
One Piece: White Hunter

Smoker… an unfortunate fellow who is beaten up for most of the time in the series. And now, I am him. *I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this. *The source of the title cover: [https://wall.alphacoders.com/tag/smoker-%28one-piece%29-wallpapers]. If the rightful owner wishes me to take this image down, I will do so right away.

BravoBuds · アニメ·コミックス
142 Chs

Chapter 103

"It's been a while, Neptune-san!"

In the majestic Ryugu palace of the Fish Man island, those bearing a jolly roger amicably mingled with the merfolks. In contrast to most of the hostile pirates who went through this island with malevolency, this pirate crew in particular seemed to be friends, ones with jovial emotions upon encountering fellow humans.

On the majestic throne, there sat one gigantic merman who had a golden crown atop his head. Further characterized by bountiful orange hair and a similarly coloured beard, this man—the king of the Fish Man island—went by the name Neptune.

Raising up the glass of ale as a sign of respect, Neptune spoke, "When I close my eyes, I still see Roger's crew, partying with us like there was no tomorrow. And today, here you are, standing proud as a full-grown adult who follows his former captain's footsteps... Shanks."

Across Neptune, one red-haired young man with a straw hat grinned. Raising up a huge plate filled with the same kind of ale, he drained the entire thing down like nothing.

'Red Hair' Shanks. Wanted dead or alive. 200,000,000 Beli. Though he was considered a super rookie in the past, as time passed by and his absence in the blue sea continued, he was slowly forgotten among the people. Especially considering how much the sea changed over the years, such a phenomenon was of no surprise.

"Man, it sure feels weird to think how I was drinking from up there just a month ago!" Gently placing the plate down, Shanks remarked. Shifting his eyes at one huge silhouette behind a pillar, he smiled gently,

"And that must be..."

Neptune, directing his eyes at where Shank's gaze headed, called out softly, "Shirahoshi, why don't you meet our guests?"

From behind the pillar, one pink-haired girl, Shirahoshi, poked her face out. Right after, she retracted herself, nervous to comply with her father's words.

"She surely is a shy one." Commenting, Shanks thanked a mermaid who refilled his plate before causally lifting it up once more.

"I... I... uwaa..." Shirahoshi, taking a few steps out to reveal her abnormally huge form, whimpered timidly. Amused by her antics, Shanks laughed,


though this laugh wasn't out of mockery for this poor girl, but rather, out of nostalgia from reminiscing his deceased captain in the past.

Oh, how desperate he was to hear the answer that he wanted. But the only response he got from his captain during that day was,

him personally passing down his straw hat to Shanks.

That day, Shanks learned that One Piece cannot solve everything. It was not a perfect key to all the problems that existed in this world, and upon the realization, he wondered, be it too early or not, what really was the point of going for it then?

'Buggy, I sometimes wish that my perspective was as simplistic as yours. Thriving to become rich and famous... how enjoyable the life must be that way.'

"Oi! Uta! Come say hi to our friend over here!"

In Ryugu kingdom, Shanks continued to enjoy his momentary peace. But little did he know, that this peace was not going to last for a long time.


Taking a first step onto the grassy land of Foolshout island, Koala gulped. Hesitant and nervous, she was filled with the irony of receiving that of familiarity and unfamiliarity at the same time.

The small Caravel ship—one in which we used to travel—was floating next to the shore of the island. Smoker, sitting by the rail of it, said with his eyes locked onto Koala's back, "Say hi to your home."

Koala nodded slowly, "...Mhm."

Leaving the ship, Smoker, along with Koala, Hina, and Bastille, walked across the grassy plain in silence. Koala ran across the vast field, feeling the cool breeze that swept across the island.

"Koala," Hina asked, "Do you still remember your life on this island?"

Koala replied brightly, "Yeah!" Pointing at one huge cactus, she said, "Oh, that's Mr. Cactus! In the middle, there was a hole where one boy was keeping all his stashed Beli in—eh..."

