
One Piece: The True Devil

Sirzechs D. Lucifer found himself inside the world of pirate. He had the memories of the original SIrzechs Lucifer. However, he didn't know anything about the world he currently in. "I am super devil. This world is too boring for me." Sirzechs thought, unknown to the real danger he would have to face in order to survive.

Phelio_n_Craze · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chapter 1 Sirzechs D

On an island in East Blue. The sea was calm and beautiful. The sky was clear, and the light shone gently down on earth.

On a high cliff, A young man with crimson hair had a frown on his devilishly handsome face. He looked at the vast sea with hatred.

"I hate the sea."

He sighed whenever he saw the sea. It made him feel like destroying everything in front of him.

It was the hate that came out of nowhere and made him confused from time to time.

'Why did I hate you so much… Did you kill my father or something?

The young man sighed again before he extended his hand forward. A blackish crimson energy ball shot out of his hand and obliterated everything, even the sea water below.

Nothing around fifty meters was spared by the power of destruction.

'My power increased a little bit from last time. I should be at a high-class level at this point.'

He thought about what happened to him before he came to this world. It had been ten years since he lived here without any memory. 

No, He had memories, but he was sure that they weren't his.

In his memories. His name was Sirzechs Lucifer. He was a super devil class devil who sacrificed himself to seal the trihexa.

Before she was sealed, she did something to him, and his soul was destroyed, leaving only a shell that he took over after that.

His original name had been forgotten, and any memories that he should have had disappeared during the process of taking over the dead body of the strongest devil.

He wasn't Sirzechs Lucifer, but Sirzechs D. Lucifer! Very cool, alright. Just added D to his name. What is the point?

He knew who Sirzechs Lucifer was. But he didn't know what world he was in. It shouldn't be the underworld or the human world. He was sure of it.

He was in a different world entirely.

With Sirzechs's memories, he could practice himself to become extremely powerful in the future, but he didn't know what to expect of this world.

'Does that kind of strength even needed in this normal world?'

He was in the East Blue Sea, which could be said to be the weakest sea in the entire world.

In this world, pirates ran rampages, but they were just normal humans. He could kill them easily just by flicking his finger.

"I might die from boredom or even from the hate of the sea first before I could find my purpose here... I felt that I needed to do something."

He couldn't stay on this unnamed island anymore. Something told him to go on an adventure. He would find the meaning of his life elsewhere.

'It must be the feeling of myself in my previous life that I don't have memory of, but the feeling was still there.'

Sirzechs nodded at his consumption. It must be like that.

"First things first, I need to find a ship before I can go somewhere."

Sirzechs had memories of the strongest devil. So creating a ship wouldn't be too hard for him.

There were two ways to achieve that. One was to create it with pure magic, and the other was to use the material he could find and stick it together with magic.

The first choice was that the ship would be very strong but take too much magic. And the second choice was that the ship would be weaker but wouldn't take much magic.

Sirzechs would use the second choice in order to create a little ship first. After that, he would continue to upgrade it.

Sirzechs had done it. 

He created a ship with material he could find around. He named his ship Crimson Pergatory. 

It might feel a little bit embarrassed, but everything that had a name would be more outstanding than the object that didn't have name.

"I have a ship now. Next, I need provisions."

Sirzechs had some savings, and it should be enough to buy food for one or two people. So he went to the nearby village.

At the village. Sirzechs wasn't familiar with anyone. They always thought that he was some kind of nobleborn, so no one wanted to offend him.

"Look, Sirzechs-sama came to our village. We must treat him with the utmost respect. I heard that he deals with mountain bandits and ferocious beasts for us without taking money."

"Yes, He is the real noble. Not like those snotty brats."

"Shhh. What if they were to hear you say that? You would be in trouble, old man."

"I don't care, and I am not afraid of them. They could come, and I will beat the shit out of them!"

Sirzechs knew that he had gained some reputation by helping them deal with bandits and beasts. But he didn't know that they even worshipped him as a true noble.

'Come to think of it. Sirzechs was born in the Duke family so he was kind of a noble born.'

Sirzechs was greeted respectfully by everyone, and they even wanted to give him provisions for free. If he didn't say that a true noble never gets anything from anyone for free, They wouldn't listen to him.

He didn't want to take advantage of their kindness, even though he was a devil.