
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · アニメ·コミックス
426 Chs

246. The Mission Of Five Elders

"Let's set this matter aside for now. Have you heard the news? The person chosen for the position of Admiral hasn't been decided yet."

Sengoku's deep voice came through the Den Den Mushi.

But he didn't sound pleased with the outcome.

"Aren't Akainu and the rest the likely candidates? They seem a bit more qualified and loyal to the Marines than I am."

Atlas responded calmly.

This is something he can handle. Akainu and the others have obvious advantages. There are only three Marine Admirals, so the decision is clear.

"No, the Five Elders just contacted me and decided to offer you an opportunity..."

"Opportunity? Are they asking me to battle against Akainu and the other two?"

Using the same tactics again? Admirals and Vice Admirals should have distinct roles, shouldn't they? Even if there's disagreement among the Admirals, their influence won't reach the entire Naval Headquarters. At most, the conflicts between factions will only escalate.


Perhaps he presented a challenge, and Kizaru voluntarily stepped down.

That guy is likely enjoying his current life until he gets fully promoted to Admiral.

He'll likely be stationed in Mariejois, diverted from the duty of safeguarding the Celestial Dragons.

"What are you saying, youngster? The position of Admiral can't be taken so lightly!"

A series of dark lines appeared on Sengoku's face as he spoke on the other end of the phone. The kid was as unpredictable as always.

"It's pure gold!"

Atlas was momentarily surprised, then frowned. "Celestial Dragons want to live forever? And isn't the so-called pure gold refining method lost?"

He's familiar with pure gold and has some information about it, but it's clearly impossible for this substance to end up in the hands of Celestial Dragons.

"That's correct. The Five Elders have declared that if you provide pure gold, they'll arrange an Admiral position for you!"

"Where can I find such a legendary thing? Have the Five Elders lost their minds?"

Atlas was a bit speechless and openly criticized the five old men without any hesitation.

"Kid! Watch your words!"

Sengoku shouted.

Despite the considerable discontent with the Five Elders within the Marines, they, as the apparent supreme rulers of the World Government, still needed to be treated with enough respect on the surface.

"The CP department has been searching for information about gold, and they recently got a lead."

"Then why did they dispatch CP agents? Why bother asking me to go?"

Atlas always felt that something was off.

"The reasoning they provided is that it's challenging for the CP department to find an agent stronger than you. As for the credibility of this lead, they claim to have received similar information before..."

"Alright, then I'll accept this mission."

Atlas knows that even if he found pure gold from the lantern fish, the Five Elders probably wouldn't keep their end of the bargain.

"Where's the information?"


"No? Didn't it mention that CP had obtained the information?"


Atlas was perplexed. He found the Five Elders' actions increasingly difficult to comprehend.

"The information is with a CP. To prevent any leaks, I need you to make direct contact with him."


Sengoku hesitated for a moment, as if he had second thoughts, but eventually disclosed it.

"Just at Pleasure District, someone will pass the information to you."


The only person who can link Pleasure District with CP is Stussy. No wonder Sengoku is so hesitant. It seems to be because of the 'framing' incident last time!

Pleasure District is like the red light district in the pirate world.

In name, it's a street, but in reality, it's a massive pleasure boat similar to the Gran Tesoro. The patrons who frequent it often disregard their status. As long as you have money, you can find the companion of your dreams.

The so-called pleasure boat serves as a temporary haven for pirates, bounty hunters, or some lone marines navigating the seas. It is a popular spot, with individuals like Tokikake frequently paying a visit.

However, the women on board are typically quite pragmatic. Without money, you won't get anywhere near them.

Of course, Pleasure District stands out from ordinary pleasure boats.

It's a multifaceted establishment, offering auctions, entertainment, gambling, and other amenities, somewhat akin to the Casino King's Gran Tesoro.

Almost all the pleasure boats on the sea fall under the management of Pleasure District. It's unclear how many CP agents are embedded among them.

These pleasure boats can be considered a crucial component of the intelligence network of the World Government's CP department.

Now that the destination is clear, let's head straight there.

Atlas doesn't intend to bring along any other Marines, though.

This mission was initially a covert assignment from the Five Elders. The potential for immortality is something that can easily attract the greed of numerous pirates.

Even with his strength, there's a genuine risk that someone might take notice of him in the tumultuous sea!

Once the Ryusen sets sail, even with the snake talisman's invisibility ability, the presence of the soldiers on it cannot be concealed.

If a formidable figure were to suddenly rise to investigate, the life force of the soldiers on the Ryusen would be as conspicuous as candlelight in the dark night.

Moreover, it differs from Gran Tesoro, the Golden Emperor's domain.

Gran Tesoro is an autonomous nation and a demilitarized zone acknowledged by the World Government. Even though Pleasure District's connection to the World Government is not publicly known, it still exists within the underworld and remains concealed from the public eye.

Even if a Marine like Tokikake goes there for entertainment, he must dress incognito!


When Atlas hurried to Pleasure District following the coordinates provided by Sengoku, he finally laid eyes on this renowned pleasure boat at sea.

It's a ship stretching ten kilometers, adorned with pink flowers. A string of red lanterns hangs prominently on the ship's canopy, emitting an irresistible allure.

At the heart of the colossal vessel stands a robust chimney.

Clearly, it deviates from the standard sailboat design.

The ship was propelled by steam.

The technology landscape of the Pirate World is quite peculiar. Although steam power has been around for a while, the majority of pirate ships and other vessels still predominantly rely on wind for propulsion.

It's not just in this aspect.

More than a decade later, the Marines have advanced to laser cannons, while others are stuck with antiquated flintlock guns.

If this can be rationalized by Vegapunk having 500 years of scientific knowledge beyond the world, the high manufacturing cost also plays a role.

Yet, there are other weapons like rocket launchers and machine guns.

Luffy's techniques are all named after these weapons. They must be things he's come across or heard of, as Luffy wouldn't conjure such names out of thin air.

These weapons are clearly more user-friendly than flintlock guns, but it's peculiar that large pirate groups rarely seem to employ them.


Is the book boring? The powerstones are decreasing daily. Please tell

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