
ONE PIECE: Tale of Max Fireblood

In a world of One Piece, Max Fireblood, a celestial dragon with ancient giant, fishman, and dwarf bloodlines, possesses a rare gift: a physique capable of consuming up to three Devil Fruits without adverse effects. With this extraordinary ability, Max embarks on a journey with a unique power: a machine that fuses Devil Fruits into mythical beasts. Chill and lustful, Max will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, dispatching enemies with ease along the way. With each new ally and Devil Fruit consumed, Max edges closer to unlocking his true potential and becoming the most powerful being in the world.

Ethan_Storm · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Devil Fruits

"Nebula Nebula Fruit, Model: Mythic Feline."


1. **Shadowy Evasion**: The user gains the agility and stealth of a black cat, able to move swiftly and silently through shadows. They can blend into darkness seamlessly, making it difficult for opponents to detect their presence.

2. **Soap Bubble Manipulation**: The user can generate and control soap bubbles imbued with various effects. These bubbles can be used defensively to create barriers or offensively to trap opponents or disorient them with dazzling displays of color and light.

3. **Nebulous Transformation**: The user can transform into a mythical feline creature with shadowy fur and iridescent bubbles swirling around them. In this form, they gain enhanced strength, speed, and durability, as well as the ability to manipulate shadows and soap bubbles with even greater proficiency.

4. **Bubble Shadow Burst**: The user can unleash a devastating attack by combining their soap bubble and shadow powers. They create a massive sphere of swirling shadows and soap bubbles, which they then launch at their opponents. Upon impact, the sphere explodes, releasing a torrent of razor-sharp shadows and cleansing bubbles that engulf and incapacitate anything in their path.

5. **Illusory Mirage**: The user can create illusions by manipulating shadows and soap bubbles, deceiving their opponents' senses and creating false images or projections. These illusions can be used for distraction, deception, or to confuse and disorient adversaries in combat.

6. **Mystic Purr**: The user emits a mesmerizing purr that has a soothing effect on allies and a hypnotic effect on enemies. Allies are bolstered by feelings of calm and confidence, while enemies become entranced and vulnerable to suggestion.

7. **Nebula Cascade**: The user summons a cascade of shimmering soap bubbles infused with shadow energy. These bubbles rain down on their opponents, corroding their defenses and draining their strength with each burst.

8. **Feline Fortune**: The user is blessed with the innate luck and curiosity of a cat, allowing them to navigate perilous situations with ease and uncover hidden treasures or secrets. They possess an uncanny intuition that guides them towards opportunities and helps them evade danger.

"Blood Phantom Fruit, Model: Vampire"


1. **Vampiric Transformation**: The user can transform into a powerful vampire creature at will, gaining enhanced physical attributes such as strength, speed, and agility. In this form, they have sharp claws and fangs, as well as the ability to fly with bat-like wings.

2. **Blood Manipulation**: The user gains the ability to manipulate and control blood, both their own and that of others. They can extract blood from their enemies to replenish their strength or create weapons and constructs out of solidified blood.

3. **Life Drain**: The user can drain the life force from their victims by drinking their blood, replenishing their own energy and vitality in the process. This ability can weaken opponents and leave them vulnerable to further attacks.

4. **Regenerative Healing**: The user possesses accelerated healing abilities, allowing them to rapidly regenerate from injuries by consuming blood. They can heal wounds, regenerate lost limbs, and recover from otherwise fatal injuries with ease.

5. **Hypnotic Gaze**: The user can hypnotize their victims with a mesmerizing gaze, compelling them to obey commands or fall into a trance-like state. This ability can be used to manipulate enemies or control crowds with ease.

6. **Blood Transmutation**: The user can transform their own blood into various substances, such as weapons, barriers, or even illusions. They can solidify blood into sharp blades or shields, or create illusory duplicates to confuse and disorient opponents.

7. **Blood Mist**: The user can shroud themselves in a thick mist of blood, obscuring their movements and making it difficult for opponents to track or target them. This mist can also sap the strength and vitality of those who enter it, weakening them over time.

8. **Eternal Thirst**: The user possesses an insatiable thirst for blood that drives their actions and fuels their powers. They are constantly on the hunt for fresh blood to satisfy their cravings, and their abilities grow stronger with each drop they consume.

