
One Punch Man: The Ultimate Gacha System

Quiet, reserved, and relatively enjoying his life. Kane wasn't really happy when he woke up with a new name, a new face, and to a whole new world. A world with one big continent, a place where cities are named A through Z, and also where bizarre things happen so often he has no idea how the world hasn’t completely fallen into ruin yet. Also, things like monsters, evil scientists, giants, zombies, undead lichs, psychics, superheroes, supervillains, cyborgs, and anything else he could think of are a common sight. And unfortunately as well, most of those things seem to be trying their best to kill him outright or cause mass destruction. Annoyingly, since he now lives here, he doesn't really have much of a choice but to intervene in hopes of ensuring that he and everyone else in this crazy world can maybe live to see tomorrow. Thankfully, though much to his utter confusion, he has awakened something called The Ultimate Gacha System. And although it might be a big help to him in his coming battles, it is rather perplexing that the things his system gives him are from animes, TV shows, video games, or movies he has next to no knowledge of… Despite this, Kane—now Kanagawa—hopes he can achieve some semblance of control while becoming someone he can be proud of in this perilous world. To start, the Hero Association doesn't sound too bad, because honestly, Kanagawa could easily assume a place where heroes gather couldn’t be completely full of insane people right? Right? Great. [Warning! Small harem of two(who they are is pretty obvious), and also Saitama is not in this world because without him, the story in my opinion as a writer would be way more interesting action wise since well, things wont go down in one punch. And like all my fanfics, updates are not guaranteed, read at your own risk!!!]

STJSociety · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Class Package

The golden screen stretched downwards, and Kane centered himself before diving into the unknown.


-Status-(The menu depicting the overall idea of the player's power)

Name: Kanagawa(the identity of the player)

Level: 1(the cumulative represented power of the player)

Exp: (0/100) (the current experience and the experience needed to acquire a level up)

Bloodlines: none (the slotted inherited enhancements of the player)

AP: 6 (AP, or attribute points, can upgrade your attributes.)


Kane let out the breath he was holding, giving the immediate area a few long empty blank looks before going back to the screen before him. 

He knew what videogames were, he didn't live under a rock, he just never found the value in grinding for something virtual that gave you nothing real in return.

He had punished himself with sleepless nights arguing this exact point to Jordan, and each time they would agree to disagree and call it a draw. 

However, as Kane was starting to get the gist of whatever this system was, he wished he had at least given his only friend the time of day to learn more about his hobbies. 

This system could be his ticket back to going home, and because of his lack of knowledge as a gamer, he might have forever tossed the chance away.

Stopping the previous line of thinking immediately because Kane knew how it wouldn't do him any good, he moved on to the next part of the -Status- Screen.


Health: 100/100(The general wellness of the player and how close they are to death.)

Stamina: 100/100- (The fuel for any abilities using the body)

Mana: 100/100- (The fuel for any supernatural abilities.)


There was simply no way this was real, and Kane was wondering if this whole thing was a side-effect hallucination of his mind when he transferred, because how did one simply quantify his 'general wellness' into numbers?

The thought alone gave him the beginnings of a headache, but since he wasn't exactly in his own body at the moment, he was going to be taking this whole thing seriously until proven otherwise. 

As such, he mentally noted how Stamina and Mana were his fuel sources for- actually he had no idea, because 'abilities' was too vague to begin with.

'Keep trudging on,' Kane mentally told himself, 'This is all I have, it will make sense hopefully soon.'

Next, the bottom part of the screen came to his focus.


Strength(STR): 5 (The maximum amount of the player's potential energy.)

Speed(SPD): 5 (The speed at which the player reaches their maximum STR.)


Agility(AGY): 5 (The reflexes and pliability of the body.)

Perception(PRCN): 5 (The overall ability of the ten senses and the ability to analyze stimuli.)


Intelligence(INT): 5 (The max acuity of the mind)

Constitution(CONST): 5 (The maximum absorption of kinetic energy, the strength of immunity, and general wellness)


This was completely outrageous, Kane concluded, but stuffing down his disbelief he soaked in the information and mustered up whatever gaming knowledge he had to understand it to the best of his abilities.

If this system could quantify his exact 'health' into a finite number, the same for his supposed attributes didn't seem all that unbelievable to him that much.

Kane still was on edge about the whole thing though, and it didn't help that when he turned to his left there stood ten women of varying ages standing shoulder to shoulder.

"He noticed us," One squealed as she put both hands on her cheeks.

"The way he was staring absently into space was so dreamy…" Another one said while snapping a picture of him with her phone.

"His eyes, oh my, is it suddenly hot for anyone else?" The next one added while fanning her face.

Kane sat there stunned at their rather brazen remarks, and he could only guess that maybe that was normal for this new world, even if it did share the same name as the one he came from.

Not willing to deal with this situation atop his current problems, Kane gave a small smile to them out of politeness' sake and stood up to leave. 

