

A Collection of Short Love stories. –— Synopsis inside Volume l: Behind the Scenes – ongoing Volume ll: The Bachelorette Party – coming soon The McCoys VS Scotts – (Being re-written) Volume lll: The Bachelorette Party – coming soon Volume lV: Dancing with the Rain – coming soon Volume V: Hello, Neighbour! – coming not so soon –— P.s Image taken from the internet edited by me. All credit goes to the owner and if asked will be taken down.

Always_Lazy · 都市
29 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Script Reading (2)

"The movie is called 'Hangman'." 

"The story starts when an all american, Christian boarding school is being turned into a public school. The beginning of this occasion did not start off on the right foot. There was a divide between everyone. Between people with different religions and between people with different skin.

The story revolves around an American boy, Zack (Elliot Lewis), and his learning journey with his teacher, Mr Reynolds (Scott Gosett). 

Zack came from a rich family. Although his family appears picture perfect, in reality there could not be any more distance between them. They were strangers dwelling in the same house. Zack along with his friends were a bullies. They made fun of the Asians, they called the Muslims terrorists and they bullied the weak. Zack found satisfaction upon their pitiful state.

Mr Reynolds recently lost his eldest daughter Lori (Mesa Gosett) to a case of bullying. She committed suicide because she was constantly being bullied for little things like her weight, the colour of her skin and the things she wore. While he was grieving for his loss, he vowed to stop this from happening. So he took the job offered from the highest rates of death; the boarding–now public school. 

From there, Zack and Mr Reynolds learn a lot from each other. They learn each other's stories and become each other's teachers. They both learnt two lessons.

There are always two sides of a story. 

Everyone feels the same pain because we are all humans.

Zack starts repenting his action. He opens his mind and starts to embrace everything. He befriends Quinton Kim (Sam Lee) and slowly the two become very close. But this friendship becomes a burden to Quinton as Zack's so-called friends start to target him. 

Slowly overtime the pain becomes so unbearable that Quinton commits suicide. Nobody knew how much he has suffered, except from his sister, Amy (Scarlett Lee)

In Quintons suicide note was written;

[If you look at it properly, Hangman teaches us the biggest lesson. By saying the wrong things you can end someone's life. If you say the wrong letters in the game the man is hung which means game over. That's the same in real life. Some hang themselves, some shoot themselves, cut too deep, overdose or jump off high places. When someone bullies you each word is stuck to you like glue. You can't help but start to believe in those words and slowly want to end this miserable life. I want to end my life.]

Zack blamed himself for his friend's death. He wanted to do something for Quinton but unworthy. It was all his fault! He trapped himself from the world in his room and weeped for his lost friend

It was weeks after Quintons death that Zack finally attended school. When he saw everything was back to normal, he felt angry. Those people did not learn a lesson at all. They were laughing, joking and still bullying. 

With the help of Mr Reynolds and Amy, Zack hired a lawyer, Kate Smith (Keke Gosett). He was going to file a case against all of them and even himself."

Charlotte stopped there. She didn't tell them the ending and let them live on suspense. She will only reveal the ending at the right time. Charlotte also didn't disclose Ayesha and Prems parts because the two had important roles and they wouldn't be appearing till the last half of the film. This was already discussed between them so no party was unhappy.

"Unnie~" Scarlett called out. Her voice was hoarse and tears stained her cheeks. Weirdly enough, the hangman theory broke her heart. Keke and Mesa were also trying to hold back their tears while

Charlotte gently smiled. Although she wasn't present on the room, she could feel the atmosphere from her room. She signaled something to Sofia to which the latter nodded and left the room.

"Since everyone is in the mood, shall we go over scene 54. The day Quinton junps off the building." Charlotte flipped over pages of the script and found the scene that took her most time to write. It was painful to kill a character she gave birth to.

They all agreed and followed Charlotte's lead. Soon, everyone was deep into character. Slowly overtime the ambiance in the room calmed down as they switched from one scene to another. Plenty of pointers were given and everyone took the criticism in a positive way to improve their acting and deliver their best to portray the role.

Sofia knocked and came in to the room with couple of crew members behind her. They all held stuff in their arms. Charlotte noticed and put down the stuff in her hand.

"Everyone has worked hard please treat yourself to food." As she said the crew took out and started putting food on table. A mini buffet was prepared for them. Delicious food of different origins were there.

I got inspired by this story from Pinterest and included as the movies synopsis. It was a similar case. A girl stood up to a bully and was angry and compared life to a hangman. It really touched my hurt bcs everything she said was true.

Always_Lazycreators' thoughts