
One Two Trigger

A 16-year-old boy Name Zukkei who use to have a job where he delivers newspaper. Unfortunately, the business needs to be closed and that's when he finds out about The Four Association. The Association Who fights for Peace and To Protect the Humans. As Zukkei is joining the Association, he went into a lot of trouble. He also get to meet his new friends. Join Zukkei's Adventure in The Webnovel Called "One Two Trigger" Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Martial Arts

JustDanial · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 2: Bounty Hunt Begins!

Continuing Right From The Last Chapter When Hira & Zukkei Has arrived to Hira's House

Hira: Mom, Dad, I'm home

Hira' Dad: Who's this gentleman you're bringing home here?

Hira: His name's Zukkei, don't worry he's not a bad guy. He'll be staying in our house for as long as possible until we finish our plan. Oh yeah

Zukkei, meet my mom, Mitsunei Kaero.

My dad, Azuni Kaero

Mitsunei: Nice to meet you, you better not think to do anything bad to my daughter

Zukkei just stood nervously as Hira answers the question her parents is asking

Hira: Just so that you won't be worried, I'll turn on the cctv inside my room. Come On Zukkei let's go

Azuni: Hira, does this have to with the Asso-

Hira: Yeah dad...and we'll get into the test. Trust me

As they enter Hira's Room..

Zukkei: By the way, Hira-san-

Hira: *giggles* Just call me Hira. Don't need to be too formal around here

Zukkei: Sure, Hira. I wanna ask, why do you want to participate in The 4A Test?

Hira: I'm bored & i'm just into fighting. Don't ask why. How About you?

Zukkei: *sighs* it's nothing really, i just want to find a way to get money so that i can afford living my lifetime

Hira In Her Head: there's definitely something he's hiding that he might think is either embarrassing or just don't worth mentioning

Hira: Yeah that makes sense

2 days have passed and they finally finished their plan. In present time where they're hunting the bounty thieves. At a library

Zukkei: Hira, you go to the 15th section and I'll watch from upstairs

Hira In Her Head: This library is really empty but there are more seats & tables here than there are in an average library

Zukkei In His Head: I'm pretty sure that librarian is working with our Prey

Then Zukkei sees that Their Prey is pulling out a gun from his pocket


Hira then Rolls away to another section and straight away calls Zukkei using her phone so that they can avoid making big noises

Zukkei: You saw what he did right?

Hira: Yeah, he's not trying to shoot you or me. He was shooting the lights so that we couldn't see where they could be

Zukkei was about to go downstairs until he heard Hira screaming in pain

Zukkei: Hira what's wrong?

Hira: Not sure, I can't see a thing but i felt like my shoulder just got crushed

Zukkei was trying to figure out what's happening, so he waste no time and went straight for the librarian and chokes him

Zukkei: Tell me what you two are trying to do!

Librarian: Saving ourselves

As Librarian is starting a fight with Zukkei, Hira is also facing a threat that is their prey, Mr Fodoru

Fodoru: You're a girl? I still won't hold back so this is your last chan-

As Fodoru was talking, Hira uses her chance to step on his foot and blow a punch straight to Fodoru's face but Fodoru was lucky enough to block it

Fodoru: What the hell, how did she get to me that fast?

As Fodoru pushes Hira away from him, he starts to realize that Hira is wearing a Night-Vision device.


Zukkei went on a hand-to-hand combat with The Librarian. Zukkei runs straight towards his enemy's direction

Librarian: What is he trying to do?

The librarian chose to also run towards his enemy but what he didn't realize is that Zukkei wasn't trying to strike him.

Zukkei: First one done

Zukkei slides right beneath the Librarian and when the Librarian was trying to go after Zukkei, he falls

Librarian: What did you-

Zukkei: Just because i can't see, doesn't mean I can't sense where you would be. I didn't tie any rope to your feet into making you fall. You tied it yourself

Librarian: I see, you didn't do anything to my feet...but instead you use the chance to untie my shoes

Zukkei: Not bad for an old man

Librarian: An OLD-?!

