

I found myself looking at him,

desperately longing for him to

protect me in his arms.

But he did otherwise.

He turned his back to me,

walking away, leaving me with

not an ounce of hope.

Loud screams of men approaching, filled the air. All armed head to toe, one could tell they were Cedric's army from the armor which covered their buff bodies.

They shot arrows as they ran forward, Screaming.

"Defend yourself!" Pavlos yelled at Bellona, placing a dagger in her hands.

"W-what. I can't do this" She stuttered.

Her eyes immediately rested on Orion who lunged forward, raising his sword up and then sending it down on one of the soldiers, not afraid to spill blood at any moment given.

His heel connected with the man's chin, which sent him crashing.

Holding his blade out, he began attacking the soldiers, his hair shaking furiously, while he swung his sword high in the air.
