
Huffles on an adventure

I'm on this app called amino and for this community they did a 300k event for the I guess you could call it a mascot for Huffles a dragon! So here is the story!

Strolling down the street, a girl had a backpack on with a stuffed dragon sticking out of the bag that was halfway zipped up, just to make certain the dragon didn't end up falling out. She didn't want to lose him. She's had the dragon for a few years now and has become one of her best friends, even if the dragon wasn't human. As she walked, she could hear crying, and not able to help it, she began to walk towards it out of curiosity. That was when she jumped hearing a voice but settled down, realizing who it was. "I thought we were heading home, it will storm soon," Huffles stated, his head resting against the girl's shoulder. Occasionally she would forget that he was able to talk. "We are, I just want to see who is crying," she replied. But as she continued to walk, she realized they had turned onto her street. "I guess we are heading home," she said. When she glanced around and spotted her neighbors, now she understood the sound she had heard was the little boy who lived next to her crying. She walked over and knelt next to the little boy. "What's wrong?" she asked, her voice gentle.

The little boy looked up at her. "Sage!" he expressed with a small sob since he was still crying. He wiped at his eyes. "We have to move, but I don't want to," he stated. Sage gave a slight nod before thinking, she then smiled and grabbed her backpack off her shoulder, putting it on the ground as she gently pulled the dragon out. "Here, you can take Huffles with you," she said, smiling at the dragon who seemed to wink slightly, giving her a sign that he understood. The little boy hesitated slightly before taking the dragon. "I can?" he questioned. Sage nodded, "You can. Huffles will become a friend to you, you can talk and Huffles can keep you company on your trip." Sage informed him. The little boy nodded and frowned, "are you sure? I know the dragon has become a friend to you." the boy said.

Sage nodded, "I'm sure, Nathan." she assured him and glanced at the dragon, who then spoke, "We will have so much fun!" the stuffed dragon declared, causing the boy to stare at the dragon. "The dragon can talk!" he cried, mainly in surprise. Sage couldn't help but laugh." Huffles can." she agreed. "That is why the dragon will be good company," she stated. Nathan giggled and nodded, hugging the dragon. "Thank you!" he expressed, beaming up at Sage who nodded. "You are welcome."

And this is how the stuffed dragon's adventure started. The little boy held onto Huffles for a few weeks, discovering the dragon was good company and Huffles had helped him not feel too sad about the move. When he felt like he would be okay and would be fine at his new home. Nathan looked at the dragon and gave his head a gentle pat. "I want to thank you for coming with me, even if you didn't want to. I had fun having you here, you were good company like Sage said. But I think it is time to send you back." the boy said. Huffles lay on the bed before saying. "I was happy to come with, Sage wanted to make sure you would be okay. I can tell her you will be." the dragon said before continuing. "I would like to go back home. Are you sure you will be okay now?" Huffles asked. The little boy nodded, "I will be." he said with a smile before he hugged the stuffed dragon to his chest, but made sure not to squeeze him too tight. Nathan then sat him down and asked, "How should we send you home? I could send you in a box," he stated making Huffles seemingly laugh, a bit of smoke coming from the dragon's nose. "I can fly." He told him, flapping his wings. Nathan watched. "I didn't think you could, I just thought you were a stuffed dragon that could talk," he admitted. "I know. But, I can fly," he said and just to show him, he started to lift off the bed, his wings flapping still as he flew around the room before landing on the boy's shoulders, his stuffed tail straight and laying against the boy's back. The boy watched and jumped up and down, clapping his hands, "that was amazing!" the boy said before he laughed slightly feeling the stuffed dragon land on his shoulder.

"Won't that be a long flight though?" he questioned. "What will you do if you get tired of flying or it is too dark?" he asked. "Then, I will simply stop in the next town I see. Or even a tree!" Huffles declared, "It will be like a very big adventure." he added. The boy nodded and smiled a bit." when would you like to leave then?" he asked. The stuffed dragon glanced out the window, noticing it was beginning to get dark, he was able to see the faint light of the stars coming out. 'Tomorrow morning." Huffles said. The little boy nodded when he heard his mother calling for him, it was time to eat dinner. The boy put the stuffed dragon on his bed. "You must rest, I am sure it will be a long travel. I will be back soon, " he said and turned, leaving his room and going downstairs to eat dinner. When he came back up, he saw the stuffed dragon lying there, looking asleep. So, Nathan got ready for bed before laying down next to the sleeping dragon and drifted off to sleep after his head hit the pillow.

Just as the sun was rising, the dragon had gotten up and was gently nudging at the boy's head. "Wake up," Huffles whispered. Nathan woke up with a small groan, rubbing his eyes as he looked at the stuffed dragon. "I am going to be leaving now. I wanted to say goodbye." Huffles said. Nathan gave a nod, "Be careful on that trip okay?" he said but had started to get up out of bed and walked over to his window, unlocked it, and slowly pushed the window open. "Here, you can fly out through here," Nathan told him, opening it just a bit, enough that he could slip through it. Huffles jumped onto the windowsill, "I will be fine." Huffles assured him. Nathan nodded and watched as he slipped from under the window and outside, flying off from the house.

