
One Punch Man: The Ultimate Gacha System

Quiet, reserved, and relatively enjoying his life. Kane wasn't really happy when he woke up with a new name, a new face, and to a whole new world. A world with one big continent, a place where cities are named A through Z, and also where bizarre things happen so often he has no idea how the world hasn’t completely fallen into ruin yet. Also, things like monsters, evil scientists, giants, zombies, undead lichs, psychics, superheroes, supervillains, cyborgs, and anything else he could think of are a common sight. And unfortunately as well, most of those things seem to be trying their best to kill him outright or cause mass destruction. Annoyingly, since he now lives here, he doesn't really have much of a choice but to intervene in hopes of ensuring that he and everyone else in this crazy world can maybe live to see tomorrow. Thankfully, though much to his utter confusion, he has awakened something called The Ultimate Gacha System. And although it might be a big help to him in his coming battles, it is rather perplexing that the things his system gives him are from animes, TV shows, video games, or movies he has next to no knowledge of… Despite this, Kane—now Kanagawa—hopes he can achieve some semblance of control while becoming someone he can be proud of in this perilous world. To start, the Hero Association doesn't sound too bad, because honestly, Kanagawa could easily assume a place where heroes gather couldn’t be completely full of insane people right? Right? Great. [Warning! Small harem of two(who they are is pretty obvious), and also Saitama is not in this world because without him, the story in my opinion as a writer would be way more interesting action wise since well, things wont go down in one punch. And like all my fanfics, updates are not guaranteed, read at your own risk!!!]

STJSociety · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


Kane just stared at the screen, trying to see if anything from the list of items he got bombarded with he might be able to vaguely recognize.

When he didn't, his mind went back over his decision to pick the Rogue starter pack in the first place.

The choice had been a mix of a lot of things. The main one being he assumed a Rogue followed the guidelines of the fantasy books he read. A person who gathered information, was adept in stealth, and usually didn't get into dangerous situations unless absolutely necessary.

Kane, now that he was residing in a new world, was going to need information, and sticking out like a sore thumb by flinging magic around was probably not the stealthiest option.

On the other hand, a warrior sounded painful yet practical. Not having any strengths but balanced on all accounts. Again, it was all speculation on Kane's part, but he could infer he would probably be right in the thick of things as a Warrior. He had no prior experience killing or fighting anything besides a few bugs that annoyed him or some fights in junior high long faded from his memory. He knew he wasn't ready or mentally prepared, he was a modern man after all, and hesitating in the heat of battle easily spelled disaster in his blood.

The Mage starter pack, though, was probably powerful enough to outweigh Kane's paranoia of picking it, but he had no idea if being able to use magic was something normal in this world.

He hadn't seen anything crazy so far, but even then Kane still mentally admonished himself for being so hatsy in his decisions. He should have waited, maybe dealt with something that put him at risk first and then picked his starter pack.

However, his decision was already made, he would live with it.

Abruptly, and with a small chime that was pleasant to his ears, another notification popped up in his vision.


(Diamond Medal Awarded.

<First Step in A Mile: use your first Daily Spin>.

Medal Rewards:

-Knowledge Packs Silver x3

-Knowledge Pack Gold x1

-Spin Booster D x1

-Random Essence Potion x1

-40 GP


After reading the new screen, a small sigh escaped his pursed lips as Kane realized some of the items he actually knew about.

Knowledge Packs were items that could be bought in the shop and then applied to Gacha Rewards, and as the name sounded, give him knowledge on them.

To be more specific, Copper Knowledge Packs gave him a better description, Silver gave him a small guide to its uses, and Gold would give him a better description with no missing parts, a full guide, and a clue to hidden parts he might not know.

Kane guessed that it was a necessary addition to the system, because no one would be able to know everything from the supposed Omniverse, and if they somehow did they probably didn't need the system in the first place.

A Spin Booster, in this case ranked as D, would guarantee something of that rank in his Daily Spin. Another simple and effective enhancer he could use in sticky situations where he might need something.

