
Other worldly Android

This story follows the life of a other world enthusiast scientist yuji as he sent himself to another world to explore, until he found out he turned himself into a living Android in the process,as well as gain magical abilities, which he uses to advance his life and the life of others he meets along his way.

know_one_7828 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 2

"..What is that?.."yuji said while looking at the dust cloud...,

[Adjusting retinas]

 The view then started to get closer.., he stared at it for a while,...then, the dust cloud suddenly settled down, and the cause disappeared.

"What was that about"yuji said...*CRACK* then the ground started to quake and crumble , then a dozen creatures that resembled giant ant's, emerged from beneath his feet... luckily he jumped out of the way as one of them almost devoured his leg .

"What the heck are these things!?"yuji said in shock as one attacked and he grabbed onto it's head.

[Activating extra skill: appraisal]...

... [appraisal complete]

[Answer: d rank monster's known as rogue legion ant's commonly found in the dagen forest]

"Monster's huh!,i.. guess that's another world for you" the other ant's then tried to gang up and over power yuji as the one he was fighting slowly pushed him to the ground. 

" Oh....no ...you don't!" but he over powerd it instead and he lifted it up in the air with it's head and spun around with it, allowing them to hit the others...he then threw it away, right into another one, making both of them to crash into boulder.

(This is bad) Yuji thought as he faced the relentless giant ants, (i seem to be physically stronger than them but.. there's too many of them ...i need to find a way to escape).

Then an ant appeared behind him and tried to devour his head, but he swiftly jumped out of the way...after dodging the swift attack, he couldn't help but remark, "Quick on their feet, aren't they?...( i guess I Gotta use the terrain to my advantage,) eyes narrowing he observed their movements.

When the second ant circled, he leaped to higher ground, assessing the situation. (High ground gives me a better view.) he thought as he serched for an opportunity to escape.. but all he could see was that he was surrounded.

(I guess I'll have to do this the hard way).He then jumped into the air then.., he descended with a powerful stomp, right unto the ant smashing it into the ground and rushed towards another and kicked it into the woods, it smashed through several tree's on its way.. another tried to attack but he punched it so hard it went through a boulder.. and so he fought continuously.

(There's no end to these guys.. wait).

"Computer , you said these guys were ant's right"yuji remarked.


"Could you identify the leader among them..i might be able get rid of them if I beat it".


[Energy wave detected from northwest of host]

Grinning he ran in that direction.. and jumped unto a large boulder... and behind it was an even larger ant, about three times the others size, all white and black and covered in Spike's.


[Appraisal complete]

[C rank monster rogue general ant detected.]

Hey you! "He yelled in annoyance" So you're the guy in charge!..stop sending your minions after me you jerk".

But the ant attacked the boulder and smashed it to pieces.. but yuji already jumped out of the way and landed safely on the ground.

"If you won't quit being so stubborn... then you leave me no choice".

Then he jumped in the air and ...*CRUSH* A resounding punch echoed through the rocky expansea as he came down, with that he had punched a hole right through the ant's head.

With the ant's leader defeated the rest quickly dispersed

"Phew....(─.─|| ).. what troublesome fellows those were,...tho, i might decide to study them sometime".

[C-rank monster, rogue: general ant defeated.]

[Activating skill: scavenger.]

(Scavenger,...ಠಿ_ಠ...skill?, what are you talking about?.)

[Advance Skill: unified acquired.]

[Skill will grant user the ability to connect to other individuals granting them the users skills.]

"Seriously what is this skill:scavenger you keep talking about?".

[Answer: skill:scavenger, an ability that grant's the user a single skill from those that have fallen]

[Condition: scavenger cannot take a skill above it's grade]

[2nd Condition: scavenger can only take one skill from the fallen]

[3rd condition: all skills can only be taken at random.]

"You didn't really explain what skills are, or how you know about them, but I'll figure it out later.. (-_-;)... for now ,i should probably get out of here before something else tries to turn me into lunch"he said as he walked away.

 And so yuji left for the dagen forest unknown to him he was walking into dangerous territory.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

know_one_7828creators' thoughts