
Chapter Ten: Script Reading (1)

While Elliot microwaved yesterday's leftover garlic parmesan pasta, Charlotte brought out the plates and needed cutlery. She poured themselves a glass of the 1949 Domaine Leroy Richebourg Grand Cru; from Elliot's personal collection of wine.

She moved everything to the big ebony dining table. To Charlotte out of this whole luxurious house, the table was her favourite. It was rugged in shape with the barks marking visibly present. It could be compared to a long, wide slab of wood that had been polished and made into a table. 

Charlotte loved the imperfection. In a way it represented a human. We try and try to be perfect but perfection doesn't exist. This ebony table was the exact example. It was nowhere near the straight edged but ordinary, rectangular tables but it held its own beauty; something you have to look twice to notice. 

Charlotte took her seat while she waited for Elliot. While doing so, she took tiny sips of the wine; the candelabra above reflecting its light onto the glass. The wine had a deep, rich scent of plums, red cherries and spices. 

Soon, Elliot came into the dining room with plates in hand. He placed one infront of Charlotte and the other he kept for himself. 

Charlotte took many bites and moaned in pleasure. There was something about microwaved pasta that Charlotte loved. Or it could've been that she was just hungry.

Elliot watched Charlotte wolfed down her food. Over the weeks, Elliott had realised the fact Charlotte was a huge foodie. And he remembered she specifically said that she had two stomachs. One for all the food and the other for dessert.

"Slow down nobody's going to steal it."

Elliot chuckled and grabbed a napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth to which Charlotte returned a sheepish smile. Just as he said, she slowed down and took time to chew her food properly. 

After the two finished dinner, they changed into their sleepwear and cuddled in bed. They talked to each other about whatever came to mind and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Good night." Charlotte pecked Elliots lips and closed her eyes.

"Night. Sweet dreams." Elliot brought Charlotte's body closer to his and buried his face in her neck. The calming scent of her hair lulled him to sleep.


Three days later

Cameras were on. Long tables and chairs were set up along with scripts and water for every seat. Slowly one by one, the main crew arrived. They greeted everyone present with smiles before they found their respective seats. 

Elliot since it was first time working with this filming crew came prepared with refreshments. He made sure to greet everyone before he made small talk with the other casts. There was Scarlett and Sam Lee. Elliot remembered the two from 'Storms way' from two years ago. They were really fun to watch and their interactions were comedic.

Then opposite them was the two daughters, Keke and Mesa along with their father Scott Gosett. Elliot's eyes shone with excitement. Scott was Elliot's favourite actor. He had seen the man star in many, many films and Elliot grew up watching him. So when he saw his idol it was a sock to him since the cast was kept a secret until today.

Then there were new faces he hadn't seen before. Ayesha and Prem Mehta. They were both popular known bollywood actors and actresses. Elliot's eyes glistened. He can't wait to know them. Charlotte loved Indian delicacies so Elliot was hoping he can learn some things from them.

Sofia gathered everyone's attention and asked them politely to take a seat for what she was going to say.  "Welcome Everyone! We are very honoured to finally  have everyone here present in one room. We know there has been some hindrance along the way but what matters the most that we have finally been able to accomplish our goal." Sofia sincerely apologised.

"Today is our very first script reading, I hope during this session we can get to know each other as well as our characters." Sofia continued. She moved onto speaking the reason behind Charlotte's absence. "Unfortunately, I do have some bad news. Charlotte is unable to be present physically in this session. An accident occurred which stopped her from joining today's meeting. But the good news is that we have something called the internet." She joked. 

"She will be communicating through the screen." As soon as Sofia finished speaking the screen behind her flashed a bright light before Charlotte's face appeared. 

Elliot's heart drummed inside his chest, she was injured. He wanted to leap out of his seat and go to her but his situation didn't allow him. She was fine this morning, what happened?

"Hello. Let me formally introduce myself to everyone present here. My name is Charlotte Mary Sinclair but please feel free to calm me Charlotte. I was hoping to meet everyone and introduce everyone to each other but it seems luck was not on my side." Charlotte smiled sadly. 

"But please do not worry, the injury is nothing serious," Charlotte said to sooth Elliots worries. Even though the rest didn't notice Elliot's subtle change of emotion, Charlotte did. She couldn't openly comfort him and assure him. Hopefully, her words can pacify his stirred emotions.

"Now let me start by explaining the plot line and everyone's roles."

Here is Chapter 10! We are a third of the way in the story. From now on its going to get a little spicy. Also I imagined Scott Gosett as Morgan Free man. Great man he is.

Always_Lazycreators' thoughts
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