Kane had goosebumps, which usually only happened when he read a part of a book he found heart racing, but the idea of pulling something powerful or cool out of the Ultimate Gacha System had him excited.

Although, he quickly clamped down on such childish glee, knowing he couldn't and wouldn't get addicted to what was so obviously gambling.

His eyes next landed on the unknown item he was rewarded, cocking his head in curiosity and dismissing every other screen.

[ -Random Essence Potion x1 ]

With a quick thought, he was back at the information tab, and as he suspected, there was not a single mention of 'essence' anywhere.

It was quite annoying being out of the loop, but with the 'random' part of the item at least he wouldn't have to make another decision.

Kane took a glance around the quiet library, taking a moment to hope he got something good, and then mentally tapped potion in his inventory.

A list of so many Essence Potions appeared on a new screen, and before he could even begin to read them the list began to blur as it scrolled faster and faster.

For a whole minute it did that, then, with a loud trumpet noise and gold confetti that rained down but dissolved once it touched something, a new screen appeared.

Kane's eye twitched, but he stuffed away the sheer madness and waited patiently. Like always, a screen appeared, and he glanced at the Essence Potion he gained.


[ Essence of Critical Strike Potion:

-Upon drinking this potion you can feasibly kill anything physical as long as you are using a weapon.

-Anything and everything tangible that may not have a weakness will be overwritten to have at least one that you can theoretically take advantage of with your current abilities.

-The weaknesses or critical points of anything tangible becomes more apparent the longer you observe it through your senses.

-Striking a critical point with any object you deem a weapon will triple its damage.

-your weaknesses or critical points are harder to observe by others.

-Increased chance of enemies missing when attacking your own critical points.

-things are easier to pierce through.


It was a lot, an information dump that had Kane closing his eyes and calming himself over it.

Then, when he had his bearings, he thought of extracting the Essence Potion from his inventory.

He could have waited. He could have not been so hasty like had with his class package, but once he held out hand and a small glass tube with a deep purple liquid materialized in it, he believed this was too important to not consume now.

The implications of the Essence of Critical Strike was simply amazing. He may have still been a little skeptical of the system, but the very moment he held an item that the system had given him it vanished.

Tapping the end of the glass tube on the long wooden desk, Kane chuckled quietly to himself, wondering if anyone in the library was seeing him going through a life crisis as everything he thought possible was shattered time and time again.

Kane blew one of his annoying white locks out of his face, uncorking the essence potion and putting it to his lips.

He hesitated for a few seconds, but when he thought of his situation, he closed his eyes and quickly downed the liquid.

It tasted like blackberry.

The potion was pleasant going down, and other than a warmth that washed over him starting from his gut, he felt completely normal.

After ten more minutes, and still nothing like shedding his skin or exploding, Kane breathed a short exhale of relief and leaned back in his chair.

Taking a break from Omniversal things, he looked to the books around him, realizing just by chance he had landed in the Science Fiction section.

Not being a fan, but still able to read most books, he reached out to the nearest shelf and touched the spine of a shorter red one.

He ignored the fact his reach was definitely longer, pulling the book out and simply reading its blurb.

Eventually, when he got his thoughts in order, he knew he probably couldn't stay here long. The day was young, yes, but it might take a while to find a place to stay, see if any jobs were available no matter how basic would hire, and also read up on the things he needed to know to fit in.

Thinking more on it, there were probably computer terminals, and searching on the internet would be twice as effective than actually reading individual books.

So, getting up and doing a quick scan, he found a far wall of cubicles with computers lining it. A few people were on the rightmost side, and Kane's introverted attitude had him as far away from them as he sat on the left side.

After booting up the computer, he took the chance to open back up a system screen he had closed, using his thoughts to orient the golden square perfectly with the computer so he didn't look crazy looking at air.

It was his inventory, and looking at his Class Package rewards, he wondered which of the three he should use his newly acquired Knowledge Packs on.


Death Note Slip: Rank S- write a name of the one you hate.

