
Operation Love Boat- Luffy x Hancock Fan Fiction (Sequel to Island For

Luffy has finished his training and now needs to meet up with his crew at Sabody. Boa Hancock will sail him to the island with her crew, but Elder Nyon and the Kuja Pirates have a plan to get the two together. Watch as Luffy and Hancock's bonds strengthen and witness a secret event that the world would never know.

KodyakCombs · アニメ·コミックス
80 Chs

Until We Meet Again, My Beloved

The voyage to the Sabody Archipelago went smoothly. The Kuja were able to prevent Luffy from devouring all their food, thus achieving survival. The Perfume Yuda was now less than a day's voyage from its destination. 




Hancock's sweet voice enters Luffy's ears, while he is having a double arm-wrestling match against Sweet Pea and Aphelandra. He turned his head and saw Hancock ignoring physics and floating towards him. 


"Luffy, I have a present for you!" 


"Is it meat?!" 


Luffy slammed Sweet Pea and Aphelandra's hands on the table before getting up. 


"No, it isn't meat." 


Hancock pulled something from behind her. 


"I made you a shirt!" 


It was a red shirt with gold buttons. 


"I modified one of my dresses and made it for you....Will you wear it?" 


She spoke with a shy voice. 


"Oh, this is great!" 


Luffy took the shirt and lifted it up in the air. 


"Thanks, Hancock!" 


"I-It was nothing. I was just fulfilling my duties as your fiancée." 


Her face was red as she spoke. Luffy took off his shirt and tried it on. 


"It fits perfectly." 


"Of course." 


Hancock took a pair of glasses out of nowhere and placed them on her face. 


"As your future wife, I'm required to know everything about you. I have your measurements memorized, along with your weight, foods you like or dislike, and even the number of hairs on your head. Everything about you is stored inside my head." 


"Girls, if you ever fall in love with a man, I need you to remember her figure." 


Elder Nyon pointed at Hancock as she talked to the rest of the Kuja Pirates. 


"This is the perfect example of what you shouldn't be like. These types always end up in jai—Ugh?!" 


Elder Nyon was kicked in the back by Hancock. 


"What the hell are you telling them, Old Bat?" 


Hancock stepped on Elder Nyon's back. 


"Besides, we're already criminals in the eyes of the law." 


"This damn little....Not even when I was a part of the Rocks Pirates did I experience an evil greater than this woman..." 


"Huh? Did you say something, Miss-Still-Single-In-Her-70s?" 


Hancock spoke with a mocking tone. 


"She gets one man and suddenly she's better than everybody else...." 


"One more than you." 


Elder Nyon forced Hancock's foot off her and got up. 


"That's it!" 


She lifted her fists. 


"Put'em up, Bitch! We're settling this today!" 


"Bring it, Old Fart. There's no need for two Empresses!" 


The two started brawling while Luffy was looking at himself in a bucket of water. 


"It's just like the one I got from Dandan." 


He snickered while the sounds of carnage came from behind him. 




While examining the shirt, he spotted something written been the buttons. He took a closer look. He saw the word LuHan with hearts around it. 


"Hey, Hancock." 


Luffy turned to Hancock who had Elder Nyon in a chokehold. 


"Yes, Darling~!" 


She released Elder Nyon who hit the floor twitching. 


"What is this? LuHan? I think I heard it before." 


"Oh, that's just the name of our first child." 






Hancock's face reddened and her eyes started spinning. 


"I-I mean, it's just our names put together! You know, I made it and you'll be wearing it!" 


"I see. That makes sense." 




Hancock let out a nervous laugh. Meanwhile, Elder Nyon was on the floor glaring at her. 


"I swear if I was just a little younger..." 


The following day, the Perfume Yuda arrived at Sabody. This meant it was time for Luffy and Hancock to part ways once again. Hancock woke up with watery eyes. 


"No, I can't cry." 


She sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes. She stood up from her bed. 


"You will be strong, Boa Hancock! You will not show your weak side! You'll be a strong woman!" 


She spoke with a confident smile. 




Hancock's wails rang across the ship. She was holding on to Luffy pressing her face against his face. 


"I don't want to part ways! I don't wanna! I don't wanna!" 


She hugged Luffy until his body was bent out of shape. 


"A 31-year-old woman crying while hanging on to her 19-year-old crush..." 


Elder Nyon looked at her with pity. 


"This is not only pitiful but most likely illegal in some way." 


Hancock shot her glare which caused her to shut her mouth. 


"Come on, Hancock. We'll meet again." 


Luffy gently patted her back. 


"You're right, Luffy." 


Hancock released him and fixed herself up. 


"You're going to meet your friends after two years. I can't be selfish and stop you from doing that." 


Elder Nyon nodded. 


"Which is why I'm coming with you." 


Hancock pulled out a giant backpack full of food out of nowhere. 


"Wait, wait, wait!" 


Elder Nyon went between them. 


"Snake Princess, we've been through this already! You can't-" 


"Calm down, Granny. I was only joking." 




The Kuja girls started laughing after seeing Elder Nyon's confused face. Elder Nyon started to blush out of embarrassment. Hancock smiled and looked at Luffy. 


