
One Piece: Xander

Chronosjikan · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 6: The Unusual Devil Fruits

The Green Fox Pirates had stumbled upon an enigmatic island filled with a unique variety of Devil Fruits. They were amazed by the vast array of powers the fruits provided and couldn't resist the temptation to try them for themselves.

Xander ate the Wind Wind no Mi, giving him the power to control the wind and create massive gusts that could move ships or knock down buildings. He experimented with his powers, learning how to create powerful tornadoes and control the direction of the winds. He was excited to see how he could use his abilities in battles and other scenarios.

Lily consumed the Steel Steel no Mi, granting her the ability to turn her body into solid steel and withstand even the strongest attacks. She marveled at her newfound strength and couldn't wait to use it in battles. She practiced her new powers, honing her skills and perfecting her control.

Jack ate the Western Dragon Western Dragon no Mi, granting him the power to transform into a western dragon and breathe fire. He also gained immense strength and durability. Jack was thrilled with his new powers and couldn't wait to show them off. He spent hours practicing his dragon form and perfecting his fire breath. He dreamed of becoming the most feared pirate in the world and terrorizing the seas with his fearsome powers.

Mia indulged in the Plant Plant no Mi, giving her the power to control and manipulate all forms of vegetation. She could create massive forests or choke her enemies with vines. Mia was amazed by her newfound powers and spent hours exploring the different ways she could use them. She was particularly interested in using her abilities to create beautiful gardens and landscapes.

With their newfound powers, the Green Fox Pirates were now even stronger and ready to take on any challenge that came their way. They continued their journey, determined to find the One Piece and become the greatest pirate crew in the world. They were eager to see how their new powers would help them achieve their goal and what adventures lay ahead for them.