Revenge Counter: Rank A- they will feel your wrath, even if it's through your own blood and pain.

Mind Shield: Rank B- do not fear those who seek to pillage the refuge of your mind.

Shadow Semblance: Rank C- they may only catch your shadows, not you.

Small Blades: Rank D- a weapon is weighed by its wielder, not its size.

Puzzle Games: Rank E- the pieces fit together rather easily, don't they?


More choices it seemed, and this time he actually decided to leave most of it for later. For now though, he would pick one, see just how thorough a silver Knowledge Pack actually was, then carefully decide on which to use the other packs on.

He felt the obvious choice was the highest rank, but the name and vague description gave him somewhat of a clue, and he did also have enough Gacha Points to get a copper pack as well. It was only 10 GP, and coming from a place of nothing he would need all the information he could get.

'On the other hand, I still have no idea how often I am going to get GP…'

Kane paused his thoughts, running a hand through his hair like he always did, but this time instead of black curls it was long locks of white hair. Leaning back in his chair, he mentally dismissed the leftover screens he didn't need, reducing the clutter and allowing him to see the library before him.

It gave off a modern feel, tall glass windows, neat rows of books, three floors with metal railing to overlook the middle, and lights that were dimmed as sunlight did more than enough to illuminate the place.

There were few people, most students he guessed by their backpacks, while others wore business suits with briefcases open and papers stacked neatly on tables. Kane widened his eyes a little once he noticed he had left the book he got out on the table. So, like any good person who loved books, he made his way back over to put it up.

By chance, as he was putting the book back he happened to glance behind him toward the tall and long window, seeing the constant foot traffic on the sidewalk with almost no noise getting through but the honks of cars in traffic.

He assumed it was soundproof.

Kane slowly fell into a trance, watching quietly as the mass of moving bodies went in every direction. So many different people, all going about their lives in a place possibly in another dimension and unaware of his circumstances, and most likely not caring. To them this was home, they probably never even had the thought of going to a different dimension or world, just content and blissfully ignorant.

"I need to find a place to sleep tonight." He mumbled, and the thought of using his new looks to see if someone was willing to let him sleep at their place was an idea he cataloged for later.

Although, after he refocused back on his surroundings, his eyes widened as he saw the once bustling people outside the window now scrambling in different directions.

The screams were barely audible, but Kane didn't need to hear them as he saw the smoke and fire.

He backed up, turning around to register that no one else in the library seemed to notice the chaos unfolding outside. He was about to call out to the closest person, but he was cut off by the sound of shattering glass and a yellow taxi cab soaring past right above his head.

The mass of metal arced over the main cluster of tables before slamming into the far brick wall and exploding into a mass of flames.

The small shockwave washeed over Kane, and even from where he was standing he was pushed back to land on his rear. The padded carpet had stopped any actual damage, but as he heard loud cackling laughter it was the least of his worries.

Turning back toward the street, his mouth fell open as he saw the carnage, and also not but a second later, the cause of it all.

"Finally." The voice was male, but what it belonged to was definitely not human, or at least partially. "I found this damned place."

The glass crunched underneath two massive white bare feet, ones that came up into veiny muscular legs, through simple white boxers, up to an even more muscular torso, and a huge square chest clothed by a stretched blackshirt.

Rippling arms attached to burley digits grabbed both ends of the walls, cracking bricks as they pulled the rest of its mass of muscles fully inside.

However, despite how monstrous the body was, what stood out the most was its head. A large red book, with googly eyes placed on top which looked so bizarre sitting atop a hulking neck.

Comically, as the creature continued to talk, the cover and back of the book moved up and down like lips, "It was due to a late fee at this very library that I got drunk and gambled all my money away, forced to the brink of starvation because I had no money for food, I ate the book I hadn't returned."

Kane was still sitting, leaning against a bookcase and only a couple feet away from the monster before him. It took another heavy step which caused tables to rattle and books to fall off their shelves, fully bringing in the being and letting it stand to its full height of ten feet.

