
One Piece: Wish Fulfillment System

Cedric Ranvil who is just visiting the house of his relatives got killed. He wasn't expecting some Eldritch Horrors to exist within the main Ranvil Family. He was born on another world with the purpose of fulfilling the wishes of various people.

Asthoglho · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

vs Gion


-Random Island.

3rd POV*

Gion's figure instantly vanish only to appear on Cedric's side, and even with his Kenbushoku Haki activated he still wasn't able to dodge Gion's slash. Thankfully she used the back of her blade only causing him to be smashed through a lot of houses.

Cedric coughed some blood feeling some intense pain on his body. It was the first time. Ever since he entered this world and gained Big Mom's broken physique, he never felt any pain. No one could do any considerable damage to him.

That's why, he is visibly shaken when he first tasted the feeling of pain in this world. He had to admit, it is not a good sensation. He would rather avoid being damage like that again. His wish was broken when Gion's foot reached his stomach.

The kick was planted deforming his stomach, the force of it punched through his body breaking some of his ribs in the process. That injury was immediately healed by his ghoul regenerative capability. Cedric didn't stay idle and chose to dodge the third hit that Gion threw.

Each of her blow was heavy, heavy enough for him to admire it. "Puh, that was a nice strike" he complimented clenching his fist. It was already covered his Armament only waiting to be released. He used his kagune to deflect all of Gion's attack, their actions was too fast that the sword and tails are already turning blur.

Afterimages just kept appearing because of their speed, it was a frightening speed. 'There!' Cedric happily thought when he saw a wide gap within Gion's defense. Without hesitation, he dived on that gap throwing his fist at it.

The next moment, his body was stomped on the ground hard forcing the earth to make way for him. He finally realized that it was just a bait on Gion's side, he was a fool for falling for that obvious trap. Cedric rolled on his side avoiding a follow up kick that Gion made.

The force from that kick was different from the first one, it made his bones chill. The result from that kick forced him to understand why it was a scary kick. The place where her foot landed was smashed to pieces, a crater formed within it.

Cedric can vividly feel the sweat that is dropping from his head. "That is scary" he muttered in amazement. He cracked his neck and grinned widely. He now wanted to use more than 100% of his best, he wanted to break through right now!

[Ding! Host's physical prowess is rising. It is now reaching 29/100]

Cedric was surprised by the system's sudden notice but after seeing just how far he has come, he couldn't help but get proud about it. However the next notice made him baffle by a lot.

[Ding! Individual 'Gion' physical ability has been analyzed. Calculating..]

[Ding! It is estimated that she has 51/100 physical capability!]

That poured cold water on his excited heart. The indication of it was simple, it just means that Gion is above him in everything. Whether strength, speed or techniques, she has a higher number than him!

This muddled his thoughts, she is clearly toying with him right now. That thought made him angry, the unknown pride within him soared refusing for him to be easily beaten by this woman, no! He loathes that mere thought!

Unknown to Cedric, his fierce emotion affected his potential. It is now trying its best to produce a more suited power for him. His father's physique is also starting to show on his body, it was in a dormant state for so long because he has no need for it.

His newly acquired pride became the trigger for the blood within him to boil and release itself. His pride didn't get damage when he was beaten helplessly by Garp before. In his mind, it was understandable for Garp to be able to beat him, it is not an exaggeration feat. He is Garp after all. Now he is not only getting beaten to the ground, it was also a woman who is doing it!

Cedric had no choice but to rage about it, it was utterly humiliating being forced on a corner like this. He knows that it is immature of him to think like that, however his father's blood is already influencing his line of thought.

Cedric's body began changing at that moment. His simple yet bulky build started disfiguring, muscles emerged from his arms until it covered his whole body. His height also rose before he surpassed Gion in terms of height.

He has now a height of 2 and a half meter, towering Gion on comparison. His appearance got even more manly, any girls will really wet themselves if they saw his figure. Even though he now has compact muscles on his body, it was still sculpted to form an art.

His body now looks like a copy of greek gods, each part are delicate and could be appreciated any time. Cedric dismissed his appearance and focus more on the swelling power on his body, he can feel his power soaring up trying to break free from his body.