Librarian In His Head: This brat! I know what you're trying to do, I'll not fall for your trick

Librarian: You're expecting me to go after you? I don't even have to, you can't even get out of here without finding the key first

Zukkei: Oh i'm not trying to get out of here believe me, I'm trying to stay here *smiles*


Hira notices that she's not on par with Her Prey in terms of Technique but she's more advanced than her prey in terms of agility

Fodoru: Forget about it, brat! I know one day, I'll get captured but it'll be decades before i will ever get captured by a bunch of brats

Hira: You're not noticing that i'm still far from being tired while you're already sweating

Fodoru: You think sweating is sn excuse to take a rest? Think agai-

Hira then did the unthinkable and pushes the bookshelf in front of her

Fodoru In His Head: What is she trying to do?

Hira then stands on a place where there's a light illuminating from the library window.

Fodoru then goes straight to ambush Hira without hesitating, Fodoru then stands on the 'spotlight' and then he realized he can't take his foot off the ground

Hira: *chuckles* You might be better than me when it comes to Technique, but you're miles away from being on the same level as my iq

Fodoru In His Head: You Bastard, That's it!

Fodoru then decides to take off both his shoe and go straight after Hira and both of them went on a bit of a chase until Fodoru's foot got stuck into the ground again

Hira: That's the last straw for both you & me

Fodoru: What?

Hira: You see, before i used my Rare Chewing Gums to stick your shoes to the ground...But this time, i use the flaw that is in this library to win this Fight. When you were chasing me, you were running in a straight line while i was jumping & running from left & right.

The Floor of that line is already shattered & Considering how heavy you are, Your weight would be enough to break the ground

Fodoru: But how did you know that my foot would go underground despite the fact that we're on the ground floor?

Hira: Easy, i already knew that this library has an underground hideout. Your friend made this library for thieves to hide from their hunters but it seems like you forgot that

Fodoru: Damn it!

Hira then knock Fodoru out cold with a Kick.


Zukkei was fighting the librarian who seems to be A Professional Nunchuck user

Zukkei In His Head: He's fast with his Nunchuck but he seems to always ignore his blind spot. All i have to do is to pretend like I'm going to hit him on a spot where he can use his Nunchuck but then I'll take the chance to hit his blind spot

Zukkei then runs towards the Librarian to punch his gut but then he puts his whole body to the ground to avoid getting hit by the Nunchuck and at the same time use the chance to Spin-Kick The Librarian's Feet.

However, The Librarian avoid getting hit by Zukkei's Kick by backflipping

Librarian In His Head: That chair's feet broke just from the impact of this kid's kick?! Who is he?

The Librarian then notices that Zukkei's plan didn't finish there as he was smiling towards him

Librarian: Why are you smiling?

Zukkei: I know you're afraid *laughs a lot* and i'll take advantage of that

Zukkei then ambush The Librarian. He avoid the Librarian's Nunchuck with ease

Zukkei: I figured out your move, you're too easy to analyze!

The Librarian got more afraid and Zukkei uses that chance

Zukkei miss his chance to punch the Librarian's gut however...He wasn't going for his Gut, Zukkei was trying to catch The Librarian's Nunchuck.

The Librarian Was Stunned & That's when Zukkei takes the advantage to kick The Librarian Hard enough to get His back ramp Against the bookshelf. The Librarian Got Knocked Out Cold.

Then, Zukkei went to look after Hira

Zukkei: Hira! You're finished?

Hira: I already tied him up, can you not see?

Zukkei: Good job, this is a good warm-up don't you think?

Hira: We're on work, we're not warming up

Zukkei: Yeah yeah you get the point, come on.

Hira: This guy's heavy as a freaking Skyscraper

Zukkei: We can call them to get him right

Hira: I know, just trying to see if i can lift him

Zukkei: Well of course you can't, You're not tough enough

Hira: He really thinks i can't lift him, How Dare...HEEEE




Zukkei: I'M SORR-


That concludes The 2nd Chapter Of "One Two Trigger". With them already captured one of the bounties. There's only 4 More to Go. Will The Other Bounties Be Much More Of A Challenge? Can These Two Finish The Job & Participate In The 4 Association Test? Find Out Next Time On "One Two Trigger"