
OP: Of Wind and Waves

A man dies in a strange way and meets a goddess who tells him because of the thing his last life accomplished, he would get some boons and go to another world. Watch as the man who became the demi god of wind and waves Maui lives in the world of pirates. The drums of liberation are not exclusive to Nika. i do not own cover image or copywrited content.

Sir_Stronghold · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

17. Departure

[A/N: Sorry for the delay. I lost a little motivation this week but I'm back at it. Also there was some comments about how Maui's powers are faith based and if he loses faith he would be weak again. No, his power isnt dependent on faith. His growth of divine powers is based on faith, he wouldnt lose his strength if no one believed in him. His divinity just wouldnt grow further. Just wanted to clear up that confusion.

Also might have another fic out starting soon. My YuYu Hakusho fic will resume soon as well.]

My wish went without a hitch. I needed long range capabilities and I thought of a very cool addition to add to my hook.

Now attached to the bottom of my hook was a small chain made out of enchanted sea stone.

I wished for it to have three attributes. The first is Indestructible, which is self explanatory.

The second and third is Expansion and Reduction. It can grow longer at will and return to it's normal state as well allowing it shrink back into its keychain form.

This will allow me to throw my hook to hit distant opponents and then pull it back to my me among other things.

The idea came from two sources, Scorpion from Mortal Kombat and Goku's power pole in Dragon Ball.

I grabbed the chain and swung my hook and then threw it.

The hook crashed through several trees and created a small crater where it landed. With a jerk, I pulled the hook back and it felled a few more trees in the process.

"Not bad. I still need practice though."

Learning to use the hook effectively with the chains will take some time and few battles.

I stowed the hook away and then left back to my guest room to sleep.

In the morning, Cass knocked on my door, waking me from my slumber.

"Maui, breakfast is ready."

"Coming!" I opened the door and then went to the dining hall to eat. The queen was already present and enjoying her meal while discussing topics with her advisor.

"Ah, you're up. I had my people prepare what you asked for. It's ready for you whenever you are. Cass will take you there."

"Thanks your Majesty."

After eating breakfast, Cass took me to a small workshop that was prepared for me with materials inside.

I stepped in and found everything I would need to make what I want.

I picked up some wood and began carving a small medallion. On the face, I carved a symbol of waves and wind to match what I stand for.

On the back, I carved the words "Praise the God of Wind and Waves, Maui, for good fortune."

Once done, I used a coat of primer and soaked the medallion and then painted it white and light blue which will be my colors.

I then strung a stylish cord through it for the necklace portion and attached clasps so the necklace can be easily taken on of off.

Creating the medallion was the first part. I then needed to bind it to my divinity.

I held the finished medallion and then extended my divine energy to it. Soaking my essence into my new symbol.

Symbolism is very important to divine beings, something I learned on my own and am now putting into practice.

My divinity accepted the medallion as a symbol representing me and once finished I could feel a connection to it.

I only needed to make one to see if it was possible and it turned out it was.

I smiled as I looked at my handiwork.

"I won't need to make these myself from now on. As long as someone makes it properly the resulting creation will still be tied to me through symbolism. I may need to make a few for people I meet along my journey though."

What I made was similiar to the cross that became a symbol of Jesus. And with it tied to me this way, the wearer will get a minor blessing related to the sea and wind.

For landlubbers, that blessing wouldnt mean much, but for sailors that live their lives on the sea and depend on the wind to sail, my blessing will give them some luck and protection while sailing.

My plan is very simple. I asked the queen to provide these materials so I can make this but that isnt the real favor I asked of her.

She will take the finished product to her craftsmen and have them make hundreds of them and give them out for free at every port.

I expect the hype for these medallions to snowball over time as more people experience better fortune at sea.

Word of mouth will spread from port to port and island to island, until the whole world knows of Maui. At least that's the idea.

As the medallions become more popular there will definitely be people who want to capitalize on them and will make and sell them on thier own.

That is actually good for me because as long as they make them right it doesnt matter if they are used to make money. The effect will be the same. More faith for me!

I walked out of the workshop holding the medallion.

"Done already?" Cass asked.

"Yup. Here, please take this to your craftsmen as per our agreement."

"Very well... I'm curious why you asked for this as a reward instead of something more material or even just cash?"

I smirked and patted her shoulder, "These medallions will be a big hit among the sailors of this world. It might not seem like much but the people who wear them will have very good luck at sea."

She looked at me incredulously and then shook her head. It was clear she did not believe me.

"Well, now that your business is settled, are you going to depart?"

"Yeah. I've been in this country long enough. It's time to grace the Grand Line with my presence. Hahaha."

"I feel bad for the people there that will have to be annoyed by you..."

"I'm not annoying, you are just too stiff."

"Hmph, let's go. I have the carriage waiting to take you back to Pierre."

I raised my brow in amusement. "No thanks. Just tell the beautiful queen goodbye for me and that Maui will return someday to woo her."

"You bastard! Stay away from her majesty. And what do you mean 'no thanks'. Do you plan to walk back?"

I walked ahead of her and then looked back, again with my signature smirk.

"Nope! Later Cass. Dont miss me too much. And make sure to get those medallions made and spread as much as possible. Next time, don't be such a sourpuss. Hahahaha."


Before explaining myself, I shifted into a falcon and flew away into the sky, leaving Cass behind dumbfounded by my power.

Next stop, the calm belt and then the Grand Line!