
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · アニメ·コミックス
364 Chs

343- Fear itself is God!

Elena looked at Frozen Gold in shock then she returned her focus to Ethan, "You are also a Devil Fruit user."

Ethan appeared behind her and whispered in her ear, "Exactly, I ate Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Dragon God."

'Damn, I didn't feel him move at all.' Elena quickly turned away and got defensive, "Ryu Ryu no Mi? Are you making fun of me? This is obviously a Zoan type devil fruit. This doesn't explain why you are able to freeze."

"The Dragon God can use all the elements in nature and more." To prove this, Ethan created a flame, a ball of water, and a whirlwind of wind and made it revolve around him.

Ethan smiled as electricity flowed from his right hand.

'Damn, is he saying my lightning isn't special.' Elena gritted her teeth when she saw Ethan smile at her while manipulating the lightning bolt in his hand.

"Then what about physical strength." Elena didn't give up and attacked him using her gold staff that was coated with Armament Haki.

Ethan smiled as his fist began to turn black and rushed towards her as well.

As soon as Ethan's fist touched her gold staff, a shock wave appeared, accompanied by black lightning, destroying the area around them.

Both of them could use the Conqueror Haki and this was evident from the black lightning that occurred from their haki clash.

Ethan's Conqueror Haki and Elena's Conqueror Haki clashed.


A powerful shock wave destroyed the ground beneath the two of them, nearby buildings began to crack and collapse.

Elena notices that her hand is trembling during the collision and it seems that Ethan is pushing her back a little, which makes her shocked because Ethan has outlasted her in terms of strength.

She realized that Ethan surpassed her in everything, whether it was Devil Fruit, physical strength, or Haki.

Elena covered her leg with Armament Haki and raised it to kick Ethan with lightning speed.

"Raitoningu kikku!!" (lightning kick)

Ethan was faster and raised his arm and blocked the kick that was lightning fast, but electricity came out of her leg with a voltage of 300,000,000.

But the electricity did not enter Ethan's body as if his body was an insulating material. "If it was someone else, they would have received a lot of damage from this attack, but it wouldn't work against me."

He grabbed her leg and pulled her hard towards him, then punched her in the stomach. The punch was so strong that Elena felt as if her internal organs were being torn apart.

She dropped her gold staff of pain and then her body flew until it collided with one of the golden buildings, but she stood up and returned to attack Ethan at high speed.

Ethan saw her fist moving towards his face so at the same time he moved his fist towards her face.

She punched Ethan's face with all her might. Electricity gushed out from her fist in large amounts to enhance the power of the punch.

At the same time, Ethan's punch hit her in the face, and there was a strong collision, and the ground beneath them was destroyed, and the island began to tremble as if there was a slight earthquake.

Black lightning was flying and destroying the ground around them.

Ethan did not take a step back and was not affected, but she took a few steps back as blood came out of her mouth and one of her teeth fell out.

But she did not give up and tried to punch him again, So he attacked her again and punched her in the ribs.

Elena gritted her teeth, enduring the pain, and attacked Ethan again, and Ethan did the same thing, without showing her any pity.

The two lunged at each other and Elena raised her leg and kicked, Ethan did the same and their legs collided.

Elena quickly pulled her leg and dodged his kick, then punched him in the face and he did the same.

Every time Elena attacks him, he will attack her. Ethan didn't attack until she did. In the end, her face was swollen, a few of her teeth fell out, blood flowed from her nose and mouth, and her ribs were badly damaged.

"Is that really Ethan?" Sanju looked at what was happening in shock. Although she is amazed at Ethan's strength, she is even more surprised that he punches a girl without showing any pity or hesitation.

Not only is she amazed but all the crew members, who have seen his previous battles.

Because usually, if his opponent is a girl, he will avoid harming her body as much as possible, and he will not punch her in the face. But now Elena's face is swollen, a few of her teeth have fallen out, blood is coming out of her mouth, and it seems that a few of her ribs are broken.

"You better stop attacking me."

She didn't listen and tried to attack him again but Ethan grabbed her fist easily and then slapped her causing her to fall to the ground.

"I told you to stop!" Ethan's smile vanished and then a very powerful aura came out of him. Haki started around his body making band sounds, sparks came out of Ethan's body, clouds began to condense in the sky and loud thunder sounds began to fill the island.

Elena felt her body so cold as if her blood was freezing when she looked at Ethan's eyes glowing with gray light, there were goosebumps spreading all over her body.

Quickly, Elena tried to turn her body into lightning and escape, but she noticed that she had lost the ability to do so, and that she could not extract any electricity from her body, as if she had lost the ability of the Devil Fruit.

"What have I done? Why have I lost my abilities?" Elena looked at Ethan with fear. There was no sea stone touching her body at the moment, so losing her abilities was shocking.

Ethan appeared in front of her, grabbed her by the neck, and raised her to the level of his gaze. "You are within my Armament Haki zone, and in this zone, everyone will lose their Devil Fruit abilities as if they had never eaten it in the first place."

Ethan's advanced Armament Haki allows him to disable a Devil Fruit's abilities when it touches the user. But Ethan found a way to make the Advanced Armament Haki detach from his body and scatter it in the air, creating a 15-meter radius zone to disable all Devil Fruit abilities.

Ethan called this zone 'Anti-Devil Fruit'.

'He can also take away my abilities from me.' Fear and terror were sweeping Elena's body while she lost hope of fighting Ethan or surviving.

'People do not fear God. Fear itself is God.' This was Elena's opinion about god ever since she obtained the Devil Fruit ability.

'I was right in the end.' When looking at Ethan, who made fear sweep her being, she closed her eyes while waiting for death at the hands of God.

"Looks like you're ready to listen now." Ethan smiled as he stopped emitting haki from his body and let go of her, causing her to fall on her butt.

Ethan looked at the system notification to complete the Mission.


Mission: Prove that you are God! (completed)

objective: Make Elena fear you and not dare to fight or disobey you.

Reward: Elena's loyalty and Skill: Gloam Paddling!]