"I know how much your crew and dreams mean to you, so I will not stand in your way or interfere in any way." 


She showed him a bright smile. 


"I heard that if you love something you must let it go. I always hated that phrase and thought it was stupid." 


She stretched her hand out and Mariegold handed her a white hooded-cloak. Hancock wrapped the cloak over Luffy. 


"After meeting you and having this moment I finally understand." 


She put the hood over Luffy's head. 


"It's because I love you why I want you to happily pursue your desires without worries. I have no intention of holding you back." 


Luffy examined the cloak a bit and recognized it as the one Hancock wore to sneak him into Impel Down. A huge grin appeared on his face as he felt its warmth. 


"Thank you, Hancock! I'll definitely come find you when I've accomplished my dreams! I'll bring my crew too!" 


Hancock bent down and placed a kiss on his cheek. 


"I'm looking forward to it." 


After receiving an unbelievable number of supplies that eventually had to be lessened, Luffy departed from the Perfume Yuda and the Kuja Pirates on a small rowboat. This was so he wouldn't be seen with the Kuja Pirates, and risk revealing his relationship with them. 




Hancock let out an exaggerated sigh as she looked in the direction Luffy left hours ago. 




Her tone could break the hearts of all who heard it. 


"Can you quit that already?" 


All except one. 


"That's all you've been doing since he left." 


Hancock looked at Elder Nyon with deadpan eyes. 


"Wow, so old and still hating. What a miserable old woman." 


She then went back to sighing. 


"I swear the day I meet Jewlery Bonney it's wraps for you! I just need her to make me 10 years younger and then I can finally end you!" 


"Yeah, yeah. Maybe she's on Sabody. Why don't you go check? Although, they might think you're a rare animal and capture you." 


Elder Nyon's jaw dropped. 


"Alright, alright." 


She nodded her head. 


"It's that attitude why Luffy will find a different woman in the New World." 


Elder Nyon leaped back to avoid a kick from Hancock. 


"Take that back!" 


Hancock glared at her with hellfire in her eyes. 


"Isn't he going to Fishman Island? Maybe he'll meet the Mermaid Princess? I heard she was prettier than you anyway." 


"I see you've decided to die today, Gloriosa!" 


Hancock lifted her leg. 


"Hah! I come from a generation of monsters like Whitebeard, Roger, and Rocks! You don't scare me, brat!" 


Elder Nyon also took a fighting pose. 


"Let me send you to them!" 


"Tell Whitebeard, Gloriosa says Hello!" 


The two moved towards each other. 


"Elder Sister, it's terrible! Luffy and his crew are being chased by the Marines!" 




Hancock kicked Elder Nyon overboard before facing Sandersonia. 




Several of the Kuja girls jumped off the ship to get her. 


"We picked up one of the Marine's messages saying they're pursuing the real Strawhats after capturing the imposters! They have Pacifistas!" 


"Do you have their location?!" 




"Alright! Full speed ahead!" 


"Yes, Snake Princess!" 


The Perfume Yuda immediately sailed to where the marines were chasing the Strawhats. 


"Snake Princess, there are 3 Warships pursuing Luffy's ship!" 


Rindo shouted while looking through a telescope. 


"Ah, they're opening fire!" 


The sound of cannon fire reverberated. 


"Don't worry, we're in range." 


Hancock kissed her finger and created a heart. She pulled it. 


"Slave Arrow!" 


She fired countless pink arrows at the cannonballs. The arrows hit and turned the cannonballs to stone, causing them to fall into the ocean without hitting their target. 


"What the hell happened?!" 


A marine officer shouted. He turned his head to see a Pirate ship being pulled by two giant snakes blocking their ships' path. 


"The Kuja Pirates?!" 


The Marines shouted in shock. Hancock walked out and faced the Marines head on. 


"Who was it that put a Warship in my way?" 


She glared proudly at the ships. 


"Move your ship, Boa Hancock! Are you trying to interfere with the navy?!" 


The Marine Officer shouted in rage. 


"I'm not interfering. I just don't feel like getting in the way." 


Without an ounce of fear, Hancock spoke to the marines as if they were beneath her. 


"She's acting like a child..." 


The Marines couldn't believe their ears. 


"Is that a problem?" 


Hancock spoke with a slight head tilt. 




The marines were immediately mesmerized and started cheering, forgetting their mission. Hancock glanced behind her at the Thousand Sunny. 


(Now's your chance, Luffy.) 


She winked. 


(I hope that made his heart flutter even a little.) 


"Damn you, Luffy! This is so unfair!" 


Meanwhile, Luffy was being shaken by a crying Sanji. Shortly after, Hancock watched as the ship escaped. She breathed a sigh of relief and left the area with her crew. She looked in the direction Luffy went in and smiled. 


"Until we meet again, My Beloved." 


She turned and faced her crew. 


"Alright, girls." 


She wore a huge grin. 


"Let's go home and prepare for me and Luffy's wedding!" 


"Yes, Snake Princess!" 


Laughter came from the Perfume Yuda and the Thousand Sunny as Boa Hancock and Monkey D Luffy went their separate ways, until they meet again. 






So.....Part 3? 

KodyakCombscreators' thoughts