
An original character Teaser

This is a teaser/story of my original character Emily I have made; she's a fighter; her father was arrested when she was younger due to dirty cops.

triggers mention murder and some violence; there shouldn't be any other triggers but if there are please let me know and I will add them!


Dust kicked up behind her as she ran on the gravel road, it was quiet. there wasn't any noise besides her feet pounding on the gravel and her breathing. Emily wasn't sure how long she had been running but knew she was halfway down the gravel road. She glanced over, seeing a male catching up to her, her eyes focused straight, seeing the pole that was stuck in the ground next to the gravel, the spot was to represent the finish line. Emily ignored the cramp forming in her side, pushing herself to run faster.

"You've gotten faster." the male said just as Emily skidded to a stop beside the pole, grabbing onto it for balance, the male only a few feet behind her.

"Does that mean we can rest?" the girl asked, once she'd caught her breath. "we've been out here for hours, it's hot. and I'm hungry." she said, putting her hands on her hips. She could feel her tank top soaked with sweat, her hair pulled back into a messy bun though a few strands of hair stuck to her forehead. the male sighed a bit, nodding. "we can go up to the house." he said, leading the way off the gravel road and up a hill to a small house, it was in the middle of nowhere. perfect for being alone, able to run and fight.

"Being fast is good, Emily." the male said, glancing over his shoulder at her.

Emily sighed slightly, "I've heard you already tell me this, Adrian." she told him, stopping when they came up to the door and he turned to face her, "I know you have, but being fast is what will keep you alive when they come." Adrian told her, unlocking the door and opening it, walking inside with Emily following. "you mean, when the people who murdered my father come after me?" the girl asked, closing the door behind her. "I will be ready when they show up," she told him just as a knife came flying at her, one hand coming up to grab the handle, it was only a few inches from her eye. Emily glared at the male, tossing the knife aside. "you are lucky I grabbed that in time." she said, her jaw clenched slightly.

"Luckily, you did." the male agreed, "I know you'd catch it though. You've gotten better reflexes, and faster, over the years." he told her, walking closer. "you being so fast, always prepared is what will keep you alive. you need to get yourself prepared so you don't get hurt, or worse, I told you I'd make sure you are as good as you can be. and I promised your father I would make sure you can defend yourself and that you don't end up dead." Adrian said, stopping only a few feet away from her. "the people are very angry with you, for looking into your father's death. they don't want you finding out whatever it is that got him killed, why they had to. this is why I am going to help you-" he cut off just as he went to punch her, she nearly got hit but managed to roll out of the way in time. "become a better fighter than you were." he continued as she got up, grabbing a knife off the table and throwing it at the male, which he caught. "I know, you are just trying to" She was cut off by her feet suddenly going out from under her as she landed on her back. The word "help" came out as a groan. Emily slowly pushed herself to sit up, and propping herself up on her elbows. "you kept me busy talking." she accused him, which only make him laugh.

"Even when talking, you need to pay attention. not get caught off guard," he warned her. Emily sighed as she started to stand, "I'm going to go shower and change clothes. while I think off all you said." she muttered and walked off, going upstairs. going to go and shower.

After showering and getting into fresh clothes, she went downstairs just as the smell of food hit her. She walked into the kitchen before saying. "what you said, about me needing to be prepared, I am." She told him. "and I will be ready when they come." she added