
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · アニメ·コミックス
364 Chs

9- Closer relationship with Lucy (part 1)

After Ethan convinced Lucy to become both captains, it was already nightfall, so Ethan told Lucy to sleep in the cabin if she felt sleepy.

"Ethan, when did we change the boat we were in?" Lucy said in astonishment, as she emerged from the kitchen.

"Wait, did you just notice that now?" Ethan asked skeptically.

"No, I've noticed this before, but I didn't ask." Lucy looked at Ethan as if to say I wasn't so stupid as not to notice the boat being changed into a ship.

'Yes, you're that stupid so I expect anything from you.' Ethan thought as he looked at Lucy, then said, "Anyway, you can say I can upgrade the ship sometimes so don't be shocked when that happens in the future."

"That's cool how can you do this, if it evolves again it can turn into a robot or it can shoot a laser" Lucy's eyes turned to the stars in admiration as she imagined how the ship would turn into a robot or start shooting lasers.

"I don't know that either," said Ethan, as he thought about what happened right after the ship's upgrade.


After checking the ship after the upgrade, Ethan spoke to the system, "System, what new things can the ship do after the upgrade that I haven't seen yet?"

[In the first upgrade there is not much change, the only thing that has changed is the ship size, but after the upgrade a new feature has been unlocked, do you want to check it]

"Okay, show me the new feature," said Ethan with some anticipation.

[ship upgrade:


2-Weight Reduction ]

[Hardness: You can upgrade the hardness of the wood your ship is made of, you can currently upgrade it 5 times]

[Weight Reduction: you can reduce the weight of the wood of which the ship is made, which will increase its speed, you can currently upgrade it 5 times]

"So how many points do I need to upgrade?"

[You can bring your Hardness and Weight Reduction to the current maximum upgrade with 10,000 points]

'Are you kidding me I only have 11,000 points right now, it's impossible to spend them like this. I'll upgrade it when I get more points' Ethan thought that there was no need to upgrade the Hardness and Speed ​​now but he would upgrade them after they entered the Grand Line.

'System, Show me the store'




Current Points: 11,300


[Basic dick enlargement - Active skill - When activated your dick will increase to a length of 14 inch Or more when erect.


[Basic body strengthening - passive skill -This skill will make your body become stronger, faster when you train.


[Child Making Mode - Active skill -Can be switched ON/OFF for birth control.





fish-One kilo Points:10

Meat-One kilo Points:10

Water-5 liters Points:1

Dishes- Points:1

glass- Points:1

Aphrodisiac - drinks that will make a girl horny for 1 hour. Points:200

devil fruit: You can make a devil fruit Points:10,000

[Lottery Spin] 100 Points



"I can really make a devil fruit," Ethan was happy upon seeing this, because the fastest way to become stronger is to eat a devil fruit.

[Yes you can make it, and you can even make any of the three types of devil fruit]

'I really want a Devil Fruit but I guess I'll think about it more' Ethan was thinking about the Devil Fruit's weaknesses like the Sea Stone and Sea, so he hesitated a bit to use it.


Ethan and Lucy kept talking a little longer and after they were done Lucy went to the cabin because she wanted to sleep, and Ethan went to the room that had appeared after the ship upgrade.

In the room there was a bed the same size as the one in the cabin, there was a desk and a wardrobe, and there were no decorations in the room.

'System, can you tell me if someone tries to sneak into the ship,' said Ethan as he lay on the bed.

[I can do that]

"Good," said Ethan as he tried to fall asleep, but even after an hour had passed, he couldn't sleep because he was thinking about the abilities of the Devil Fruit that he should make for himself.

At this moment, he heard the room door open, so he turned his gaze towards the door and saw Lucy standing there, "What's up Lucy, are you unable to sleep?"

"Yes, I can't sleep so I came to see if you couldn't sleep either." Lucy said while looking a little nervous.

Ethan looked straight into Lucy's eyes, causing her to fidget in place, "Lucy come over here."

When Lucy heard Ethan's words her heart started beating fast, which made her confused why before she didn't feel anything when talking to Ethan, but now as soon as she hears him talking to her her heart starts beating faster and her breathing becomes harder.

Lucy slowly approached Ethan and when she reached near him Ethan's arms hugged her as he whispered in her ear, "Lucy, do you want to do that?"

Lucy didn't say a word but nodded, and when Lucy nodded, Ethan brought his lips close to hers. Lucy did not resist the kiss and closed her eyes. Their lips touched gently, and Lucy's body shivered upon contact.


A slippery object suddenly invaded her mouth and began running wild, entangling her tongue like a snake ensnaring its prey.

The sudden and unexpected action by Ethan caught Lucy, who had zero experience in kissing by surprise, causing her to open her eyes.

However, when she saw how close Ethan's handsome face was to her own, her face exploded in redness.

'Why do I feel like this, I didn't feel the same way when we did it before. What's different than before' Lucy thought while feeling ashamed. She remembers when she had sex with Ethan before, she didn't feel any shame so she was confused.

As they continued kissing, Ethan made her lie on the bed, and he released his lips a moment later, creating a bridge made of saliva between their lips as they disconnected.

Ethan took this moment to take a good look at Lucy, whose face was beet red like a tomato, her eyes flickering with countless lights.

Ethan raised Lucy vest, Ethan speechlessly ogled Lucy's superbly outlined creamy exposed belly that glistened with perspiration. Her delicious stomach that held virtually zilch fat excess and the tender belly button were on full display for his feastful eyes.

His eyes instinctively wandered her fantastical glossy textured skin, it being without any blemishes nor spots. It was flawless. Her curvy yet petite figure was unmistakably something he couldn't avert his sight from.

When Lucy saw how Ethan was looking at her body, she felt ashamed and spoke in a low voice, "Can you stop looking at me? Aren't you going to insert it like you did before?"

"Sorry about that, Lucy. It's just... I was admiring your beauty, that's all." Ethan smiled cordially and complimented her beauty. Although he genuinely wasn't exaggerating when he uttered those words. How could he? He was, of course, attracted to this the girl in front of him. It would be strange if he was not attracted to such beauty.

"W-what? Am I really pretty? No one's ever told me this before."

'Ethan thinks I'm pretty?!' Lucy thought her heartbeat started to increase upon hearing this, she was never praised like that, everyone she knew would say she was brat or stupid and not even her grandfather would praise her.

Ethan did not expect Lucy to say such words, Ethan laughed with a vivacious smile, showing his pearly white teeth said to her, "Even if no one has told you this before, you're beautiful! And don't let anyone tell you otherwise!"