9. **Immortality**: The user becomes Immortal.

"Striped Dragon Fruit, Model: Stormclaw"


1. **Feline Agility**: The user possesses the agility and reflexes of a tiger, allowing them to move swiftly and gracefully both on land and in the air.

2. **Draconic Might**: The user gains the strength and resilience of a dragon, enabling them to unleash powerful attacks and withstand formidable opponents.

3. **Thunderous Roar**: The user can unleash a mighty roar infused with the power of thunder, capable of stunning opponents and causing shockwaves that ripple through the air.

4. **Stormclaw Slash**: The user's claws crackle with electricity as they deliver swift and devastating slashes, leaving behind trails of lightning that linger in the air.

5. **Dragonfire Breath**: The user can exhale streams of scorching fire imbued with lightning, creating a deadly combination of flames and electricity that incinerates everything in its path.

6. **Striped Dragon Transformation**: The user can transform into a majestic striped dragon at will, possessing the physical attributes of both a tiger and a dragon. In this form, they have razor-sharp claws, powerful limbs, and a long, serpentine body adorned with stripes.

7. **Thunderstorm Aura**: The user can envelop themselves in a swirling aura of thunderstorms, imbuing their attacks with the power of lightning and wind. This aura grants them enhanced speed and strength, as well as the ability to manipulate weather phenomena.

8. **Celestial Roar**: The user emits a roar that reverberates through the heavens, summoning storms and lightning to strike down upon their enemies. This devastating attack can decimate entire battlefields and leave adversaries trembling in fear.

9. **Nimbus Manipulation**: The user can summon and manipulate nimbus clouds, imbued with the power of thunder and lightning. With precise control, they can shape these clouds into platforms or tendrils, allowing them to levitate other objects in the air with finesse and accuracy.

10. **Aerial Levitation**: They have precise control over their levitation, allowing them to maneuver swiftly and navigate complex environments effortlessly.

11. **Aquatic Adaptation**: The user can breathe underwater indefinitely, their lungs and body adapted to extract oxygen from water. However, due to the curse of the Devil Fruits, they are unable to swim and must rely on their other abilities to navigate aquatic environments.

"Primeval Beast Fruit, Model: Thornfang Lupine"


1. **Ancient Predator Physiology**: The user possesses the combined traits of an ancient sabertooth lion and a wolf, granting them unparalleled strength, agility, and ferocity. They are formidable predators, capable of hunting down prey with deadly precision.

2. **Thorned Defense**: The user's body is adorned with razor-sharp thorns, providing them with natural armor that can deflect attacks and injure adversaries upon contact. These thorns also serve as a deterrent against would-be assailants, causing harm to any who attempt to strike them.

3. **Feral Instincts**: The user possesses heightened instincts and senses, allowing them to detect threats and opportunities with uncanny accuracy. They move with the grace and agility of a predator, navigating their surroundings with ease and anticipation.

4. **Lupine Pack Bonds**: The user can summon and command spectral wolf spirits to aid them in battle. These ethereal wolves are imbued with the user's primal energy, possessing strength and ferocity that rival their physical counterparts.

5. **Thornfang Bite**: The user's bite is infused with the power of thorns, causing wounds to fester and bleed profusely. Their jaws can crush bone and rend flesh with ease, delivering devastating blows to adversaries and weakening them over time.

6. **Savage Roar**: The user can unleash a primal roar that instills fear and confusion in their enemies. This roar can disrupt concentration, break morale, and even cause physical harm to those within its range.

7. **Primeval Regeneration**: The user possesses a remarkable regenerative ability, allowing them to heal from injuries at an accelerated rate. They can mend broken bones, close wounds, and recover from grievous harm in a matter of moments, making them nearly invincible in battle.

8. **Thorned Wilderness Manipulation**: The user can manipulate the environment to their advantage, causing thorny vines and vegetation to sprout and ensnare their enemies. They can create barriers of thorns to block attacks or trap adversaries, turning the battlefield into a deadly maze of thorns and foliage.

9. **Beastly Dominance**: The user radiates an aura of primal dominance that commands the respect and obedience of lesser creatures. Animals and beasts instinctively recognize their authority, obeying their commands and aiding them in battle.