He dashed towards Gion who already prepared herself. Nonetheless, she still got propelled by the strong punch that Cedric released. Her body was flung away breaking many trees on the way, she gradually gained control and athletically twisted her body on the air avoiding another fist.

"You got stronger again?" Gion commented seemingly stunned by his constant growth, he is getting more interesting in her eyes. She wanted to know more about him so she put more force on her hand releasing another sword slash which Cedric deflected after a short struggle.

His kagune was doing its best to destroy Gion's defense. Sadly it is not doing a proper job as the woman is still casually parrying and dodging everything. He change his way of fighting and instead use his fist to bruteforce his way through her defense.

He raised his foot high and did a drop kick on Gion who crossed her arms to stop it. The foot fell releasing an explosion like sound from it. The ground beneath Gion cracked visibly, it was threatening to collapse. His drop kick was effect because it caused some redness on Gion's arm lessening her mobility.

Cedric didn't hesitate and pushed another punch hitting Gion directly on the face planting her on the side. "Guh!" Her loud groan was heard from the other side, she caressed her cheeks feeling quite a bit of pain on it. Cedric was satisfied that he is finally making some progress.

He continued attacking relentlessly, his hits connected forming a chain attack that Gion couldn't escape. This continued for a few more minutes until he finally stopped. He stared at his hand and grimace seeing that he it was broken beyond words.

Cedric immediately stepped away but it was far too late, his hand was already grabbed by Gion who then forcefully pulled him delivering a successful blow on his gut. Cedric spat some blood showing just how strong that punch is.

That wasn't the end since Gion continued beating him to pulp as if her previous obsession tendecies were just a joke. She didn't even give him a chance to take a breath because she just kept pummeling him to no end. His body was already starting to get disfigured, and even his regeneration is having a hard time keeping up with the damage.

Even though his body is broken, his face somehow still regained its beauty. Gion punched and slashed it a lot however not even a blister can be seen on it, god knows how it can maintain its peak appearance.

Gion was satisfied seeing her work, she patted her hand and nodded her head in satisfaction. She feel a lot of guilt for doing this but she convinced herself that this is for his own good. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that you will return to your previous state. I will take care of you" Gion said.

She was about to take him away with her when she suddenly shuddered, she looked at his face and saw a smirk planted on it. Gion heard a single word that brought unknown terror to her, "Sunders"

A vague connection appeared between the two of them, it was a grey solidified mist that connected them. That was the bridge of the skill Sunders, from then 70% of Gion's health was taken away from her. The process was terrifying, there are even some quiet screams that can be heard from the mist.

That was what Gion last saw before her exhaustion robbed her consciousness.

She was tired from all the fighting, and now all of her energy and health were stolen from her, she couldn't do anything but faint. Gion was disappointed but happy at the same time, she is sad that Cedric still refuse to accept her proposal but was happy that he is indeed a special person.

Cedric looked at his healed body and nodded his head in amazement. It was astounding how useful that ability is, he really can consider it as an extra life of his. He could also feel the cooldown happening on his head, it was an instinctual feeling that only he could sense.

"Cedric!!" He was taken back by the loud call, he turned around and was tackled to the ground by Nami who has a concerned expression. "Are you hurt? Did that woman do anything to you?" She frantically asked ready to bare her fang at Gion.

Cedric patted her back reassuring her of his safety. "Why are you here? I thought I ordered both of you to return to the ship" he asked. "There is no way I can carelessly relax on the ship! You are clearly in danger here!" Nami was indignant.

He sighed patting her head, "There is no way I will confront an enemy without an assurance. That is just plain idiocy" he shook his head. "O-Oh.. right. Wait, why are you so big now?" Nami just realized his change.

She was pretty shocked seeing him like this. He is handsome and more manly in this figure but Nami secretely prefered the previous figure. It was more easy to bully and more beautiful form. "Atleast you are safe now. Let's go!" Nami dragged his hand leaving the place.

Cedric left a letter for Gion, he is guilty for doing such an underhanded trick like that, he thought that why not give her something that could alleviate her feelings. She was the first to show such heavy emotions to him after all, she has a special location within his heart.

The two returned to their ship where Nojiko's relieved smile greeted them. "Captain.. welcome back" Nojiko said smiling. "I guess I'm back? I'm famished" he returned the smile. With that the three finally left the island and on their way to Loguetown.