So far, Huffles was enjoying the flight, the sun was just rising which looked beautiful with the sky and it wasn't very windy either, which was good so he wouldn't have to fight against any wind. Huffles had been told that he was a couple of states away from where Huffles had initially been from. The stuffed dragon knew it would be a long trip back home, but Huffles was prepared for it and couldn't wait to see the other towns and states. Huffles had flown for half the day, arriving at the next town sometime around 3:00 pm, though he didn't fully know what time it was. But, he decided to find a spot, just to relax some and take a break from flying. As Huffles flew, he was glimpsing around at the new town. He had been so inquisitive in visiting the new place, that he ended up flying right into a tree, causing him to fall through the leaves and land on the ground with a small thud. Huffles began to slowly sit up when hands reached out and there were now arms around the stuffed dragon. "Who would have left you here?" a little girl's voice spoke, causing Huffles to look up. "I believe that I caused myself to be on the ground," Huffles admitted, but speaking had caused the girl to shriek in surprise and drop the dragon. Once that moment of surprise and shock wore off, the girl got on her hands and knees, leaning towards the dragon, the little girl's eyes were wide and full of curiosity. "You can talk?" she asked before frowning. "I am not imagining this, am I?" she asked. Huffles sat back, looking up at the girl. "You are not imagining this, I'm Huffles," he stated.

"I am Amanda. How come you fell?" she asked, "are you hurt?" she questioned as she picked the dragon up, looking Huffles over just to make sure the dragon wasn't damaged. "I was flying and I got too distracted looking, I didn't see the tree," he confessed. Amanda nodded, "You should be more careful, you could have caused yourself to get hurt somehow." she stated, picking Huffles up as she stood. "I am taking you home. It will rain soon and you can rest there." Amanda said simply, already starting to walk as she carried him. "Once the rain is over, you can continue with your adventure." She added.

As they approached the girl's house, it had started to sprinkle and as they were inside the house, Huffles looked outside to see it starting to downpour. "How long do you think the rain will last?" Huffles asked. The little girl shrugged slightly. "Usually it will only last a few hours or won't end till early the next day. But you are welcome to just stay here till then." The little girl said.2 "Thank you," Huffles said. The little girl nodded with a smile as she walked inside and up to her room, putting the stuffed dragon on the bed. For the rest of the day, to try and wait out the rain, Huffles sat with the little girl just talking and even playing, showing her how he could fly until they both had gone to sleep, curled on the floor and listening to the sound of the rain hitting against the windows. When the morning came, Huffles stood on the windowsill, glad to see that the rain was done with. The little girl walked over, patting his head gently. "Does this mean it is time for you to leave now?"

Huffles nodded. "I need to be leaving now, the rain is done and maybe I can get closer to where I need to be," Huffles told her. The little girl nodded, "be careful okay?" she said, observing as he flew out of the house. "I will." the stuffed dragon assured her as he flew off.

Huffles continued to fly, his wings flapping. Huffles wasn't sure how long the fly had been, not having access to a clock, but he would guess it was sometime around the afternoon by how the sky looked and by how others were down. But, Huffles was at least glad to see a sign in the distance and as the stuffed dragon got closer, Huffles slowly flew towards the ground, landing next to the ground as he stared up at the sign, now realizing that this was the border of a new state. Huffles was nearly home. The stuffed dragon lay there, next to the sign, it was in the middle of nowhere but what could be the harm of just lying down and relaxing for a few? When the dragon felt more rested, Huffles stood, launching back into the air.

Throughout the rest of the dragon's adventure, he travels through different towns, encountering other people who would give him a place to stay when it was going to storm or when Huffles was too tired to fly. The stuffed dragon did enjoy his trip home, getting to see new places the friendly dragon hadn't ever seen before. Some towns were small and didn't take too long to fly through while others took longer and it nearly took him a day to get through a couple of the states Huffles had to go through. When Huffles reached the state the dragon initially started at. Huffles continued flying, now looking for the familiar house. It was nearly dark by the time the dragon spotted the house. Flying over to it and knowing the door was locked, Huffles landed on one of the downstairs windowsills and tapped his stuffed leg against the window, not sure if it would even be heard.

Sage had just come into the kitchen when she heard a faint noise, at first, she thought she had imagined it when she heard it again and saw the dragon, she walked over, opening the window to let him hop in and onto the kitchen counter. "Your back!" she exclaimed before she leaned on her elbows on the counter. "How was it?" she asked.

"I enjoyed it!" the dragon said. "I stayed with Nathan while he adjusted to his new home and when we agreed that it was time for me to go, he said he would be fine and to tell you he said hello. After that, I went to different towns, I enjoyed seeing the different places. And I did fly into a tree and it made me fall, but a nice little girl, Amanda, I think had taken me home before it rained and I remained there till the rain was over." Huffles explained before continuing. "After I left those girls' homes, I began to fly off, of course, I saw new places as well. It was interesting seeing them and meeting new people as I did. Maybe we can go on a trip of our own someday?" Huffles requested. Sage listened and chuckled with a nod, "Maybe we can. It sounds like you had a very adventurous time and there are many other places to see." Sage declared, picking the dragon up. "I am sure there is much more to know, but I am sure you had a long trip as well and I am tired. You can tell me all about it in the morning, Huffles." Sage stated, carrying the dragon as she walked upstairs. "I am glad you are home though, it had been lonely." She said softly.