
Otherworldly Apocalypse

One day strange phenomenons appeared around the world, strange stone called the evolution stone rains down from the sky that grant human superhuman abilities. Unbeknownst to them there is a sinister power beside granting human superhuman abilities. Norrev is an orphan that studies at a local university while going home he met his neighbour family and asked to take their daughter to the mall to see an evolved showcase. Is there be something lurking within the stone?

DrOflig · ホラー
21 Chs

Chapter 20

Arriving up top he told the five men to get Jack here, Waiting for Jack, Norrev told Aiko what happened below and soon she also saw two monster making their way up

Seeing this, Aiko grimaced although she knew what enhancement the monster with big ear is but she also can't identify the monster that is slightly bulky

Soon Jack came and bring two of his best men, hearing that monster are coming upstair, Jack told both of his men to gather all of the male and told the people upstair to stay quiet and stay away from the glass window

Using his abilities Norrev spawn ten of his clones with all of them getting another pole that has been sharpened

Talking with Aiko and Jack they decided that both Aiko, Jack and his men would take on the monster with unknown abilities while Norrev and his clone take care of the monster with enhanced hearing

Preparing themself, Norrev took out the sword that he has been holding and give it to one of his clone while he himself will not be joining the battle.

While giving the sword he could feel that something was pulling the corner of his clothes which he saw Adha staring at him

"What's up"


Aiko took out the two stones that she has been holding and showing it to Norrev

"Now i can be helpful to brother Nor"

She grinned

Looking at the stones Norrev is confused by the colour that they emit

He himself knew that the evolution stone has a grey hue not a colourful one

Picking the red one he inspect it, feeling some sort of connection he told Adha that he will be keeping the red stone in which she replied by giving a pout

Seeing the pout, Norrev pat her which disheveled her short hair

Running back with his clones to prepare the fight, the trio could see that a group of people came with Jack's men

With eight men and fifteen woman which astounded the trio

Considering that most of the survivor is female and for eight male to come it means that there will be no more men in the shelter upstairs

"Why did you let them join us?"

Jack commented after seeing the amount of females

"Well, they insist" One of the male replied

"Hahaha, Mr. Jack we could take care of ourself" One of the women with some wrinkle on her face replied

"Besides, those upstairs can see us battle from the windows" She pointed at the windows which they all could see people staring back at them

Jack upon seeing his family have a warm smile and wave at them

With 36 people including Norrev's clone they decided that beside Norrev and his clones everyone else will focus on the monster with the unknown abilities

Soon the people stationed at the escalator reported back that the monster are on the third floor and will be arriving soon

If there are gramaticals or typos please kindly comment it and i will fix it as soon as possible

DrOfligcreators' thoughts