
One Piece: Zayn The Celestial Dragon

Zayn a Filipino Otaku got hit by a truck and was given 3 wishes by a ROB and got reincarnated into the one piece world 1 year before roger was executed as a celestial dragon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: The One piece is a masterpiece of Oda and i dont own anything in it. the pictures i also will use won't be mine so copyright to those who owns it. This won't be a harem as the mc would only have one or two girl. This is also a wish fulfilment story so don't expect much.

Buggy_The_Clown · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 10

"hey, do you guys think were forgetting something?" Toru ask all of them.

"Hmm... forget what?" Ava said at the helm.


As all of them couldn't remember what it was, they were about to just forgot the subject when zayn suddenly look up at the mast.

"Oh shit! i think i know it" He said which cause the rest to turn their head at his direction.

"look! we still don't our own pirate flag!" he continue while pointing at the mast.

"oh shit!"(3x) toru, ava and lorelei was also shock.

"oh....." yu was also shock as the rest are!

"yu bring me a piece of black cloth in the cabin." zayn said to yu while the latter just nodded.

After a while, yu was back with a piece of black cloth.

"Ok who will draw?" he ask the rest while toru raise his hands.

"I'll do it, but what will i draw?" he asked while holding a brush and paint.

"Hmm... ok first of course the skull" zayn said.

"Hmm.... done now next what?" toru ask.

"Ok then draw an eye patch on it's left eye while add a red dot on it's right."

"Hmm... and then?"

"last, add the helm's wheel around the skull."

"Done!" toru said then show it to everyone.

(click for image)

"good! now hang it to the mast" zayn order.

After a little while it was finally hanging in the mast. everyone look at it for five more minutes before zayn broke silence.

"for now on, we will be Red Eyed Pirate!!" Zayn said while enthusiasm then raise his hands in the air. (tsk what a dumb name)

"Yea!!!!!" Everyone followed suit as they also raises their hands in the air.

"Red eyed pirate? thats really our pirate group name?" lorelei ask which makes everyone laugh.

"HAHAHAHA" all of them laugh and laugh for a little while.

"seriously that's really our pirate group name?" lorelei ask again.

"hahaha yes and their nothing you could do about it, it will stick to you until you die." zayn answer with a joking tone.

they continue joking around and have some fun as time goes on. after an hour they stopped and go back to their respective jobs.

(5 days later)

(Zayn's Pov)

"Captain i see an island!" Lorelei yelled at us while pointing at east

"ava! turned to the east!" i ordered ava.

"yes captain" she reply as she steer to the east.

after thirty minutes of sailing, we finally arrive at the island. the outer part of the forest was full of trees and grass but as i extend my observation haki, i saw a village.

'are they fighting?' i ask myself as my observation haki could only felt presence and not actually 'see'.

"Let's go to the deepest part of the forest, i felt a village" i said to they as they all nodded.

we ran at full speed to the deepest part of the forest.

after a while we finally saw the village but it was being raided by pirates.

"captain, what's your order?" Toru asked me asking for a cue when to move.

"let's wait a minute" i said which makes them confuse as im not a patient type guy.

"look" i said seeing this while pointing at the direction of where the village is, or precisely to a certain girl holding a naginata and slicing pirates one by one.

(Naginata girl's pov)

i am Addison Beatrix, the daughter of the chief of our secluded village. our village live in peace when suddenly the fire natio-

ehem, when suddenly a pirates got stranded at this island.

they wanted our people to be their slaves, but didn't succeed as my father always fend them off.

but everything changes when they tricked us asking for peace then secretly poisoned my father.

"rararara little girl, just give up your only one, you can't fight us alone." said by their disgusting captain.

"SHUT UP!!" i got enraged and randomly charged at him while his wicked smile widen.

"HAHAHAHA what an easy woman."he said then took his pistol on his belt and point it towards me.

'oh no' i tried to dodge but it's too late as i got hit at the left side of my belly.

seeing this, his wicked smile grew wider as he walk near me.

"Any last words girl?" he ask while pointing his pistol at my head.

'is this my end' were my thoughts when suddenly a white haired guy appeared between us then pinch the barrel.

