
One Piece: The Strongest Creature

When I woke up and found myself as a baby, I realized I was in the world of pirates. Kahn remained calm because he was born with a demeanour akin to a tiger's. Since birth, he possessed a powerful Observation Haki, making him one of the few with this ability. By the age of five, he was already strong and almost indestructible, much like Charlotte Linlin. At ten years old, he accidentally ate a fruit that turned out to be a rare mythical creature, even rarer than Logia. With the combination of popular traits from the Earl, Aunt, and Kaido, he became the strongest creature in the world.

GregariousLion · アニメ·コミックス
49 Chs

Ripe-Ripe Fruit

Wano is a country located in a unique sea area. There are no open sea coasts here, only cliffs and waterfalls. Entering or leaving is a huge challenge.

Thanks to this natural environment, even the World Government and Marine Headquarters, aware that most of the world's Seastone originates from this country, dare not send troops to attack it.

Yes, they dare not, not that they won't.

Hundreds of years ago, countless pirates and the World Government tried to occupy this country known as the "Golden Country." But there was one person who, with a single black sword, repelled all the invaders.

That person was Shimotsuki Ryuma, regarded as the "Sword God" and "Dragon-Slaying Warrior."

With his black sword and unparalleled swordsmanship, Ryuma made the whole world recognize the samurai of Wanok.

Like Amazon Lily, which is located in a windless zone, Wanok has natural environmental protection, a very complete Haki system, and a large number of swordsmen.

Even though the country has been closed for hundreds of years, Wano remains one of the world's recognized powers.

In the previous era, a samurai from this country boarded the Moby Dick and the Oro Jackson, becoming a main force of the "Whitebeard Pirates" and "Roger Pirates," convincing the world of their strength.

Of course, few people know this.

Wano, one of the most powerful countries in the New World, is already a territory secretly controlled by Kaido.

As one of the three monsters with the least strength and the weakest background, Kaido managed to catch up with the likes of Big Mom and Shanks by occupying this vast treasure trove.

A huge amount of Seastone and other minerals, as well as cold weapons produced by world-class swordsmiths, have made Kaido immensely wealthy.

Even after being exploited by Kaido for 20 years, this country has not been drained dry.

Furthermore, it's rumoured that "Pluton," one of the three ancient weapons, is hidden on this island.

The title "Golden Country" is indeed fitting.

With the death of Kozuki Oden, Wano began two decades of hell on earth.

On this day, a few noticed that a few outsiders had quietly arrived in this hellish land.

These people were Kahn, Hancock, her sisters, and Robin.

"Master, is the thing you mentioned that can help us reduce our efforts for several years, or even ten years, on this island?" Mary asked after landing. She then looked at her clothes and complained, "These clothes are so awkward, and these shoes are called geta—can you really fight in them?"

At this time, Kahn and his group were all wearing Wanokuni-style kimonos and geta.

"Be patient. We'll find the person in the intelligence who can help you improve your strength, then we will leave here," Kahn said, smiling as he rubbed Mary's head.

"Well, I see."

Mary nodded slightly; she was just complaining.

The Kuja warriors wear very revealing clothes for the convenience of fighting. After becoming Kahn's maids, the black and white maid outfits they wore also had bare shoulders.

After getting used to those easy-to-move clothes, suddenly wearing a complicated kimono and geta, which are different from high-heeled shoes, made Mary feel uncomfortable, which was very normal.

Even Hancock, Robin, and Sonia were not used to it. They just didn't say it.

After calming Mary, Kahn took Robin and the sisters and walked towards the place where a large number of people had gathered, preparing to find someone who could help the four daughters of Robin reduce their efforts by several years, or even more than ten years.

And that person is Shinobi, who ate the Paramecia Ripe-Ripe Fruit.

Yes, Kahn is planning to use age manipulation to help Robin's four daughters—essentially, age cheating.

If you want to improve your strength quickly, only a Devil Fruit can make it happen in this world.

The eight-year-old Momonosuke in the original story was incredibly weak, even with the artificial Mythical Zoan fruit. However, after being aged twenty-eight by Shinobu with the Ripe-Ripe Fruit, Momonosuke suddenly gained the power to bite Kaido, hold up Onigashima, and embarrass Aramaki. His dragon form changed from a loach to a full-bodied giant dragon.

In a short while, Momonosuke, whose strength was once negligible, sacrificed 20 years of his life to gain the strength of a New World monster.

Is it worth it? In the peaceful age of Kahn's previous life, it might have been a huge loss. But in this dangerous pirate world, it is very worthwhile.

For the weak, even breathing is a sin. How much blood and tears do you need to pay to become strong?

For Momonosuke, it was his retainers and the Straw Hat Pirates who bore the brunt of the suffering. If you can exchange 20 years of youth for monster-level power, it's a great deal.

Similarly, for Robin and the three sisters, sacrificing a few years of life for corresponding strength is definitely worth it, especially with Kahn by their side.

If this world didn't have ways to achieve eternal youth or immortality, Kahn would rather let them grow naturally than sacrifice their lives for strength. However, knowing that there are immortals and abilities that grant eternal youth or immortality, Kahn is willing to use age manipulation.

To achieve those things, Kahn needs the help of Robin and the sisters. However, he won't force them to age prematurely.

If any of them don't want to sacrifice their life for strength, Kahn won't push them. This trip isn't just about giving them a shortcut; it's also to offer a choice.

On the way to an unknown city in Wano, Kahn explained everything to Robin and the sisters.

"The ability to ripen people and increase their biological age?!"

The three sisters and Robin were stunned. They knew Devil Fruits had strange abilities, but the ability to age someone from a child to an adult, or even an elderly person, and that it was irreversible, was mind-blowing.

"So, what's your choice?" Kahn asked with a smile.

"Of course, I would."

It wasn't Robin who spoke first, but Hancock. She nodded without hesitation and said excitedly, "I can't wait to grow up now so that I can share the burden with you, Master."


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