"Now, where the hell is that bitch?" It yelled, its stupidly out of place googly eyes turning toward the main desk, where the balding middle aged man was sitting there stunned.

"You," It roared, taking more earthquake-like steps until it loomed over the librarian. "Where is that blonde woman?"

The man shrunk into himself, falling back in his chair and immediately yelping in fright from the impact. When he looked back up, the Book Monster just stared, waiting for an answer he was going to get one way or another.

Gathering his witts, the librarian spoke in a quiet tone, "Sophia or Dandelion?"

The Book Monster's aura seemed to diminish as it froze, "Erm, the above average tall one, she has a flower in her hair."

The librarian nodded, "Yes um, Dandelion, she quit a week ago…"

Kane covered his ears as a roar of anger tore through the air, and he could only watch as an absurdly veiny hand from the Book Monster slammed down on the half circle desk, splintering it and causing the librarian to scream out in pain.

Kane sat there, stunned, unsure of everything going on. The half torn in half taxi cab was still on fire, spreading to other parts of the library and filling the library with smoke. Most of the civilians in the library had already fled or were currently doing so, and Kane would have joined them readily if not for one thing.

He laid his gaze on two people unmoving and bleeding out.

The sight of them slumped over on an overturned desk snapped Kane out his stupor, his body moving as he quickly crossed the distance and kneeled next to the closest one.

From a small observation she seemed to have suffered a hit to her head, and since Kane had next to no knowledge on first aid, he gently pulled her off the desk and quickly got behind her. Putting both hands under her armpits and locking his hands together across her chest, he began to drag her toward the broken windows; as the entrance and exit were way too close to the monster.

While he continued to pull her to safety, he looked back to the commotion, seeing now the Book Monster who was breathing heavily from seemingly exerting himself, and Kane felt his heart sink at the giant blood stain where the librarian had been.

He hadn't heard the attacks, but by the site of spider web cracks and dented metal cabinets, he didn't have to. And now, except for distant screams, the sputter of burning fire on wood, and the Monster's heavy breathing, it was eerily quiet.

Those same googly eyes that Kane had found slightly amusing despite his current predicament, seemed more intimidating than he would ever admit as the black pupils lagged behind its neck as it turned.

The Book Monster glanced at the state of the building he had made, then slowly brought his bloodied hands with gore on them up to his face as he suddenly crashed to his knees.

"What have I become…" It whispered, but still loud enough that Kane could hear it. "I'm a monster."

Kane finally made it back to the window, making extra sure not to drag the woman too hard over the glass before stepping onto the street. Most people were gone or hiding behind vehicles that their owners left for better chances of survival.

Kane also noticed his own heavy breathing, most likely due to the fact he was overwhelmed by the sudden chain of events that left him utterly dumbstruck.

However, he got little time to think about it as he turned back around and went inside again.

Black smoke had already replaced most of the ceiling, thick and suffocating as Kane navigated through sweltering heat till he found the person he had seen before.

A middle aged man whose breathing was erratic and a long wooden spike protruded from the middle of his chest.

However, right before he was about to get to assessing the man and deciding how he was going to move him, he heard the strong outake of air and registered the smell of paper.

He swirled around, slightly stunned to see the Book Monster standing ten feet from him, googly eyes set on him and nothing else.

"Oh well," The Monster's voice sounded completely different from its soul crushing tone before. "At least I don't have to pay my taxes."

Only by sheer luck and a small bubbling gut feeling did Kane manage to dodge the overhead smash, harshly pushing the unconscious man away while at the same time throwing himself backwards.

The ground cracked and a small dust cloud shot outwards, pushing Kane back into a few sloppy rolls before he somehow landed perfectly in a crouch.

"Hey pretty boy, who said you could dodge?"

The Book Monster set those stupidly horrifying googly eyes on Kane again, and all he could do was stare right back.

He was now starting to understand why his system was geared toward combat, and as the Book Monster took a single step forward, he knew he would have to fight now that he was this thing's target

Kane cursed his luck, opened his system menu, and got to forming a plan to get him out of this mess.