
One Two Trigger

A 16-year-old boy Name Zukkei who use to have a job where he delivers newspaper. Unfortunately, the business needs to be closed and that's when he finds out about The Four Association. The Association Who fights for Peace and To Protect the Humans. As Zukkei is joining the Association, he went into a lot of trouble. He also get to meet his new friends. Join Zukkei's Adventure in The Webnovel Called "One Two Trigger" Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Martial Arts

JustDanial · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Chapter 1: One Meets Two

Zukkei, A 16-year-old kid who delivers newspaper for a living. He's been working there for over 2 years. But today, when he went to get his salary from his boss...

Boss: That's your wage, now go home

Zukkei: Hai!

As Zukkei Was Walking To Get Out Of His Boss's Office...

Boss: Oh yeah by the way, tomorrow is a day off

Zukkei: Wait why?

Boss: *exhales heavily* we're closing this business

Zukkei: WHY?!

Boss: People these days...they only read Digital Newspaper

Zukkei: But aren't there some who still reads The traditional newspaper?

Boss: Of course there is, don't be that stupid. But there aren't enough people doing that these days for our Business to stay alive

Zukkei: But Boss-

Boss: Just go Home! Whatever your name is, just know that that's the last money you'll get for this month

Zukkei was really furious at the moment

Zukkei: May i take these newspapers?

Boss: Just take it I don't give a damn

Zukkei: Also, did you tell the other workers that we're closing business rather than it was just a day off?

Boss: Listen I don't have time, you better go home now or I'll beat the crap out of you!

Zukkei then go home with a disappointed face, He felt really depressed

After Several Hours, Zukkei woke up, have a shower and decided to go out with a hope to find a new job

Zukkei lives a rough life, he always needs to save money carefully so that he can afford his monthly rent. Zukkei doesn't know much about the real world because he doesn't watch or rather read the daily news. He doesn't even have a phone. When he goes out, he sees a huge building in front of him with the name 'The Four Association'

Zukkei: What is this association even about?

Zukkei then went to ask several people about the association

Random Lady: Oh this association is big, how can you've never heard about them, young one?

Zukkei: I don't really know much when it comes to business or government **chuckles awkwardly**

Random Lady: Are you really??? Your face looks smart, but it doesn't seem like your face represents who you are

Zukkei In His Mind: Damn, this old hag is driving me crazy

"Ma'am, i ask you again, what do you know about the Four Association?" **Zukkei asked calmly as he was controlling his anger**

Random Lady: Oh that's it, all i know is that their name is called Four Association and they're famous

Zukkei was completely shocked



Zukkei: *sighs* whatever.

After A Few Minutes, Zukkei finally found someone who actually knows the story and the origin behind The Four Association

Zukkei: Excuse me, ma'am.

Random Girl: Cut the ma'am, My name is Hira and i'm only 16 years old. Nice to meet you.

Zukkei: Nice to meet you too, ummm do you know anything about The Four Association, Hira?

Hira: Oh, i see. I know a lot about The Four Association. But the information is quite a lot

Zukkei: I don't mind, Hira. Just tell me the story

Hira: You see, The Four Association obviously divided into 4 Leagues. These 4 Leagues were created to save & help people by Self-defence. These 4 leagues are made for martial artist.

1st League, Warrior. A group of fighters who are experts at using their brute strength

2nd League, Ninja. A group of fighters who are experts at using their ability of agility and stealth

3rd League, Assassin. A group of fighters who are experts when it comes to stealth & strategies

4th & The Last League, Patrol. Out of the 4 Leagues, Patrols are the most vulnerable League, Their job are just like police's. The difference is that they attack & protect by fighting without weapons that use bullets. They're also experts when It comes to Technique & Skills

Just to clarify, none of the 4 Leagues is better than the other one. They're balanced, it's just up to what kind of mission that they're in.

For example, when it comes to fighting a group of very agile thieves. Ninja would get the job done better & quicker than the 3 other Leagues.

But, when it comes to fighting a group of Skilled Hitman, Patrols would get the job done better than-

Zukkei: Yeah Hira, i see the pattern here. I don't need examples.



Hira In Her Head: It's useless fighting in an argument against boys, it's not like they know how to admits defeat in an argument

Zukkei: Yeah anyway, thank you for the infos-

Hira: Wait where are you going?

Zukkei: To join the association

Hira then stays quiet for a few second before she explode & says....


Hira: Alright, let me explain More about The Four Association. MUCH SIMPLER THIS TIME!

Zukkei: *sighs* sure go ahead.

Hira: Before you can take part in the Association Test, you need to be prepared to fight, get hurt and many more things because just to participate, you'll have to pay a participation fee of $400,000


Hira: No, I'm not lying. That's why I've never been able to participate

Zukkei: Waiiiiit, you want to participate?

Hira: Yeah why? Just because i'm a girl doesn't mean i'm weak

Zukkei In His Head: I want to say she's kinda too cute to be a fighter but at the same time, I don't want her to get too cocky-

Zukkei: Nooo, just...you know what never mind

Hira: Anywho, do you know anyway we can get $400,000?

Zukkei: Waiiiit a minute. Did you just say we?

Hira: Yeah why?

Zukkei: To participate, you need to pay $400,000 per person right?

Hira: Yeaaaah?

Zukkei: *sighs* how can we get $800,000? *laughs nervously*

Hira: Well, i'm just asking for ways doesn't mean we'll be working together

Zukkei: Wait, let's look up for ways to find big money quickly on a bunch of newspapers

Hira: You still read newspaper?

Zukkei: Yeah, I got a bunch & don't worry, it's the latest one

Hira: *sighs* why not right?

About 30 Minutes Have Passed...

Zukkei: Hey Hira!

Hira: What?

Zukkei: Here, i think I've find the way to get $800,000 quick

Hira: Bounty thieves? You do know it's not that easy right?

Zukkei: Yeah but look, there are 5 people here, 3 Of them has a bounty of $100,000 & the other 2 has a bounty of $250,000

Hira: Look, this is risky. I know for a fact that these thieves aren't casual thieves because of the bounty price

Zukkei: But we could at least give it a try. Don't worry, if you're not willing to capture them. I can try to get all 5 of them and give 50% of The Money prize to you

Hira In Her Mind: He's really willing to risk his life just to get both of us to participate in the Four Association test? This dude really is something else

Zukkei: Soooo are you going to help me or what?

Hira: Yeah sure but we'll need a plan

Zukkei: Not a problem

Hira: Follow me

Zukkei: To where?

Hira: My house. Don't worry, my parents allow people like you to get in. It's not like you're a bad guy or something

Zukkei: Aw thanks, you're actually nicer than i thought

Hira: Don't mention it, come on let's go

In The Next Chapter, We'll be joining Zukkei & Hira's Journey In The 'Bounty Hunt Arc'!

First, i wanna say that my English is not THAT Good, i know the basics (and even then still struggles to speak English like a normal human being)

This is my first time making a web novel. Hope you guys enjoy it.

My format is pretty weird, i kinda don't do the legitimate format just Cause, Btw, enjoy the book!

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