

The sun travelled fast, while the clouds tagged along, making conversations in the sky, the low rumbles justifying it.

Out in the woods, crunched up drinking water from an area filled with dirt was Orion. His face had an expression of worry, tainted with fatigue on it.

His limbs had turned weak, due to the countless hours of him moving around the dangerous parts of the woods.

Making a groaning sound, he spat the whole lot of water out the moment it touched his lips.

Unable to savor the taste, he got up on his feet prepared to continue his journey, but took a halt as he sighted a group of people coming his way.

From his view, they hadn't noticed him yet.

Judging from the way they walked, he could tell they were tired and had walked for hours too.

He watched as they approached his way, when finally they were all stood facing each other.

Taking a close look at each of them, he was quick to recognize one.