Running up to said cactus, she grabbed one particular needle and pulled it back. However, much to her devastation, the needle didn't budge, indicating that there wasn't a hole as she claimed.

"C'mon, Koala~!" Grinning from the back, Bastille said casually, "Mr. Cactus is that pet plant that Luffy and Ace have been growing up there, remember-dara?"

Koala perked up in realization, "A-Ahhh!"

Hina, turning to look at Smoker, sweatdropped. Chuckling, he looked back at her and shrugged.

Continuing the walk, they eventually came to see one small town that lied right in the middle of this grassy plain. The buildings were poorly built, but the civilians in contrast seemed to be healthy and well-fed—presumably thanks to the abundance of these enormous cacti all around.


Standing at the front of the crowd was one orange-haired woman of short height. Judging by her nuance of it, and reflecting on his manga knowledge from a long time ago, Smoker assumed that that woman was Koala's biological mother.


Koala froze on her spot. Her eyes widened, before her body shivered, upon remembering that she had a mother she was taken away from years ago.


Whispering, Koala hesitantly took one step, then stopped. Turning her head, she then looked at Smoker as if asking for approval.

"Go, Koala," Smoker said with a smile, and that was enough for her to begin sprinting.

The family reunited after years of separation. Though they were away for a long period of time, there wasn't a sense of awkwardness between the two.

"...What if," Hina asked in a serious manner, "What if the World Government tries to interrogate Koala for the information?"


"Hina can no longer trust them by even a single bit. For the past 4 years, they've conducted many gruesome methods to gain insight into our whereabouts. When Hina also thinks of how Koala almost became a slave... it doesn't feel right to leave Koala here—"

Without speaking a word, Smoker smiled knowingly. Hina, looking right into my eyes, came to widen hers in realization,

"...have you seen into the future, Smoker?"

"Guess you can say that—"

Shifting my eyes, I gazed at my back through the corner of my eyes—looking at the path we've walked through.

Bastille, frowning lightly in a questioning manner, asked, "...What's happening over there-dara—"

BOOOM! Bastille's statement was cut with the sudden flash of light, one that was followed by the noise of an explosion.

"Light... must be the Admiral Borsalino," Muttered Hina.

Bastille laughed, "Daradaradara! It's funny how everyone chases after you these days, Smoker!"

"Two," Smoker stated gleefully, "Success, I suppose."

The villagers, along with Koala, seemed shaken by the sudden phenomenon. Without turning to look at them, Smoker said to Hina and Bastille,

"Stay here and make sure that Koala remains safe, won't you."

"Yes, sir~" Said Hina, jokingly. Bastille laughed once more lightly, to which Smoker reciprocated with a chuckle of his own.

Then, Smoker disappeared from their sight in silence as if he was a ghost.



Standing on top of one pirate ship that swayed on top of the violent current of the sea, a saw-nosed fish man on top of the ship's deck growled,

"Damn it!! I told you that it's not worth going after that human, be it Queen Otohime's request or not!!"

"Shut your mouth, Arlong!" Grimacing next to this saw-nosed fish man, Arlong, was Jinbe, with his entire body tensed up and his eyes headed up at the sky.

On the sky, there stood one Admiral whose justice coat fluttered against the wind. Casual and unfazed, he, Borsalino or Kizaru, was found biting on a cigar. From a distance, numerous marine ships were found lined up, pointing their loaded cannons at the pirate ship.

"Hm..." Borsalino, scratching his chin in thought, looked at the nearby Foolshout island on his sight. There sat a casual expression on his face, but a drip of cold sweat advocated that his mind wasn't at ease.



Simultaneously, on top of the churning sea, a large saber clashed against a katana. The wielder of the saber, the pink-skinned sea bream fish man, was knocked back from it; his strength was clearly lacking in comparison to his foe.

