
One piece: The Mob's Diary

Rell, a random guy from Earth, one day reincarnated into One Piece world after his death and became the small baby of a couple living in Loguetown. However, unlike most reincarnation stories, his life was pretty normal and average after that. No abnormal powers, no super talent in anything, no advantage over others... Nothing. There were no problems coming one after another, as reincarnators tend to have, and most of what happened around the world barely even affected him or his family. He was just another normal boy from Loguetown. Albeit, with the memories of an adult whom, you would say, knew about the future. That, however, was only until he became 8 years old, and a strange screen appeared in front of him. [Diary's System Activated! Write anything you want in your new digital diary, and you will be rewarded with special rewards depending on how important what you write in here is!] At that moment, Rell didn't really care all that much about the weirdness of his system. He was more focused on the free rewards other than anything. However, it was several years later that he finally noticed that something was wrong and that it probably was all his fault. "What in the world happened to the story?!" Some people say that diaries are a private thing. However, his system certainly didn't share that opinion ... °°° (A/N: The illustration of Nami is made by ᑕᕼᗩḰᕮ. If they suddenly want me to take the picture down or whatever, I will do so immediately. No problem there. One piece is not mine, and neither are the characters that exist there. I only have the rights to my main character and any other OC that I create for the sake of this story. I don't know what else to write here to not get sued, but if you read this, please don't sue me. UwU

Anonyrius · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Still nothing wrong...

|A year later...|


'Well, I guess flags don't really exist in real life...'

Sitting on a couch while waiting for my parents to finish making food, I silently thought as I reminisced about the last year with a dissatisfied expression on my face.

Why was I dissatisfied, you might ask?

Honestly, I don't know. My life has been completely peaceful, and nothing has gone wrong ever since I arrived here... I should be happy, right?

My new childhood was good and enjoyable. My parents weren't stinky with money either, so I could enjoy a lot of things by just behaving properly like a good kid.

Everyone in the neighborhood liked me since I was a good and respectful kid, unlike the other brats who did all sorts of weird things just to get fun.

I had somehow risen my parents' opinion of me and became as good at mathematics as any other average kid. Neither too good nor too bad... Just good enough to not be regarded as an idiot.

No tragedy had arrived at my doorstep, and any pirate that roamed around in the vicinity would be rapidly apprehended by the marines. So there was no danger about that either.

In summary... Nothing was wrong!

And yet... I was feeling dissatisfied.

Maybe secretly inside of me, I hoped to be an OP MC with a Harem and all that shit?

No, that never.

Then, had I become bored of this uneventful life?


I didn't really know. However, at the very least, due to the lack of problems around me, my doubts about me being the protagonist of a fanfiction created by some sick fuck had finally started to dissipate.

Even the possibility of some cosmic entity wanting to have fun by sightseeing my journey in this world had started to turn into rubbish. Otherwise, even if they were immortal, they would have died out of boredom since nothing interesting has been happening during the last six years.

And thus, with the problematic possible reasons behind my reincarnation losing strength, other more calming possible reasons came to light.

Maybe I was just the unfortunate result of the reincarnation cycle having a malfunction.

Maybe I had been given a second chance by some god who killed me accidentally, but I don't remember anything since they erased my memory without my consent.

Maybe I was a god who reincarnated himself out of boredom and implanted in himself memories from a previous life that actually never existed.

Ok, maybe I was going a little overboard with the theories... But who knows?

Either way, all I know is that although I'm feeling dissatisfied at the moment, I will probably get through it eventually.

A peaceful life was something good, after all.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here...?"


Suddenly, as I was still lost in my deep thoughts, I heard a raspy and loud voice call out to me, before then I turned my head and saw an enormous man of filthy appearance and large muscles standing at the entrance of the living room.

He had a sword covered in blood hanging on his waist, and he was wearing filthy and ragged clothes that seemed to have gone through a lot of adventures... In summary, he had the appearance of the typical pirate you could find anywhere.

Originally, I would have screamed in fear. However, I knew who this guy was. I had seen him before...

"Surprise, Rell! Happy birthday!"

"Hahaha, you should have seen your face, my son!"

'It's July 3rd already? Time sure passed fast'

Of course, the man with the appearance of a pirate was, in reality, the pirate-dressed entertainer that I suppose my parents had employed to animate today's party for my birthday.

I had seen him before on some of the birthdays that I was invited to (I was forced to go to them), so I didn't panic at his overly realistic appearance as I already knew he was not a real pirate.

Though, I can't say that it didn't surprise me a little bit when I saw him appear out of nowhere at the entrance of the living room.

Though, that was more because a stranger was standing there menacingly rather than because his appearance actually scared me.

"Come on Rell, let's eat the cake already!"

Though, I wonder... Why a pirate? Aren't they like the criminals of this world? Why would you think that it would be a good idea to have a guy dressed like that on the birthday of your children? Isn't it better to have the entertainer work as a marine instead?

Or just go with the classical choice of a clown! They are the OG of entertainment.

With that costume, in the worst case, you will give the kid a traumatic experience.



... What were my parents thinking when they employed a guy dressed like that?

As I was wondering that, I suddenly overhead my parents' conversation, and sweatdropped a little bit after knowing the truth.

"Fufufu, we got an entertainer at such a low price. How lucky we are! Now we only need to go and buy Rell's present while he is distracted by him so that he doesn't notice we forgot to buy him a present"

"Shhh, lower your voice or Rell will hear you... Alright, let's leave discretely now that he seems to be distracted by the pirate"

I already heard you... You irresponsible parents.


Well, whatever. I guess I will just eat some cake.





|Some time later...|




"... Ouch"

Punching with all my strength a wood plank, I grimaced in pain once I saw my swollen-up hand move away from the completely unscathed plank.

"Damnit... How large is the difference between our strengths?"

Cursing under my breath as I glanced at the plank lying on the floor leisurely as if telling me "Is that all you got?", I frowned, before then I sighed and walked away to sit on the floor.

I had been exercising for quite a while now. Albeit not as consistently as I would have liked.

But even then, it disappointed me to notice how my strength hadn't increased in the slightest and how a puny plank was stronger than me.

Big mom defeated several giants when she was only five years old. And yet, here I was, six years old already, and not even able to scratch a lame plank.

Are push-ups, running, and squats really not enough to make me invincible? One punch man lied to me!

Well, it isn't like I really expected otherwise... It seems like I really have no talent for this, huh?

Maybe I should just stop... My parents are already looking at me strangely when they catch me doing exercise, and it doesn't really seem like problems are coming.

In the worst case, I can just ask them to sign me up for some Karate classes... Otherwise, I don't see this training going anywhere even if I continue it.

The only difference that it had done was to make my body much more energetic. Which wasn't such a big change since I was already energetic because of my childish body.


Yeah, maybe something like Karate would work for me. At the very least, I wouldn't be in the dark about how to fight someone if suddenly a situation that required me to do it ever arrived.

It wasn't like I had much else to do anyway. My precious computers ceased existing, and I could no longer vitiate myself to a certain MOBA game.

Well... Now that I mention it. Maybe it was for the better.


Vegapunk, you better not create computers. Or else it will be my demise.


-To be continued...-