
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Forgotten dreams... Beginning

Chapter 23.

Aiden slumped on the ground depressed as the magic circle had transported them back to the arena without "Tanya"

Announcer: We deeply apologize for what transpired on that island, we hope no one was hurt. The royal knights escort you all home to ensure you're safe, they will also take your statements at a later date, but for now, head home and be back by tomorrow.

Everyone left the arena, and the upper classes all went to their carriages and left.

All that remained in the arena were Aiden and his group.

Aiden, [Mumbling]: I... fought a giant fish... and the only thing I have to show for it, was the gold tooth that got lodged in my ass, this life is so unfair...

Crysta: Aiden gets up, let's go home.

Aiden, [Mumbling]: Heh, she was my first fight and my dream was to eat her, but now she's left on an island I don't even know.

Akeru: Aiden...?

Aiden, [Mumbling]: I would have been happy to eat at least her tail-fin or nibble at her gills, but no, this world couldn't let me have that.

Calico: Aiden, can't you hear us?

Aiden, [Mumbling]: I've always liked fish and I caught the fish of my dreams but now it's nothing more than that...A dream.

Luna: We are back in the arena, why's he sulking?

Aiden, [Mumbling]: It's like it was only yesterday she nearly killed me...with her loving embrace, she was beautiful, her majestic tail slapping me around she nearly drowned me but it was out of love. Heh, it was like she was playing hard to get. If I listen closely I can almost hear her sweet voice...My sweet and salty Tanya.

Calico: He must have cared about that catfish, huh?

Crysta: If he named it then the relationship he had with it is as deep as a romantic one, such an idiot.

Aiden passed out on the ground.

Aiden: I...Mish... Tanya.

Crysta and Akeru lifted Aiden shoulder to shoulder and carried him outside the gate.

Aiden: Let's...go...home, nothing's going to make me feel better anymore.

Luna: Will he be alright?

Akeru: I'm not sure, he seems more depressed about this one than the last pet he had.

Calico: Hahaha, I'm glad I met you people, especially Aiden, He was interesting, I hope I get to see more of him later, see you guys tomorrow, bye.

Akeru: Bye.

He waved.

Akeru: It feels like we are carrying our drunken older brother, heh.

Crysta: I hate it when he gets like this, *Sigh* Let's keep going, we should meet at the zone.

Luna, [Muttered]: Oh that's right, I was disowned by my former master, I don't have anywhere to go, I guess I'll just have to find a place to sleep tonight, huh?

Aiden: Hey...Luna.

Luna: Y-yes, master?

Aiden: since yu r a par oof my team wah are u stading their four? (I miss Tanya)

Luna: H-huh?

Crysta: Firstly, you're not drunk! Secondly, why was it only the "Tanya" thing you said well?!

Akeru: I'll translate it for you, Luna, he said "Since you're a part of our team what are you standing there for, let's go home"

Luna: R-really?!

Her tail wagged

Akeru: Yeah, if he says it then I'm on board as well.

Luna had small tears in her eyes.

Luna: ...Thank you, master brightfil.

She happily followed behind.

They reach the zone in which they came out before.

Luna: Why are we here?

Crysta: Hold on... Michael! Open up the portal!

A portal opened up out of nowhere and a Little boy came out of it.

Micheal: You don't have to yell you know, today was very stressful at school.

Aiden: Quiet you, at least you didn't experience heartbreak.

Micheal: What? Did you fall in love with another animal again? Hahaha, Depressed bitch.

Aiden: Oh you're gonna get it pipsqueak!

Aiden pursued Micheal into the portal.

Crysta: Well at least he's over it.

Akeru: Come in Luna this place leads to our front yard.

They walked through the portal and it closes.

Luna: Woooaaah! This village is beautiful.

Akeru: The brightfil's helped it quite a lot.

The Fishing Village, Sheates, was known to all as a poor fishing village, with poor infrastructure, poor health, and low magical prowess, it was also home to some sea beasts who would terrorize the seas to which they form their lively hood, The local Lord of the land abandoned them and left the city to rot even with third poor lands tax collectors would still come to take what little the village had, Some would trade their sons or daughters, some the remainder of their food or some would trade themselves it was a mess, with little to no fishes in their waters the village was rushed with famine, disease plagued them, mortality rates were high, the tax collectors couldn't risk getting affected and stopped appearing...

Yes, all these happened to the village until the brightfil's appeared, the father was the only one who could use his magic accurately enough to perform healing on the sick, with the magic powers he slayed the beast of the sea and the mother served it up as food for the hungry villagers when the beast was killed more marine life started to return slowly, people began to be more spirited, Crysta used her ability to manipulate water and purified all the inland water sources in the village and used her Ice to give people who worked hard under the sun have a refreshing cold drink of water, Aiden provided fire for night time, so they wouldn't freeze, the little brother, Micheal, Used his spatial magic to make portals to market places where the Villagers traded their crops and fishes and help reduce the cost of traveling and reduce distance. The old straw huts were torn down and rebuilt with wood, they had enough materials to rebuild the village using wood and other materials.

They had excess materials to make boats allowing fishermen to go deeper into the sea to catch more fish, at night the villagers usually hang lanterns on their front door to make the night more luminescent, to contrast what Aiden said, this place wasn't as small as he thinks.

Luna: Woah, this place is beautiful.

Akeru: The best part about it is that the buildings aren't so tall so the moon is pretty visible and we can star gaze from almost anywhere.

Luna: There's a lot of land for it being a fishing village.

Akeru: We might have slightly more land than a regular fishing village should, but it's still smaller than the sea that's us, we have those boats made so fishermen can travel further into the sea to catch more.

Luna: Ooh, I would never want to leave here.

Akeru: Well neither would we...but Aiden's mom wanted him to gain more knowledge of the world that's why she forc- I mean told him to go to school.

Crysta: And now here, home at last.


Luna: What was that?!

Akeru: That was Aiden and Michael, don't worry that's how they usually act, nothing to worry about, Crysta do you want to bring them back?

Crysta: Nope, they can do whatever they want, I'm off the clock.

Luna: Oh...

Crysta:*Yawn* I'm tired I'm going home, Akeru you come home when you're done showering her around.

Akeru: Okay.

Crysta went home.

Akeru: Heh, this might take a while

I will every so often not make the title correlate with the content.

Raider_920creators' thoughts