Annoyingly though, they followed him four whole streets before he decided to take off in a light jog, able to easily lose the entourage of women but now realizing he was lost.

He had 100,000 yen in bills—thankfully not coins—but he knew the high number wasn't a lot.

Although he had no idea how to convert it to USD to confirm it. 

A solution would be to buy something small to get a general idea of how yen worked, but it was the only money he had and he couldn't and wouldn't waste it.

Actually, the only resource to be exact, because with no memories accompanying his new body he pretty much was on his own. He literally had no idea how to even start trying to go back to Earth, and if he did, how long would he need to be here until he actually could?

Kane was not like this, he never let much of anything bother him. He was always fine with quietly reading his books, silently cheering on his favorite sports teams, and diligently doing his school work.

He wasn't anything special, that was obvious, so to be put in such a special predicament had him unsure of what to do.

'Was there a manual for things like this?' Kane started. ' I bet Jordan might have known, and the idiot would probably be jumping for joy if he was in my place.'

He suddenly stopped walking, something he had been doing out of instinct as his mind wandered, and brought his hand up to tap his chin once.

'That's right, Jordan would have excelled at this whole thing. I slept in his bed, so maybe he should have actually been dealing with this and not me. But even if a higher power was the culprit, how could they mess up so badly? Worrying, but as long as I think like him it might work.'

Kane thought back to every conversation he actually could remember because of the bizarreness of the statements, and though small, he did remember something about getting a sentient system was one of the worst outcomes possible.

So, despite how crazy it might seem, Kane glanced sideways at the floating screen showing his -Status- and spoke firmly .

"Hey system."


"Can you help me out here?"

Again, no answer, and Kane was relieved he didn't have anything just as intelligent or more than him in his own head.

His situation was already complicated, adding voices only he could hear would be the last straw and he desperately needed to stay level headed right now.

Although, besides the dog costume guy, the place resembled modern Earth society perfectly, nothing really standing out besides people with different colored hair, some having muscles that steroid users would drool over, and oddly enough people in colorful costumes.

That got Kane thinking about the possibility of different month names, dates, holidays, and so on. And with that thought, he found himself another goal, which was to find out just how different this Earth was compared to his.

And so, with another small goal in mind, he asked around for a public library; making sure to avoid women just in case.

Once got a location down, he began walking through City Q, and every now and then he noticed that there would be loud noises coming from somewhere deeper within. No one really reacted to them though, and after making sure the rumbling wasn't something just in his head by asking other people, he assumed it was the norm to ignore it.

He would investigate the it later.

For now, and since he had woken up here in the morning, he took the moment to continue to discover more about his system while going at a leisurely pace.


-Skills-(the menu showing the acquired skills of the player)

General Skills: none(All skills not meant for combat)

Combat skills: none(skills specifically meant for combat)


Kane was thankful for how empty this tab was, because it was super easy to digest, but some part of him felt peeved that he had zero skills at all. If he was thinking of it like a game, he should have things like reading comprehension, studying, cooking and so on.

To have nothing seemed unfair, but then again this wasn't even his body, which should have freaked him out more but honestly didn't as much as he thought.

Next, Kane clicked the -Abilities- option, bringing up a new one while dismissing the other.


-Abilities-(The menu showing the abilities acquired by the player and their subsequent ranks)

E: none 

D: none

C: none

B: none

A: none

S: none

X: none


Another mostly empty screen, but the insights this time were invaluable, since Kane now knew abilities had rankings to them. He assumed it was like school grades, but why was S and X above A. It sounded dumb, and the system could have gone further into the alphabet and have A always be the highest grade instead of using two out of place letter rankings.

Though he didn't dwell on the machinations of the system too much and was just thankful it was not sentient. He also made sure not to forget something had to have given the system to him, or it was accidentally given to him by an impossible set of circumstances and chance.

Moving on from that, he skimmed over the -Inventory- option, and seeing more emptiness with only the note at the top saying it was where to store his gifted items, he continued.

Staying cautious about the whole thing, he went back to double check some assumptions he had made on certain tabs, and then skipped the next option to go to the info tab once he realized it should answer most of his questions now.

Finally, just as Kane noticed he had made it to the library, he also got the most helpful information about the floating screens before him.

The -Info- tab was a Godsend, and once entering the five story brick and glass library and nodding toward the balding librarian, Kane found himself a seat in a rather reclusive corner.

"So, this is what Gacha is…"

It sounded like a scam honestly, especially because the system was connected to the omniverse, which was apparently every conceivable universe in existence. 

This seemed like utter BS to Kane, because again, who in their right mind would give a nobody like him something so powerful.

Plus, to make the whole thing into some gambling rip off type of entertainment gimmick seemed even more bizarre than everything else. 

However, as much as he hated to admit it though, his current situation was making him have an inkling of belief in the whole thing. 

A new body, a new name, a new world, why not add having an all powerful system that could grant him superpowers to the list but only through some loot chance game?

