
One Piece: The dragon of the Strawhats

After dying pacefully after a long time, a soul from earth reincarnates into the body of a young Isaac Stone and suddenly awakes on a peculiar island in the East Blue. Being reborn in the one piece world might seem dangerous for many reasons but thankfully, he has a system and while not as quite powerful as the other ones he had read in novels and fanfictions, having a Yakuza series skill system seems quite enough. MC with a mix of the Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami leveling up systems and combat styles. No harem (i personally don't like them)

enumerator810 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 2: "Fish with legs"

Sailing swiftly trough the sea, Isaac took out a long telescope from his inventory, looking through it he saw that he was arriving at the Conomi Islands at a quite fast pace, locating Cocoyashi island, he made haste to land on the beach. Tying up his boat to a palm tree he took a look around, not seeing anybody he closed his eyes and used a bit of observation haki to scout the island.

Now, why does he know how to use haki, we need to look back at his training..

(AN: The telescope is like the one used by Barbossa in Pirates of the Caribbean)

(Flashback, A year into his training regime)

Doing some fighting training on the dummy, Isaac started to combine and switch styles. Thanks to getting the ability to switch as he lands a finishing attack some days ago he was quite excited to use some combos he remembered from the games, with a grunt he knocks down the dummy with a back hand in brawler style, switching to beast instantly he picks it up by the feet and charges up a max crush landing a devastating takedown.

"Haah, haah, haah... i'm getting used to this.."-. Isaac said a little out of breath.

"Nice work son, it's seems that you were indeed serious about becoming stronger-. Said an older voice coming into the clearing of the forest.

Looking at his father, Isaac smiled.

"Thanks dad, i'm starting to get into shape hehe, but what are you doing here? did you need some work done?"-. Approaching his father, isaac sat down under a tree.

"It's not that son, i came here because i think you are ready to learn about one of the fundamental forces in this world.. Haki"-. Kazama said seriously.

'He knows haki?!' "W-what?, what's haki?-. Isaac said surprised, he knew his dad was a pirate earlier in life but not at that level.

"Hehe, it's basically willpower manifested, what i'm going to teach you is Kenbunshoku haki or otherwise known as Observation haki, this will allow you to gain a sixth sense, locate people by their life force and sense attacks"-. His dad said while bringing out something out of a bag.

"Now put this on" passing on some blindfolds that Isaac put them on.

"Now what?..." <Chuch chuk!> !!!!

"Was... was that a shotgun being pumped?..."

"Dont you worry, it's filled with rubber bullets.. NOW DODGE" *BOOM!*



(Flashback end)

"Aah it brings a tear to my eye looking back at it"-. Isaac said with a smile reminizing. "It seems that luffy and the gang havent arrived at the island yet as the energy of Arlong it's still present, hmm what to do..."-. Starting to walk towards the location of various prescences he thinks about waiting for the gang to show up. Almost reaching a village he encounters a familiar face.

"Nyuu, what's a human doing walking at this hour"-. A pink octopus with legs said while looking at Isaac approaching.

"Hmm? just taking a look around"-. Isaac said passing the octopus.

"Just taking a look around?" " Yeh"

"Well alright then, have fun just taking a look around"-. The octopus waves and walks away.

"Heh, what a nice ol' chap"

Smiling and shaking his head, Isaac enters the village, as he walked the people were staring at him with surprise, it seems they don't get new visitors often and for a good reason.

Walking around for a bit he sees that the people here are pretty scared right now, too jumpy. Suddenly, two voices loudly shouted.

"RIAHAHAHA, Well now humans, you know what time it is, time to pay the tribute-. A tall and lanky fishman said with a smirk

"That's right!, you know what happens when Arlong-sama gets grumpy eh?, now c'mon don't waste our time"-. Generic fishman #2 exclaimed.

Terrified now, the people moved quickly to gather the so called "tribute"

Frowning Isaac didn't say anything while turning to walk away but the two fishmen saw it, went up to him and forcefully grabbed his shoulder.

