
Onepiece: A King with Summons

A One-Piece Kingdom Building Fanfic. Augustus [The Main character] Wakes up in One Piece as the Newly Inherited King of a Kingdom on the verge of collapse both internally and externally, Located in Paradise. He gets a Summoning system which as you guessed allows him to summon characters from Movies, anime and games for his Kingdom. [I was Thinking the first summoned character should be Godfrey, The First Elden Lord] Well, what are you waiting for? Read the fanfic already. [Yes that is an order] --- **Support the Series:** If you're enjoying the series and want to support it, consider becoming a patron on my Patreon. As a token of appreciation, patrons will receive 10 additional chapters for $10. Your support helps me continue creating and bringing these chapters to life for you, I'm just starting this story, so it might be a while until I can get all 10 chapters ready for each of the three stories. But if you still want to pay, I will just have to accept your money, In't I. :) https://www.patreon.com/not_slushy **Disclaimer:** This is a fan-created work. I do not own any of the original characters or settings from the One Piece Anime or any otcharactersters that will be summoned. All rights to these characters and worlds belong to their respective creators. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. --- 1000 words a chapter. One Chapter a day.

Not_Slushy · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

Chapter 34 The Three Summons

As the golden portal swirled open, three figures emerged, their footsteps echoing with authority and power.

The first to step through was Sosuke Aizen, his eyes glinting with an unsettling calm.

His expression was as inscrutable as ever, a mask of serenity concealing the sharp, calculating mind beneath.

Aizen's thoughts swirled with a sense of disattachment from his previous world, a place where his ambitions had consumed him.

Now, in this new realm, he felt a subtle shift in his purpose.

Perhaps it was no longer about his own ascent to power, but about aligning himself with Augustus, a being who might bring him closer to an ultimate understanding—a new goal to pursue.

Following Aizen was Shiroe, the "villain in glasses," his sharp eyes scanning the environment with meticulous detail.

Shiroe's mind was a whirl of calculations, already considering the strategies he might employ in this unfamiliar world.

He thought of his comrades, left behind in the world of Elder Tale, and felt a pang of something like regret, though it was faint.

This was a new challenge, a new game, and Shiroe had long learned to detach himself from what was left behind.

His loyalty was to those who fought by his side, and in this world, it seemed Augustus would be that ally—a leader worthy of his intellect.

Artorias the Abysswalker came last, his imposing figure casting a long shadow as he stepped into the light.

His armor clanked softly with each movement, the weight of his past battles still fresh in his mind.

Artorias felt a strange peace in leaving behind the corrupted world of the Abyss, a place where he had lost everything.

His loyalty had always been to the realm and its people, and now, with Augustus before him, he felt a renewed sense of duty.

This was a new world, free from the shadows of the Abyss, where his sword could once again serve a just cause.

As the three gathered, they exchanged glances—an unspoken understanding passing between them. Each recognized the strength in the other, but there was no need for words; they had all chosen this path.

Augustus stood before them, regal and commanding, a figure who exuded power and purpose.

Aizen, Shiroe, and Artorias moved as one, kneeling before him in a show of allegiance.

The air was thick with unspoken oaths, each of them silently committing to their new leader.

Aizen's thoughts lingered on his shift in goals, now tied to Augustus's vision.

Shiroe pondered the strategies they would need to survive and thrive, while Artorias felt a deep-seated resolve to protect this new world from any threats it might face.

Augustus welcomed them with a nod, acknowledging their loyalty.

In this moment, the past worlds were truly left behind, and the future lay ahead—unknown, but filled with potential.

"Aizen, you will be in charge of the Kingdoms Management, Shiroe with your calculating Mind you will be in charge of the Economy and Artorias you will be assigned to the Military"

"Aizen, we are going to soon move to take over kingdoms in Paradise; I want you to organise this, get yourself familiar with the Military and use the strength of Godfrey, Stephen, Tony, Vega Punk and Artorias to conquer Paradise." Augustus said. Causing a cunning glint to flash past Aizens eye as he smiled peacefully and nodded.

"Shiroe, You will be in charge of stabilising the economy after the destruction of the World government" 

"Yes, your majesty",, Shiroe sai,d, feeling deeply excited about this new challenge.

"Your Majesty, How do we plan on destroying the World government?" Artorias asked.

"Using Nukes and the power of Godfrey to take out Im" Augustus stated.

"Nukes?"- Artorias asked, confused as to what kind of weapon this was.

"Yes, Nukes, also known as weapons of mass destruction", Augustus explained, causing Artorias to go silent.

"Alright, I think you both should go to the kingdom and familiarise yourself with this world", Augustus opened a portal.

Aizen looked at the portal for a few seconds before he stepped through meanwhile shiroe stood up and walked around the portal observing it trying to understand how it worked.

"You can ask Stephen Strange if you are curious about this portal", Augustus said, causing Shiroe to nod and step through.

Once they were gone, Augustus looked at Artorias, who had stood up but wasn't moving.

"What's the matter?"

Artorias stepped forward a little, his presence commanding but not overpowering, and he addressed Augustus with a grave tone. "Your Majesty" he begins, his voice steady, "I have seen the devastation that unchecked power can bring.

The Abyss consumed my world, leaving naught but ruin in its wake. There is a line, one that once crossed, cannot be undone."

He pauses, his piercing gaze meeting Augustus's, hoping to convey the gravity of his words.

"To wield such destruction is to risk becoming the very darkness we seek to overcome.

There are battles that must be fought with steel and resolve, not with the obliteration of all that lies before us.

Consider, not just the enemies you strike, but the innocent lives that will be caught in the storm."

Artorias's voice lowers, almost as if speaking to himself, "We are knights, protectors of those who cannot protect themselves. Let us not stray from that path, lest we lose our honour and the cause for which we fight."

He straightens, his expression firm. "There are other ways, Your Majesty. Please, it's harder but I implore you to find them" Artorias said.

"I am your Knight and I will follow you" Artorias assured but Augustus the plea in his tone.

A Plea to Augustus to not cross the line.

He bowed his head slightly and began leaving the silent Augustus.

"What if I cross the line and become the darkness?" Augustus asked in a solemn tone.

"I will still follow you" Artorias said as he stepped through the portal leaving the silent Augustus standing on the razed ground with the giant headless corpse of kaido flooding the floor with blood.