He read on, mentally noting he would get one daily spin with one slot and nothing else. Although, apparently he also couldn't buy more from what the information tab was telling him. 

Only by leveling up could he eventually increase the number of slots for his Daily Spin. The tab did mention more than one way to affect the daily gacha spins in some form or fashion though.

'I guess there really is only one way to find out.'

A trickle of anticipation for the next menu settled in his gut, his eyes honed in as he mentally clicked -Shop- and watched the previous screen go away to reveal a new one.


-Shop-(Putting Ultimate in The Ultimate Gacha System. The shop allows the player to effect Spins which can grant the player innumerable powerful items, abilities, and bloodlines.)

-[10 GP] (the player's current Gacha Points, the Shop's currency)

Available to purchase:

-Class Spin Package [Free]

-Daily Spin [Free]

-Pull Enhancers Copper [100 GP]

-Pull Enhancer Silver [1,000 GP]

-Pull Enhancer Gold [10,000 GP]

. . . . .

-Knowledge Pack Copper [10 GP]

-Knowledge Pack Silver [50 GP]

-Knowledge Pack Gold [500 GP]

. . . . .

-Spin Booster E [5 GP]

-Spin Booster D [20GP]

-Spin Booster C [500GP]





Kane set both of his elbows down on the long wooden table before him, taking a moment to glance out the window, seeing the massive crowds, looming skyscrapers, and a blue sky with meandering white clouds.

He then moved his gaze up to see the white tips to his hair, then the outfit he wore and finally back to the screen while letting out a long sigh. 

This was real.

He wanted to deny it so much, but he could only keep up the charade before reality set in and he would have to swallow the hard pill anyways.

Kane wouldn't move on so easily though, he knew himself, he would miss Jordan and his parents and his loveable orange cat Jacob. 

He wished he could cry, but he rarely showed such strong emotions, so for now he leaned back in his chair, gritted his teeth, and selected the two options in the Shop tab that said free next to them.

As he thought about navigating back to his Inventory using his mind, something mentioned in the information tab, the two free items he was given were there. 

Each one took up a square in what he assumed was infinite space, and after scrolling down for a full minute on a whim of curiosity, it seemed true enough.

Thinking about going back to the top, the menu blipped back up to once again show the only two items in his Inventory.

This was the moment, the moment to one hundred percent confirm it, and cement his new life.

So, with unwavering will, Kane mentally selected Daily Spin.

Abruptly, a small rectangle screen appeared, and for the life of him he never expected anything so anticlimactic.

[ -General item, Outdoor Survival Sack: Rank [E] ]

This was not very 'ultimate', but he guessed since only he could see it there was very little need for a spectacle.

An outdoor survival sack was alright he guessed, but Kane would honestly take anything he could get right now, and when he wasn't in such a public place he planned to examine the items contents.

Now though, he focused on the -Class Spin Package, and just as with his Daily Spin a simple new screen appeared off to the side.

However, the last thing he expected was options for him to pick.


Select one player, a Class package will gift you two items, two abilities, and two skills of at least every rank besides [X]:

-Warrior Class Package

-Rogue Class Package

-Support Class Package

-Mage Class Package


Kane held his breath, because though he wasn't one hundred percent sure what exactly the package might give him, he had a good idea that they were meant for combat.

'Why did the system seem to focus toward fighting?

How dangerous is this world that I need the system? I should have thought of this before, but I was still not in the right mind. Now, I need to pick one, but which one?

Mage seems powerful, Warrior gives me 'stable' vibes, Rogue seems like a more specialized version of Warrior, and Support I can already rule out because who exactly would I even support?'

Kane did his habit of tapping his chin once and then leaning forward when thinking. He thought about not making the choice right now. Take a few days to think about the choices he had, and only then make a decision.

However, he couldn't guarantee the next few days would be peaceful, or even the next hour. The environment seemed reminiscent of Earth, but it wasn't the Earth he knew.


Kane looked at the Mage option, then the Rogue, and fought over which to choose mentally for the next ten minutes.

Mage of course was the go to, but would he need expertise to use the abilities given? He had no talent for magic since well, he never actually used it before, so maybe for the long game it was the right choice but at the start it was fairly subpar?

'Did Jordan deal with these thoughts when playing his video games?'

Nodding, and done thinking, Kane no longer hesitated and clicked the -Rogue Class Package-.

A screen flashed across his vision, six lines of each rank appearing before him.

Also, as he read he realized he had not a single clue what any of it meant, but he hoped it was good enough to keep him alive for now.


(Rogue Class Package opened)

Gifts Acquired:

-Death Note item, Death Note Slip: Rank [S]

-Seven Deadly Sins Ability, Revenge Counter: Rank [A]

-XCOM Item, Mind Shield: Rank [B]

-RWBY Ability, Shadow Semblance: Rank [C]

-General Skill, Small Blades: Rank [D]

-General Skill, Puzzle Games: Rank [E]