This fish man was Fisher Tiger, the leader and captain of the Sun Pirates. Unexpected by this grim development of circumstance, Fisher Tiger was gritting his teeth as he continuously clashed his saber against the wielder of the katana, Admiral Kurouma or Tensei.



Barely reacting to Tensei's speed, Fisher Tiger was knocked back once more, skidding across the body of water before sinking into it.


"Brother Ti!!" Jinbe, calling out Fisher Tiger in panic, jumped out of the ship, attempting to come to Fisher Tiger's aid, however,

"Ah, can't let you do that."

Borsalino, flashing right above Jinbe with his hands in his pocket, landed a clean kick onto the latter's cheek.


The deck was destroyed as Jinbe was blasted right onto it, causing many other members of Sun Pirates to lose their balance and fall down helplessly.

"Jinbe, you idiot!!" Arlong barked, "What are you doing, getting yourself handled like that to the inferior trash!!!"

"Inferior?" Borsalino, acting surprised, pointed a finger at himself, "Are you referring to me?"

"Huff... huff..."

On the other hand, Fisher Tiger was found to have made his way out of the water, glaring at Tensei who calmly flicked his katana.

"...I don't believe it," Said Tensei as he adjusted his sunglasses, "How did someone as weak as you manage to infiltrate Mariejois? Are you perhaps hiding your full strength, or that..."

Lowering his face, Tensei's eyes underneath the sunglasses met Fisher Tiger's own,

"...there perhaps was an involvement from the Revolutionary Army—"


Not giving Tensei the time to finish his words, Fisher Tiger brazenly slammed his blade against the former.


The water erupted as Fisher Tiger slammed his right foot. His cheek bellowed, before the dense stream of water burst out of his mouth, engulfing Tensei's form in an instant.

"Fish Man Karate,"

There, Fisher Tiger dropped his saber and punched his right fist forth,

"Five Thousand Brick Fist!!"


The mix of water and gust of air dominated the area ahead of Fisher Tiger's outstretched fist, generating a gigantic effect that raised the pride in the minds of Sun Pirates. However, they then saw,

"...I suppose that the interrogation can come later. For now,"

Tensei appearing right behind Fisher Tiger, attempting to slash his Armament Haki-imbued katana through the latter's exposed back. Fisher Tiger's eyes widened, but it was far too late to react by then,

"you'll need to fall sleep, pirate—"

The sound of a steel tearing through the flesh didn't come by. Tensei's blade didn't manage to reach its target. Under the whooshing noises of wind and rushing waves of sea, the blade was stopped by the white-haired man's index finger, one who was suddenly found standing between Tensei and Fisher Tiger.

"I'd appreciate if you don't."

This man, Smoker, spoke.

"...!" Tensei, grimacing, immediately retracted his katana and took a few steps back.

"You're as scary as ever, Smoker~" And right by Smoker's side, Borsalino was present with his extended index finger lightened up, ready to fire at Smoker's temple at any moment.

Fisher Tiger, sweating profusely, mumbled, "...White Hunter."

"It's the first time we're seeing face-to-face, if I'm not wrong. But unfortunately, there's no time for us to chit-chat." Smoker pointed his thumb at numerous Marine ships, "Go help your crew out in dealing with them."

Tensei frowned, "...If you think we're going to let him go, you're mistaken—"

Tensei couldn't continue his words, suddenly oppressed by the silent yet dense oppression of Conqueror's Haki. With goosebumps over his skin, his grip on his katana tightened, and Smoker said in this state,

"How did this trash become an Admiral, Borsalino-san?"


Tilting his head, Smoker dodged point-blank range of Borsalino's laser beam without trouble. Borsalino, lowering his hand, scratched his cheek, "Eh... that wasn't nice, you know."


The light flashed as it blasted onto the water, giving rise to a massive volume of steam along with the blasting noise. Smoker, briefly staring at that, said eventually,

"Heh, I don't think you're being any nicer."