"Well, well now, what do we have here?... some new fresh blood on this island Yahahahaha, i'm afraid you have to pay the toll for landing here friendo, how about 5 mil for now"-. The same fishman said with a sick grin.

Staying silent for a little bit, the lanky fishman took it as an oppotunity to take his backpack off him but acting quickly Isaac grabed his arm in a tight grip.

"Ngh?!, wha-what is this streng-?"

"I'm not going to let some little mermaid rejects do whatever the fuck they want with my things" applying presure on the arm he was holding the fishman recoiled in pain.

Seeing his friend in a bind, Generic #2 went for a sloppy jab towards his face but Isaac blocked and squeezed as well.

"Ow ow ow, who the hell are you guy?!"-. The fishman exclaimed in pain.

Using his strenght, Isaac threw both fishmen back, laying his backpack on the floor and fixing his jacket he took on the [brawler] stance.

"Are you serious right now?!"

"You're dead!"

'I can almost hear the fight ost from the games starting now heh'-. Isaac tought with a funny feeling before concentrating on the fight.

(AN: What are your favorites non-boss fight ost?, mine would be "Flirt with a bomb" from yakuza kiwami and the combat ost of The Legend of Zelda the breath of the wild)

Rushing the fishmen he ducks a wild swing from the lanky one and hits him with a 2 combo hit, the slap sending the guy to the ground, Generic #2 slugs him but does almost to no damage, Isaac charges a resolute counter and sends him to the ground aswell with a heavy headbutt.

Not wasting his heat gauge he does a stomping heat action on the first guy which knocks him and some teeth out.

Fearfully standing up, generic #2 rushes to pick up his friend while running away.

"T-This ain't over you human trash!!!!"

Looking at his foes hasty retrat, Isaac calms down, looking around he saw the people from before giving him looks of fear, anger and even pity.

"Look at what you have done moron!!, now they are gonna send more fishmen to kill all of us in revenge, just who the hell are you?!"

Rushing towards him angrily was a young woman of slim figure, with tanned skin and blue hair, she looked quite charming.

"Now don't worry, everything will work out in the end, my name's Isaac Stone, what's yours?"-. Isaac asked while holding his hand out.

Ignoring the handshake and crossing her arms under her bust, she responded.

"Name's Nojiko, i dont't even want to know why you're here but... *sigh*.. thanks for helping, even if it's just delaying the inevitable... come, let me invite you some food, this way"-. She said walking away.

Even tough he had a lot of food in his inventory he wasn't ungrateful enough to refuse a free meal so he followed her.

Arriving at a house after walking around a familiar tangerine grove, they were met with the door opening strongly they looked at a peculiar orange haired girl, standing at around 1.65m (5,4 feet), with a slim waist and lithe body, she was also quite an eye catch.

'Nami! so i arrive at the perfect time!!'

Looking at her sister that was followed by a suspicious man she asked warily.

" Uuh Nojiko, who might that be?"-. Nami asked eyeing Isaac.

"His name is Isaac, Nami and hes... a friend that arrived at the island ehe.."-. Nojiko tries to explain while laughing a bit

"Hmmm... well he seems quite serious enough for you sis... just your type huh? hehe, i'll see you around and hey big man, watch yourself around my sister eh?...-. Nami said while walking past them.

Seeing her leave, the two got inside the house where Nojiko began preparing some food for both of them, looking around the house Isaac took notice of many photos that were framed on tables and some that hung on the walls of the living room. Seeing a pink haired woman and two little children he remebered her and even if he knows it already, he couldn't help to ask.

"So you're sisters huh... that must be your mother then"-.He said while looking at a photo

Looking back at him, Nojiko replied with a sad look.

"Yeah that was our mother... she passed away a long time ago"-. Nojiko said while putting two dishes of soup on the table.

"Can i.. ask what happened to her?..."-. Isaac said seriously.

Thinking about it for a few moments, Nojiko gained a resigned look and accepted.

"Alright... This does concern you anyway..."

[Substory 4: Dame dane time: Navigator edition]
