
One Piece: Tales of Freedom

After enduring the worst atrocities of life head-on, Georges, an orphan, uneducated, poor, and above all, homeless, finds himself, after a heroic and particularly cliché action, transmigrated into the world of his favorite manga, One Piece. To escape the atrocities of his past life, he takes matters into his own hands by starting with a change of name and rising to the heights of the pirate world. He will encounter numerous powerful and famous pirates along the way. But in the end, who will be able to stand in the way of his freedom?

Death_Side · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs


Due to his actions on the pirate ship's deck, Lynx was taken below, into the ship's hold. He had been firmly tied by oaks, his arms spread open in a strange structure seemingly built specifically for this purpose. The two who had brought him there had also stripped off his shirt. Bare-chested, he looked like a prisoner ready to receive his sentence, the whip.

"I'm telling you, these guys are mega into sadomaso stuff! Who has something like this in the hold of their ship?

I've really gotten myself into some deep shit. But hey, I'm digging it, that's the pirate life.

I'll chill here for a bit until they get to Loguetown to deliver the devil fruit. In the meantime, I should figure out a way to gather some info."

Despite the bizarre situation he found himself in, Lynx's excitement kept growing. But don't worry, it wasn't because of the sadomaso gear; it was because of the joy of starting his pirate life. What could be more wonderful for him than living the life of his favorite manga after enduring the worst in a crappy world?

But this feeling would only last a few more hours. During his captivity, Lynx would experience all sorts of emotions, starting with amusement and enthusiasm, as he felt at the moment, then frustration, followed by anxiety, and finally, hope.

He didn't know it yet, but this moment would be an opportunity for him to learn.

An hour later, he was still alone in the hold, with no one showing up. However, he could vaguely hear them laughing and partying loudly above.

Two hours later, nothing. Three hours, five hours, nine hours, still nothing. It wasn't until the next day that anything changed, when the captain finally decided to show up to Lynx.

He descended the steps leading to the hold with such pride. In his head, he almost thought of himself as an emperor, the king of the oceans.

'Hmm! I look good!' he thought, smiling.

- So, dear prisoner, I hope you're feeling quite bad this morning.

- ...

- You're ignoring me? asked the captain, offended.

- ...

Lynx only gave him a brief glance before lowering his head again.

- Hahaha, you don't seem to realize the situation you're in... uh... damn, what's your name?

- ...

After a brief moment of silence, Lynx raised his head, looked at the captain with a smirk, and said.

- It would be giving you too much credit, you deep piece of shit.

- ?!?!

The pirate was more than astonished at this moment. And although he was as foolish as they come, Lynx's actions made him wonder: "Why is he acting like this? Why does he continue to oppose me so openly? Shouldn't he rather calm down and find an opportunity to escape? Does he know that nothing can stop me from killing him right now? It's incomprehensible."

- You're very lucky, young man. Haha! Or not. I'm not going to kill you, that would be too easy. No... you're going to suffer. I'll introduce you to the hellish program of suffering you'll follow. You'll wake up at the crack of dawn. Of course, since I'm a good guy, you'll get three meals a day. In the morning, my right-hand man will come to wake you up with the first one, an hour-long beating. At noon, a guy will come to continue your massacre. And the best for last, I'll have you all to myself in the afternoons.

- Damn, I'm scared!

- You won't be so cocky when your sentence comes.

The captain then left, and Lynx's ordeal began.

He was given neither food nor drink, but every passing day, they came to beat him one by one as the pirate captain had predicted.

On the first day after the captain's visit, his right-hand man had completely unleashed on him with his iron club. Fortunately for Lynx, his club didn't have spikes. After the right-hand man, it was the turn of the random guy, then came the captain who used brass knuckles.

To the great surprise of all those who came to beat him, on the second day, Lynx's confidence increased even more. This had the effect of making them even angrier; the right-hand man started using a spiked club, and the captain, on his side, also used brass knuckles with pointed ends. But despite this, the injuries Lynx suffered seemed limited compared to what these weapons should have inflicted on him. They were completely baffled.

But all good things come to an end, and all bad things come to an end too. And after three days of torturing Lynx, the pirates' ordeal would end. He was used to thirst and famine, but three days without food or drink, while being beaten all day long, would be too much for anyone to bear.

So, at the end of this third day, Lynx's facial expression changed. His enthusiasm gave way to frustration and anxiety.

The blows were now having a much greater effect on him. And by the end of that day, he was completely covered in his own blood.

"Damn, is this what I signed up for? I'm losing track of where I am.

I've had enough!"


"Hein! What the hell's gotten into me, damn it?

What do you mean 'I've had enough'?

I'm the one who wanted all this, I got myself into this situation. I have no right to give in to discouragement.

I need to pull myself together!" he fervently said, before letting out a huge scream, like that of a soldier at war ready to sacrifice his life to defend his beliefs.


- Ahahahah! Guys, I think our man down there is losing it. Remarked the captain, his throat stretched.

- Ahah, yes captain. It's thanks to your 300 IQ and your extraordinary strength that you were able to subdue this arrogant one to your authority. Replied the first mate.

- You are amazing, captain. Added the rest of the crew.

That evening, like all the previous ones, the crew partied. And Lynx stayed awake, his eyes partially closed. He was training.



The noise of one of the crew members announcing the approach of an island snapped Lynx out of his state of extreme concentration.

Before he even had time to wonder where they were, the captain came to pay him a courtesy visit.

- Hey, my dear pastime. How are you this morning?

- ...

- Of course, you're not answering me. But it's okay, today's your day off. We've arrived at Gecko Island and the village of Syrup is nearby, so we're going to stock up a bit. It's always fun to raid a little village.

'The village of Syrup, isn't that Usopp's village? Those bastards better not do anything serious, Kaya was nice in that arc,' thought Lynx, not letting any expression show on his face.

The captain, back on the deck of his ship which had just docked, gave the assault signal:

"It's time, guys, ATTACK!!! EHEHEH!!!"


hi guys! hope you enjoyed the chapter. if you liked it, give the book some powerstone. That would encourage me. ;)

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