
One Piece: Tales of Freedom

After enduring the worst atrocities of life head-on, Georges, an orphan, uneducated, poor, and above all, homeless, finds himself, after a heroic and particularly cliché action, transmigrated into the world of his favorite manga, One Piece. To escape the atrocities of his past life, he takes matters into his own hands by starting with a change of name and rising to the heights of the pirate world. He will encounter numerous powerful and famous pirates along the way. But in the end, who will be able to stand in the way of his freedom?

Death_Side · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

It belongs to me

- It's all about timing.

- What do you mean by that? Nym asked, a bit confused.

- If this whole thing were just about the captain of this ship, everything would be perfect and easy. But our enemies are powerful, and we still don't know their identities. So we need to coordinate our actions perfectly in time. Follow a precise plan but still leave room for the unexpected.

- I see. And how do you plan to do that?

- Firstly, it's time for me to get out of this hold. I can't stand being here anymore.

- Alright, I'll set you free. She suggested, pulling out her weapon.

- No, it's not necessary. Besides, it would make too much noise.

For the first time since the beginning of his adventure, Lynx was finally about to see the first result of his previous actions.

When faced with a seemingly impossible goal that one is determined to achieve, one learns to become someone else. Someone mentally or physically strong enough to fulfill our desires.

The day Lynx made his decision, he became someone completely different from his former self.

A strategist, understanding that every action, no matter how small, influences the future in one way or another.

He maximizes every situation, including his mistakes. As was the case on this pirate ship.

Lynx claimed he could free himself, but Nym couldn't help but wonder how that could be possible until she saw him in action.

When Lynx clenched his fists, his entire forearm and hand turned black. Covered in cuts on his arm, red marks appeared above this deep black.

Then, with little effort, he broke the chains that held him by the hand. He did the same for his feet.

Stunned, Nym asked him:

- Haki... how is that possible?

- Hmm? You know about Haki? So, if I understand correctly, you haven't just lived in East Blue?

- No, I've been to the Grand Line before. But that's beside the point. Have you been mastering it all this time? Why did you let yourself be captured?

- I hadn't mastered it yet. My initial goal was simply to leave the village of Fusha. But once I got on this ship, I angered these pirates a bit. It was a mistake but ultimately the best choice I could have made. During these six days, I was able to continuously train my Armament Haki. I still have the other forms of Haki to master, but it's already a good start to kick some ass.

- In just six days, you mastered a form of Haki you didn't even know about? That's quite the feat, isn't it?

- Let's just say I've got some crazy talent.

- Hmmm... so you had it all planned out.

- Not everything, but I knew how to adapt properly.

- ...

- Hmm? What's wrong?

- I don't promise you my loyalty, but I agree to be the first member of your crew. She said, her tone serious and determined.

- That's a good start.

- But know that if you want me to stay for a while, the booze must flow.

- Hahaha! I'll see what I can do. Lynx replied, laughing.

They both then began to walk out of the hold of the ship, heading to the deck. Along the way, they continued to discuss the next steps of the plan.

- Explain to me, what do you plan to do now that you're free?

- From the moment I broke my chains, this ship already belonged to us. We just need to let our buddy the captain know.

- You plan to confront him forcefully?

- The soft way is for the weak. The strong don't need to hide.

- I like that way of thinking. Let's put this captain in his place.

- But, the captain, I'll handle him.

- Yeah, whatever you say, cap.

- After that, I'd like you to do me a little favor.

- Ok...

- First, while you were investigating the Devil Fruit, did you find anything that could potentially be useful to us?

- Uh... it depends.

- Stuff like weapons, explosives?

- Hmm... Yeah, I think I saw some. They have a room specifically for their artillery.

- Perfect. After we deal with the captain, go ahead and gather enough explosive materials to make a nice fireworks display.

- Hmm? Can I ask why?

- You'll know soon enough. For now, just focus on gathering them all in one container. And try not to blow everything up in the process.

- "Who do you take me for? No one knows guns and all things artillery better than me on the seas.

- That's a bit bold to say, isn't it?

- Wait until you see for yourself.

'I wonder how she compares to Usopp and even Yasopp. I should probably put her to the test,' thought Lynx, as they both approached the door of the cabin.

The deck was very quiet, as the entire crew was sound asleep in the ship's quarters. Only one man remained on guard, but he was easily taken out by Nym.

- Here we are, his cabin. She said, looking at her captain.

Lynx then lifted his right leg without hesitation to kick down the door.

The noise of the door breaking in the middle of the night had obviously awakened the captain, who was sleeping in another room at the back, holding a small chest tightly in his hand.

And for some reason, his arm was also present in the front part of the cabin, sleeping on a chair.

- What does that mean? What's going on here? He asked, abruptly getting up from his chair and grabbing his club beside him.

- What's going on is you're dead. Lynx quickly replied, gesturing to his second with a nod.

Without hesitation, Nym immediately grabbed his weapon and put a bullet in the guy's head, who collapsed to the ground.

After the gunshot rang out, the captain hurried out of his room to see what was happening.

Not only was the sight of his right-hand man's body lying in a pool of blood shocking, but there was also the fact that the man he had tortured for the past six days was sitting on his desk, using the lifeless body as a footrest, And next to him, the alcoholic lunatic who should have been on his side reloading her gun.

- Damn it!!! What does this mean? He shouted, drawing his saber with his right hand, while his left hand firmly held the strange little chest.

- Ahahah! It's funny, your buddy said the same thing before kicking the bucket. Lynx replied, looking at him mockingly and satisfied with the situation.

The captain couldn't even fully comprehend the situation. He looked perplexed at a man who should be half-dead, smirking at him with broken chains still hanging from his arms and legs.

Then, it clicked. He finally understood the mess he had gotten himself into.

- Don't tell me...

- Well yeah, I've never been held captive on your ship. From the beginning, it's been 'you' who were locked up with me. And now, judgment time is here, ahahahah." Lynx added, making sure toaccompany his words with a sinister laugh.

- You... you shouldn't even be conscious with all the blood you've lost.

- Guess you messed with the wrong person. That's your problem, you poor little East Blue pirates. You sail these seas, never daring to venture further. Why? Is it fear? Lack of ambition? Or simply because you don't even have a dream? You don't even deserve to fly a black flag on your ship. You're not pirates, just a bunch of idiots, thinking you have any value when you haven't accomplished anything in your life. Screw you!

- Wow, you had a lot on your mind.

'Of course, I have things to say. That's what happens when you've watched too many fillers,' Lynx thought, recalling the many memories of his old life where he got frustrated with fillers when Luffy struggled against a random opponent.

- But, that's not what matters. Right now It's that wonder you're holding in your hand. Come on, hand over that devil fruit," he added, getting up to advance on his opponent.

- You can dream on, Come at me instead, and I'll chop your head off.


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