. He had wrongly believed his best friend to be a traitor, a misconception that prevented him from reaching out. Now, with the truth exposed, Lupin carried the weight of his assumptions.

Yet, as he stood in front of Harry, Lupin couldn't deny the gratitude he felt. The boy had played a role in Sirius's exoneration, returning to him a friend he had believed lost forever. It stirred conflicting emotions – joy for Sirius's freedom, regret for the lost years, and of self-reproach for his own misjudgments. 

"I am Harry. Dumbledore came to me two days ago, offering this position. He told me that you were the one who suggested it. How did you know that I was interested in History?"

"Sirius told me Professor. And I thought that instead of this boring Professor Binns, you could teach instead.", said Harry.

Lupin looked uncomfortable at the mention of Sirius. Harry noticed his discomfort.

"You should go and talk to him, Professor. I am sure he misses you.", Harry added.

Ron and Hermione were watching this unfold from behind Harry. Unaware of the full context, they glanced at each other with a silent agreement to ask Harry about this later.

"I will, I guess. But not right now, Harry. But perhaps you could accompany me when I go to meet him. There is a lot I have to talk to you as well, Harry.", Lupin sighed. Harry understood that Lupin felt guilty, so he didn't push him. He simply nodded in agreement and tactfully changed the topic to complement Lupin's class. After talking for a while, the trio left the classroom and headed towards the Great Hall for lunch.