
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · アニメ·コミックス
190 Chs

Baby-Faced Gyro #15

Sometime Later

I couldn't help but yawn, slowly opening my eyes at the loud screaming and fighting outside my cabin. I turned to the door and blinked as I watched a man kick it open, brandishing a cutlass sword as he scanned the area.

Our eyes met, and we merely stared at each other for a moment before the man had enough and came charging at me, causing me to sigh as I picked up my new spear and threw it at him.

"The fuck is going on..." I said, stretching my arms as I watched the spear hit the man, going through his chest and pinning him against the wall. "A pirate attack, maybe...?" I muttered to no one in particular as I quickly put on my shirt and headed outside without forgetting to pick up my spear.

I exited the cabin and found three more men dressed in the same worn-out rags as the one who broke into my room. I noticed the blood on their blades, and they saw the red on my spear. And that was all reason we needed to kill each other.

The three men charged me at once, each taking a side so as to surround me, but I didn't falter, standing my ground and waiting for them to close the distance.

They didn't leave me waiting, and the one on my left was the first to reach swinging distance as he jumped into the air with his sword raised high, only for me to drive the tip of my spear directly into his abdomen.

I grunted as I swung the man like a ragdoll throwing him at one of his friends, causing them both to fall on the ground. However, the third man was already close enough to swing his sword at my neck, and he did just that.

Letting go of the spear, I ducked under the man's sword and rammed him with my shoulder before driving him into the wall and crushing his windpipe with a punch to his throat.

I didn't spare the choking man a second glance as I went over to the last man, still trying to crawl from under his impaled friend. I raised my foot and stomped his head, forcefully twisting it without hesitation.

I grunted as I looked at the rapidly expanding pool of blood before I retrieved my spear and headed for the upper deck.


Baby-Faced Gyro couldn't help but grin, scratching his chin with the crab-claw-like prosthetic arm attached to his elbow as he watched the tied-up captain, crew, and passengers on the upper deck.

In truth, he didn't want to be a pirate, but someone with his unusual appearance, what with the baby face, the four clover leaf on top of his head, and the grotesque prosthetic hand, didn't have too many options when it came to career options.

Having grown up on a lawless island, being the victim of constant bullying, Gyro had no choice but to earn the respect of others the only way he knew how; sheer violence.

Luckily, he was gifted with unusual strength to match his appearance, and he thrived on the sea as the captain of The Gyro Pirates, getting all the respect and money he could ever hope for.

He even considered traversing the reverse mountain and making a name for himself in the grand line once he grew bored of South Blue, but that's for the future. After all, he still had a ship full of money and goods to loot.

"What happened to the four idiots who went to the lower decks...?" Gyro asked as he turned to his closest subordinates, suddenly reminded of the four men he sent to raid the ship's storage room.

The subordinate merely shrugged much Gyro's bemusement. "Then what the fuck are you doing standing here? Go and see what's the hold-up," The pirate captain said, causing the subordinate to jump in surprise before making a beeline to the inner deck's hatch.

He quickly reached his destination and kneeled to the hatch to open it, only for the trapdoor to suddenly fly off its hinges, hitting him in the face as a bloodied Cedric jumped up through it and landed on the upper deck.

Gyro only needed one glance to realize the man was a threat upon noticing the young man's calm demeanor and how comfortable he seemed despite the blood covering him from head to toe.

"Pirates, eh...?" The young man muttered as he noticed the dozen armed men around the deck and their vessel anchored next to the merchant ship. "Look, this is my first time on the sea, and I'm a little seasick, so if you could take whatever you got and leave now, I'll appreciate it..." He calmly added, causing the pirates to burst into laughter.

"The hell you think you're talking to, brat...?" Said one of the pirates as he approached the young man. "Them big muscles and that bit of blood ain't scaring anyone," He added as he raised his sword, pointing it at the youngster's chest.

The young man merely sighed, and everyone's eyes widened as the head of the pirate's head flew off his shoulder, still scowling even as it hit the ground.

"I won't ask again. Fuck off. Now." The young man said, his tone growing colder as he calmly flicked his spear to get rid of the blood stuck to its sharp tip.

Gyro frowned as he looked around and noticed his subordinates looking at him. He knew a dangerous enemy when he saw one. He didn't want to risk his life, but now that the young man had killed one of his subordinates right under his nose, he couldn't let it go.

"Stop talking nonsense, brat," Gyro said, slowly drawing his blade as he looked at the young man, firming his resolve to fight. "You will pay for killing one of my own..." He added, raising his sword as he approached Cedric.

"Four, actually, but whatever..." Cedric said with a sigh as he lowered his posture and raised his spear. "You're funeral," He added, suddenly breaking into a sprint as he charged Gyro.

The pirate captain's eyes widened as he suddenly saw the tip of Cedrci's spear appear in front of his face, flying straight toward his forehead, but he quickly reacted as he swayed his shoulder to the left, avoiding the attack.

Moving quickly, Gyro raised the crab claw attached to his left arm and deflected the spear's shaft aside to create an opening as he swung the sword in his right.

Much to the pirate captain's surprise, Cedric didn't hesitate as he let go of the spear and stepped forward, closing the distance and leaving the former no room to swing.

Gyro couldn't help but panic as he felt Cedric's leg slither behind his own as the young man tackled and pushed him with a shoulder to his chest, causing the pirate captain to lose balance and fall.

The pirate captain quickly gathered his bearings. He instantly let go of his sword and raised his hand to shield his neck as Cedric straddled him and reached for his it, his intentions written all over his face.

Gyro managed to protect his neck, but Cedric's strength shocked him as the young man quickly pried his arm away from the vulnerable area, leaving it wide open to attack.

As a last resort, Gyro swung his crab claw at Cedric's face, and it hit, but the young man didn't flinch as he calmly gripped the prosthetic limp, locking it in place.

Cedric maintained a blank expression as he pinned the pirate captain's other hand under his knee before gripping the crab claw prosthetic with both hands and pulling it upward.

It only took a moment for the prosthetic to come off, causing Gyro to scream in agony as the young man raised it high and smashed it into his face, abruptly silencing him for good.

Heaving a sigh, Cedric stood up and slowly wiped the blood off his face as he scanned the area with cold eyes that sent shivers running down the spines of everyone who met his gaze.

The spectating pirates instantly panicked, dropping their weapons as they scattered, some running back into their ship while others jumped into the sea, and Cedric was content to watch them flee without stopping them.

It took a couple of minutes for the pirates to flee the merchant's vessel and sail away with their ship under Cedric's cold stare. Once they were far gone, the young man finally moved, picking up a sword from the ground as he approached the tied-up captain.

"What-- what are you doing...?" The captain fearfully asked as he watched the bloodied young man slowly walk toward him. "No, please don't! I have--" He added, going quiet as Cedric stopped behind him and suddenly planted the sword into the ship's deck behind him.

"I expect payment for defending your ship," Cedric calmly said as he let go of the sword. "The money better be in my room before I finish showering," He concluded as he headed into the inner deck, leaving the dumbfounded captain with no other words.


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