
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · アニメ·コミックス
190 Chs

The training grounds #56

Marineford Island

The training grounds

"Please don't be someone as violent as Vice Admiral Garp..." I repeatedly chanted as I walked through the marine training grounds, ignoring the various soldiers and their instructors around me.

Another day had passed since I arrived here, and it was finally time to meet my teacher. Warrant Officer Isuka showed up at my doorstep again today and told me where to meet my new teacher.

In truth, I wasn't dumb enough to assume I wouldn't train under Garp since he seemed to like me for some reason, but that wouldn't stop me from trying to imagine such a horrifying possibility out of existence until I lay eyes on the damned monster and lose all hope.

'This should be the place...' I mused, stopping in front of a big, Japanese-styled courtyard that seemed quieter than the rest of the area. 'Here goes nothing... Garp be gone, Garp be gone,' I internally chanted as I tried to knock on the gates, but they weren't locked and opened with a slight nudge.

And as the gate slowly opened, revealing the beautiful garden inside, I couldn't help but pause as I scanned the area. "Wow... this place is awesome..." I muttered as I noticed the many streamlets, ponds, strange flowers, and plants.

However, I didn't get to appreciate the scenery for too long as I heard footsteps. I turned to investigate and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight of a familiar blue-haired young woman walking up to me from inside.

"You must be Cedric," The woman said as she stopped before me, and I merely nodded. "You're in time, good. Sensei is waiting for you. Please follow me.." She calmly added as she turned around and started walking without waiting for a reply.

'Now, where have I seen this lady before...?' I mused, my gaze wandering down as I noticed the two wide-barreled flintlocks and short swords hanging off her hips, finding them familiar.

By sheer coincidence, she turned around and caught me staring straight at her rear, which earned me a displeased frown. Realizing that trying to explain would only make things more awkward, I merely smiled and shrugged.

The woman's frown deepened at my reaction, but she said nothing as she turned away from me and continued walking, clearly intent on ignoring me as she led the way.

Ultimately we reached our destination, what seemed to be a private residence within the courtyard, after a minute or so of walking. "Sensei is in there... remember to mind your manners," The woman said, glaring at me as she leaned on the wall near the entrance and gestured for me to go inside.

"Thanks," I said, maintaining my smile as I opened the sliding door and headed inside. Once inside, I couldn't help but frown at the sight of a muscular middle-aged man with purple hair and a similarly colored suit drinking straight from the neck of a green-colored wine bottle.

"What's the matter, kiddo? Disappointed your teacher isn't the legendary hero of the Marines?" The man said with a big grin after he lowered the bottle and turned to me while wiping his mouth.

"No, sir... I'm just relieved..." I said with a chuckle. "I have no doubt Vice Admiral Garp is a great teacher, but I don't think I'll survive his training..." I added, shaking my head.

"Hah! Well, you're not out of the hot water yet," The man said, maintaining his smile. "I might not be as crazy as that old coot, but my training is nothing to scoff at, either," He added, shaking his head.

"I take it you know who I am?" The man said as he took another swig from his wine bottle, and I nodded in response. "Nevertheless, I'm Instructor Zet, but Z-sensei will do just fine," He added as he put the bottle on the table before him and stood up.

"And I'll make a fine marine out of you..."


Several minutes later

"These here will be your fellow students..." Instructor Zet said, gesturing toward a young man and a woman waiting for us outside his residence after he took me outside.

"This one is Prince," He said as he pointed at the young man, who had fluffy, shaggy hair and was wearing a fur coat over an open shirt, prompting him to grin as he gave me a causal two-finger salute.

"And that one is Kujaku..." Zet added as he gestured toward a shapely young lady with long light red hair and prominent lips, wearing a strapless pink dress with red blotch-like patterns and a Marine coat draped over her shoulders.

"What's the matter? Staring at me so creepily.." The redhead, Kujaku, said as she stretched her whip sword. "It's not unusual to see a pretty marine officer, but You can take a closer look if you want..." She added with a wink.

"Well, I have a thing for pretty ladies, so do pardon me..." I said with a shrug, without bothering to argue. "I'll have to pass, though. That thing in your hands looks pretty dangerous..." I added, pointing at the whip-like sword in her hands.

The redhead seemed ready to quip back, but Instructor Zet interrupted as he cleared his throat. "Don't mind Kujaku, kiddo... devil fruits tend to have that effect on people..." He said with a grin, causing Kujaku to frown.

"In any case, that old coot, Garp, said some great things about you, but I'll need to see what you can do for myself if I'm going to train you..." Zet as he paused and turned to his two students.

"How about one of you brats have a friendly spar with your new colleague here?" He asked, to which Prince responded with a disinterested shrug, and while Kujaky seemed eager, she didn't get the chance to say yes.

"I'll do it, Z-sense," Said the blue-haired woman from earlier, finally breaking the silence as she walked up to Zet. "If he's as good as the reports say, it shouldn't be a problem..." She added as she stopped beside him and turned to me, prompting me to shrug.

"Ain, huh...?" Instructor Zet said as he rubbed his chin in thought. "Why not? Go for it," He went on, grinning as he seemed to reach a conclusion after a momentary pause.

"However, our new friend here doesn't have a devil fruit, so I'll ask you to refrain from using yours..." Zer added, causing the woman, Ain, to nod without hesitation. "Alright then, get in position, you two..." He concluded as he gestured for me and Ain to move, and we obliged.

'Time to make an impression, I suppose...' I mused as I walked down the porch's stairs and moved some distance away before stopping as I waited for Ain to get into position.

"It will be a friendly spar, but both of you are not to hold back, or it will be meaningless," Instructor Zet said after waiting for Ain and me to get in position. "You're free to use any weapons and fight however you wish, but once I say the fight is over, it will be over. Understand?" He asked, alternating his gaze between us, and we both nodded.

"Then stop staring at me and get to it," Zet concluded with a chuckle, and Ain made the first move as she charged me as soon as he stopped talking.

She quickly closed the distance, drawing and swinging her twin short swords in one motion. I saw the attack coming, jumped back to dodge, and sent the sharp end of my spear flying toward her before my feet even hit the ground.

She frowned in surprise at my swift reaction but quickly gathered her bearings as she deflected my spear to the side and charged me with a determined expression.

I merely grinned, drawing one of my revolvers as I landed and aiming it at Ain's face before pulling the trigger, prompting her to duck under the bullet without panicking.

Still, I kept shooting, and the rain of bullets forced her to retreat as she deflected whatever projectiles she couldn't dodge with her blades. She jumped back and drew her wide-barreled flintlocks once I ran out of ammo and promptly sent two big bullets flying toward me.

I frowned in concentration as I ducked under the first bullet and swatted the other away with my spear. Ain took advantage of my momentary distraction as she promptly charged me with her two short swords.

She swung at me once she was within striking distance, and I raised my spear to block, putting us into a deadlock that didn't last long as Ain tried to kick me in the stomach.

Again, I saw the attack coming but didn't dodge and took the kick without flinching, much to Ain's panic as she tried to jump away. "Not so fast," I said, letting go of my spear and catching her foot before she could get away.

I pulled on Ain's leg, causing her to fall on her back. Although she was quick to gather her bearings and swing her short blade at me, Ain had to stop as she suddenly found herself staring directly into the barrel of my revolver.

"The fight is over..."