"mind if i join?" he said with a smile on his face. he has a red eye and an eye patch. he is the perfect embodiment of handsomeness.

(Zayn's pov: a little while ago)

'what a tempered woman' i thought when i saw her getting enraged as her opponent provoke him.

'it's time to interfere' i thought then used soru as i stand between both of them and pinch the pirate's pistol.

"mind if i join?" i ask with a smile, not a friendly one but a mocking smile toward the pirate captain.

the captain was shock as he took a step back and drop his pistol.

"who are you brat!? do you know who i am!?" the pirate said in intimidating with a mix of shock tone.

"Oh? then may i know who this gentleman is?" i said with a very 'interested' tone. not really.

hearing my question, the pirate regain his composure and stood proudly introducing himself.

"your done boy, I AM RICK 'THE BUTCHER' a man with a bounty of 69,000,000 berries." he said proudly at what he accomplished in life. sigh~

"oh 69,000,000 you say? not bad for a no name pirate." i said nonchalantly with a little to no interest about his title or bounty.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A NO NAME PIRATE!!!" he was enraged but i dont really care. hell even if he die from heart attack right now, i won't care.

"EVERYONE ATTACK!!!" he ordered his crew to attack but no body reply.

as he didn't hear anyone reply, he turned around as he saw all of his crew laying on the ground with an arrow pierce their heart while some in the head.

"what happened!?" he asked... well noone as he was dumbstruck at what he saw.

then my showed up walking like they were on a fashion show and stood behind me.

"well looks like your all alone" i said with a mocking smile at him as his face turn red due to anger.

"YOU!! HOW DARED YOU SNEAK ATTACK ON MY CREW WHEN WE'RE NOT PREPARED!!" he yelled with full of anger in his voice.

"well whatever, let just end this shall we?" i said then in a flash im right in front of him as i sent him a punch that set him flying at the sky.

"phew, that was tiring" i said while wiping my non existence sweat.

(3rd pov)

meanwhile when Zayn and the pirate were chit-chating, beatrix just stayed on the ground clutching her wound.

when she saw zayn send the pirate flying, she was shock at how strong the young man infront of him was.

as beatrix was in daze, zayn walk toward her.

"here take this" zayn said then gave a green colored potion that he bought from the system. it could heal any wound.

"it could help healing your wound but i suggest you take of the bullet first or I'll do it for you" he continued.

"AH!, no-no I could do this" she said as she pulled out the bullet with bare hands then drink the potion.

Beatrix was shock as she saw her wound healing at an incredible speed.

Meanwhile when zayn and beatrix was chatting, the other villager also leave their hiding place and thank the group.

"thank you young man!" said by an elderly man around 60-70 years old.

"Thank you!!" all of the villager folllow suit.

"hehe it's nothing old man" zayn said while scratching his head as it was the first time he was genuinely thanked by people.

after for a while of chit-chatting, zayn ask beatrix if they could talk privately while the latter nod.

"what is it you wanna talk about?" beatrix ask zayn as they were in the deep part of the forest not far from the village.

"well I'm giving you an invitation." zayn said then extend his right arm.

"i want you to join my crew!" he continue with louder but moderate voice.

"A CREW?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN, BE A PIRATE?!! ARE YOU INSANE, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE PIRATES?!!" beatrix yelled but fortunately they are in the deep part of the forest and no one heard.

"Ok, ok no need to yelled sheesh" zayn said while covering his ears at how loud beatrix yelled.

"why do you even became a pirate at the first place?!! and whats your bounty?!!" she asked not yelled, but still with a loud voice.

"because..... why not *smile*, as for the bounty hm..... i don't have one yet~"

"do you think being a pirate is a game, a pirate is a lawless criminal that raped, kill and terrorize people!!" she continue reprimand him but to no avail fail.

"well i guess im just built diffirent" he replied then release a smile which makes her to blush.

"you know what just forgot about it" he added then walk back to the village while beatrix followed.

after coming back to the village, the crew stayed for a while as they celebrate with the villagers from freeing their village.


(Eyoo it's already 10 chapters and were getting closer to 100k views, it's a progress i guess anyways thank you to all who support and read my book, LOVE YOU ALL!!!!)