
One Piece: The Haunting Begins

a Man was reincarnated into one piece... he was granted a system that allows him to scare people and make him OP. mtl was too horrid for me, editor here to the rescue TL: blackgoku222 Raw: I sent the Sadako videotape to Sengoku patreon.com/incognito_editor

illegal_incognito · アニメ·コミックス
99 Chs

Chapter 18: Tall Pale Slenderwoman

Chapter 18: Tall Pale Slenderwoman

As the World Government ship set sail back to Mariejois, in Impel Down on the sixth level, Eternal Hell, Lucas contemplated the potential consequences.

"It would be very interesting if the Holy Land becomes haunted. How many Heavenly Dragons are going to die if I do so?"

Through Sadako's abilities, Lucas could see Saint Rosward aboard the ship. A sinister smile played on his lips as he glanced at Sadako, who sat in his arms.

In this chilling environment, Sadako sat on Lucas's lap, her feet dangling slightly under her white dress. Her pale, bare skin contrasted sharply with her usual ghostly appearance, giving her an unexpectedly eerie beauty.

If Lucas and Sadako were placed on a sunny afternoon patio bench, it would have created a warm and harmonious image. However, the grim reality was far from that; they were in a dark, oppressive cell, and Hanako was still playing with a bloody arm in her hand. There was no tenderness here, only profound horror.

"Sadako, I have something for you to do," Lucas began, lightly stroking her hair.

She lifted her head, and her eyes glinted behind her long black hair.

"Mariejois is there…" Lucas whispered.

He intended to send Sadako to the sacred place of the Heavenly Dragons, Mariejois. Lucas was well aware that Sadako's strength was even more terrifying than Hanako's, and her methods were crueler. She had the potential to bring unprecedented chaos to the Holy Land of Mariejois.

"The haunting of the Naval Headquarters will be transferred to Hanako, but as for Mariejois, I leave it to you, Sadako."

"Master, leave everything to me. I will give them a scare worth a lifetime," Sadako assured him.

She hopped off Lucas's lap and nodded obediently. Then, with an eerie grace, she walked towards a dark corner of the prison cell, as if she were melding into the darkness, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lucas knew exactly where she had gone. Sadako had followed the medium of the 'cameko' to Mariejois, the sacred land of the Heavenly Dragons.

[Ping! Guard Edgar is scared, fear point +1]

Lucas smiled as he heard the familiar notification tone. Lately, he had been receiving these notifications frequently, mostly due to being startled by Hanako in the bathroom.

Today was an important day. It was time to use the fear points he had accumulated and draw a new ghost.

Lucas ignored the startled guard, Edgar, and accessed his personal panel.

[Host]: Lucas Wein

[Power Scaling]: 123 (he is now at grandline pirate level)

[Ghost]: Sadako Yamamura and Toilet Hanako

[Fear Points]: 560

[Inventory]: Cameko

Over the past two days, Lucas had managed to increase his fear points by more than two hundred. With 500 points saved up, it was time to draw a new ghost companion. These two days of rigorous training had also helped him raise his Power by 35 points.

Lucas marveled at the incredible physical gains his body had made thanks to his intense training, reminiscent of the legendary strength of Saitama.

"Let's draw," he declared to the system, eager to see which new ghost he would receive.

[Ping! Consuming fear points, the lottery is being drawn...]

[Ping! Congratulations! The ghost "Hasshaku-sama" was awarded!]

Lucas was taken aback by the result.


He recalled reading about this ghost in the past. Hasshaku was described as a tall female ghost dressed in white, with a wide-brimmed hat, who would mimic the voices of victims' relatives, lulling the victims into a false sense of security.

What intrigued Lucas the most, though, was her height. He remembered her being exceptionally tall.

Curiosity piqued, Lucas decided to summon Hasshaku to see for himself.

With the summoning, a gust of wind blew through the room, and a tall female figure materialized in front of Lucas. She was indeed wearing a white dress with a wide-brimmed hat that obscured her face from view. But what left Lucas most astonished was her height.

"She's really tall!" he exclaimed in surprise.

The book hadn't lied. Hasshaku-sama was indeed as tall as he had read. As she gracefully bowed before Lucas, he couldn't help but notice her impressive height and the movement of her chest as she greeted him.

"Welcome, Hasshaku," Lucas responded with a hint of fascination in his voice.

With recent strange occurrences happening in various places, Lucas had a plan in mind. He wanted to turn famous places worldwide into haunted areas. Impel Down, the Navy Headquarters, and even the Holy Land Mariejois had already started to experience paranormal activities.

Lucas pondered his next move. "Which place should I choose next?" he wondered aloud. The previous locations were relatively small, making it difficult for fear to spread on a larger scale, as they would be locked down quickly, resulting in fewer victims and fear points.

"I need a place that's easy to propagate fear," Lucas concluded.

A brilliant idea crossed his mind. He thought of a massive, oversized woman, a giant in size.

Lucas looked at Hasshaku-sama and spoke decisively, "Hasshaku, I'm entrusting Cake Island to you."

Hasshaku-sama acknowledged the order with a slight nod. Her high heels clicked as she walked into the shadows, disappearing with the wind.

Lucas resumed his exercise. Despite being restrained by chains and shackles, he was determined to push his limits further. With Saitama's physique, he could keep getting stronger through rigorous training.

Meanwhile, on the fourth level of Impel Down, Blazing Hell, in Magellan's office, the Warden was dealing with yet another resignation letter. Impel Down had been plagued by paranormal disturbances, with guards being killed, causing widespread panic.

Rumors were circulating that the root cause of Impel Down's curse was the accumulated resentment from the prisoners who had suffered torture, turning it into a haunted place.

Magellan was deeply concerned. Impel Down was known for its impenetrable reputation, partly due to its location on a calm belt and proximity to the Tarai current for swift reinforcements, but it also relied on efficient jailers.

The current disturbances were causing significant issues, and Magellan knew that capturing the ghost responsible was essential to maintaining order.

As he contemplated the situation, his stomach growled, signaling the approach of another restless night.

"Time to get ready for the night," Magellan mumbled, determined to catch the ghost during his next visit to the bathroom.

However, his thoughts wandered to the last time he had been given toilet paper, and his expression shifted, reflecting the memory.

Magellan couldn't help but think as he wiped his cheeks with the paper the ghost had handed him, "His bottom won't rot, will it?" The bizarre and unsettling nature of the recent events had clearly gotten under his skin.

Just as Magellan was contemplating his unusual situation, Hannyabal entered abruptly. "Hey, Magellan, you bastard, does your stomach hurt again? Fleet Admiral Sengoku is here!"

Magellan nodded, his focus on his distress. "I'll go after taking a dump. Go meet Sengoku first, and take him to my office!" With that, he hastily grabbed the toilet paper from the table and clutched his stomach in discomfort, making a beeline for the bathroom. His encounters with the ghost had certainly taken a toll on him, but duty called.

Editor: OMG another long chapter, I can't wait when it starts getting shorter, and no i wont call Hasshaku-sama as Bachi-sama, *ptue* down with the chinese translation of our beautiful Hasshaku-sama

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