
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Moonlit night part 2

Chapter 22

Vesta: Is that Aiden...Naked?

Winry: Ahhh, I knew he was a pervert!

Aiden: H-Huh? Vesta? What are you guys doing here?! Ahhh, my Excalibur is out!

Alda: Put that worm away, Have you become an exhibitionist too?

Aiden: Wait, Wait, you've got it all wrong, my clothes...It er, got dissolved. (Did she just say "worm"?)

He took a step forward.

Winry: Stay back you exhibitionist pervert!

She pointed her sword at him.

Aiden, (Muttering): I understand her reaction though, in this situation moving towards them is a bad idea, I'll just have to run away with my tail between my legs (I might get a hard-on if I keep looking at them)...Woah--Oof!

Aiden: Did I just trip on something? I can feel something soft.

He pressed something and then everyone heard a moan.

Aiden: Huh??!

The group with Calico and Luna came to the other side of the tree after hearing that noise.

Mara: What's going on I heard, Virin screaming.

Aiden: Virin?

Mara's glared at Aiden.

Mara: What are you doing, laying Naked on top of Virin?!

Aiden: wait, what?

He looked down and there was a girl there

Aiden: When did you get here?!

He tried to stand up but he slipped and pushed her chest again.

Her screams were louder.

Aiden: Ahhh, why's there a girl under me?!

Mara kicked him away.

Aiden: Ahhh...Oof! Why...me?




Mara: Virin, are you alright?

Virin: Yes, b-but he touched me!

Mara/ Winry: That pervert!

They glared at Aiden

Calico: Let's all calm down, he's not the type of guy who would knowingly do this.

Vesta: He's right.

Calico: You know him?

Vesta: Yes, he's the reason why we're dressed like this.

Elnora: Huh?

Vesta: Our armor was burnt off by his flames when we fought, we were without clothes and unconscious, but he helped us and made the ones were wearing now. Pretty airy.

Mara: So you're saying you were knocked unconscious and then stripped because of his magic?

Vesta: Yes, that sums it up.

Calico: Uh... that's not helping.

They turned to the tree Aiden was on but no one was there, he had run away.

Winry: The exhibitionist has escaped!

Elnora: Don't worry we'll find him at the entrance that's where he is probably headed, for now, let's head back to Draven.

Lyra: Heh, this is turning out to be quite an interesting night.

Luna and Calico headed back to the entrance.

Meanwhile, Aiden...

Aiden's POV:

*Sigh* What the hell's going on today? I've been labeled both a pervert and an exhibitionist, my cloth's been dissolved and now I'm running around a forest naked. Why me? ....Is it because I had the intention of groping Winry back then? ...I mean I feel bad about that but I didn't go through with it. *Sigh*


I'll admit though: Running through the forest naked has a feel to it, this sense of freedom and wind blowing through every nook and cranny is refreshing, wish someone would see.

Crap! What am I saying?! Have I truly become a pervert?!

Screw my thoughts for now I have to go and find my sister, she'll help me with some new clothes...but even if I do see her... How do I go out in front of my sister looking like this?

Amid running, Aiden glanced to the right and saw Brian.

Aiden: What are you doing here?

Brian: Interesting choice of attire, Brightfil. Aren't you cold? or at least ashamed?

Aiden: Nah, you're a guy so the shame thing isn't there, as for the cold thing I'm a fire user I can warm myself up anytime.

Brian: You truly are one of a kind, Here I thought with how you spoke you were a serious character.

Aiden: Looks can be deceiving. And what are you doing here?

Brian: Honestly, I can't take you seriously with you looking like that.

He snapped his fingers and then Aiden was clothed.

Brian: This is what I can remember from your previous outfit, Hope it fits?

Aiden: Some details are off but It fits.

(Slightly cooler than my original)

Brian: Splendid, now let's get back to the entrance, I heard that they'll be sending us back.

Aiden: Hm...

Aiden glanced around his environment.

Aiden: Okay... you go first, I met your teammates along the way and I told them I didn't know you, So two of us coming out at the same time will leave them suspicious.

Brian: I agree, but let's walk a little, and a few distances before we reach the entrance you stay back a while.

Aiden: .... Sure...







A few minutes later.

Brian: We're here, this is where we part.

Aiden: .....

They walked toward the entrance and did as they previously discussed.

Aiden hid behind a tree for a while before coming out.

Aiden walked out of the forest and walked toward where everyone was.

Versi and some members of Draven's Group, Acer's Group, and Mara's Group were glaring at Aiden as he walked by.

Aiden's POV

I'm getting nervous, everyone's glaring daggers at me.

If I have to describe this mood here it is similar to one where that one kid reminds the teacher that he forgot to give us homework. I hate that guy.

But somehow that's how everyone feels towards me at the moment....I wonder why?

Crysta: You're here, Where did you go?!

Aiden: Hehe, I took a walk then a nap I got naked then I'm here.

Crysta: So to translate "You went for a walk, got into some trouble, felt fatigued after all you've done today, took a nap, got into more trouble after you woke up, You either got swallowed by an animal(Again) that got you're clothes destroyed, you wondered around naked somehow found clothing, and now you're here"?

Aiden: Tee-hee That sounds about right, you really know me.

Crysta: Akeru!

Akeru: Y-yes?

Crysta: Aren't you supposed to be his babysitter? You know if he wanders around too much something's going to happen.

Akeru: I-i didn't see him when he left.

Aiden: I'm older than both of you.

Crysta: Can it. And also why's everyone looking at you like that?

Draven: Yeah, I noticed it too

Aiden: Yo, Draven, I see you're healed.

Draven: Thanks to your sister.

Crysta: Answer me, what. did. you. do?

Aiden: Hehe, I can't remember really.

Luna: We were only around of what he did to Mr.Draven's group and that girl's group the one with the red hair, Mara, and also Acer's Group, we don't know of more than that.

Crysta: How was it even possible, you offended all these people in a day?

Aiden: No idea, my charms work in mysterious ways and for those groups it didn't take a day, For Mara's, Draven's, and Acer's, It took like, Uhm...An hour ago from now.

Crysta: You offended 15 people in an hour? I'm almost impressed.

Aiden: Heh. I'll make it up to them (eventually) but now that we're all here and are about to leave, where's Clay?

Akeru: After you left, his body faded away, it was like he wasn't even there.

Aiden: ...Like an illusion, huh.

Aiden glanced at Brian.

Aiden: Heh, I've met some interesting people today, I'm getting excited! Can't wait to see what lies beyond today.

Announcer: Looks like everyone is here and accounted for, Wait where's Charles Dogood?

Aiden: I can't wait for the explanation on this one.

Charles: Here I am.

Aiden's eyes opened in shock then he glanced at Brian who gave a small smirk.

Announcer: Okay, you're all ready to go, I'll begin.

A magic circle formed around the Candidates, it was bright, and as they were about to leave...

Aiden: Wait! TANYA!!!

They teleported away leaving Aiden's prize behind.