
Chapter 33: Two King's Negotiation 1

Two Months Later

Port Town of Nanohana

In a port at Alabasta Kingdom, a big ship was docking into it spot. As everyone can guess this was Errege. Their trip was very smooth with the help of Nami's excellent navigating.

All of them started to unboard the ship as this place was their destination. But then, all of them noticed that Alabasta had started to face a heavy drought.

"Wow this town here was really hot. How did they suddenly have drought?"

"Narmi, didn't you can control nature? Can't you fix this weather here? I felt a bit of pity towards the civilians that live here." Robin proposed

"Well, I can. But, from what I could infer, this drought was not a natural phenomenon. I guess someone had caused it." Narmi replied, hiding the facts that he knew who did it.

"Then, can't you fix this? It's for the civilians' sake."

"I can but the person who orchestrated this would not get caught if I did. So, just endure it until we can find him. But before that, let's go find the poneglyphs."

"Alright then. If you say so. It's true that we need to follow the flow if we want to catch the culprit."

They then went towards the direction of Alubarna, the place where the Royal Palace was located. Not long after they left, a spy was contacting his superior, informing about the newcomers on Alabasta. Albeit, this spy had long been noticed by Narmi and was let go by him, so that he can catch all of them in one swoop.

"Hello sir. I have informations that were really important."


Rainbase, Rain Dinners

"Is that so? Thanks for the information. Your rewards, come and collect it after this."

The spy's superior said and then cut off the call. He felt very happy that his spy gave him a worthy informations. Naturally, he swiftly went to his boss to report about it.

"Boss, I have some new informations for you."

"Huh? Tell about it quickly, and make sure it was worth my time. If not, I would kill you." the boss said.

This Boss had a pale skin with nape-length black hair that was slicked back. His face had a notable scars at the bridge of his noses that stretches across his faces. There was a large hook that was made by tough gold alloy on his left hand. This man was name Crocodile.

"Yes sir. Apparently, the young lady you mentioned from before had appeared here in Alabasta."

"Huh?! Young Lady?! Nico Robin?! She was here in Alabasta?! Hahaha…. it seems that Goddess of Luck had shined upon me. It seems the heaven want me to rule the Alabasta and uncover the Poneglyph." Crocodile said while guffawing loudly, ignoring the presence of the man in front of him.

"Yes sir. However, she wasn't alone. There was four more people with her. One of them was the 'Devil King' Narmi Amsi. Our info stated that he is Nico Robin's boyfriend."

Crocodile regaining his composure, quickly glared down on his subordinate and said.

"I don't care who the f**k he is. What I want is Nico Robin. She was the only one that could read the Poneglyphs. I need her to read it for me. Order our men to start mobilising. Bring me Nico Robin and you shall be heavily rewarded."

"Y-Y-Yes S-S-Sir. I will go now and went together with the others to catch her. Don't worry, we would definitely caught her."

"Good then. I will await for you guys good news. Also, ordered our men that were in-charge of Dance Powder to use it, so the drought would become more severe. And then start to spread the propaganda, saying that this was caused by the king, Nefertari Cobra. I don't want any mistakes to ever happen."

"Right away sir. Now if you would excuse me."

"Hmm go, don't disappoint me. If you fail, your life will not be left intact."

The man heard Crocodile's warning, shivered in cold sweat. He joined this Baroque Works as the pay was good. He didn't expect it to be this cruel in the organization. Swiftly, he made his way to go and pass down Crocodile's order to the others.


Two days later

Due to their training in Little Garden, they could move in a fast pace towards Alubarna. Not only that, with Narmi's help on controlling the nature, he made it so that the sandstorms nor the heat could reach them.

Actually, they could reached Alubarna in one day, but Narmi ordered them to stopped for a while and take a break. But then he went somewhere before coming back and ordered them to continue the journey.

What Narmi did when they took a break, no one knew about it as he didn't told them about it. Naturally, they didn't ask about it as they fully trusted him. They thought that if he wouldn't tell them, then he had probably planned something and want to made an element of surprise.

Thus, this occurrence happen a few times until they reached Alubarna. When they arrived, they felt bewildered as Alubarna wasn't affected with the drought that they saw in other places.

This made them felt weird as usually, if drought would had happened, the surrounding of the places should had suffered it too. But only Alubarna that wasn't affected with it. Robin, with her intelligence, could guess what had happened here.

"Narmi, is this happening due to Dance Powder?"

"Yes. It was caused by Dance Powder. That's why I said before it wasn't a natural one."

"Dance Powder?" Law asked. Nami and Henry behind him also perked their ears with interest on the topic of Dance Powder.

"It is a powder that could create artificial rain. While it looks good when it can create artificial rain, it had a very severe side-effects. The other countries would face a long period of drought. This was due to the artificial rain nurtures the clouds that aren't ready to rain, causing its water contained to be used up. Other countries or places, would be deprived of its benefits when this clouds naturally mature"

Robin nodded her head in acknowledgement on what Narmi said.

"So, I guess I could safely say that this culprit intend to framed the King of Alabasta so that he/she can control it." Robin concluded.

"Well that was one of his purpose. He actually got another one purpose, and I think you could guess what it is Robin."

"Poneglyph?" She asked, as that was the only thing sought out by everyone that she knew was here.

Narmi just nodded his head, affirming her guess.

"Correct. But, recently the culprit had put on a new target. This target of his was someone who could read Poneglyph. Someone originated from the O'Hara. Yes, the target is you, Robin. So I suggest you stay with me." Narmi smiled gently towards Robin.

Robin was happy when he said that she should stay with him. But, it wasn't the same with Law as he thought that his captain smile were creepy.

'F**k this. When we just arrived here, someone want to offend him. Is it not enough with Whiskey Peak?! I guess Narmi must want me to search for informations.'

As Law's guess, Narmi turned his head towards him and said

"Law, find information about the Baroque Works. I don't care what method you used. Just report to me when you are done. Also, if there were any weird movements, quickly report it to me."

Law swiftly made his way to gather informations after Narmi ordered him, while Narmi and the others went to the direction of Royal Palace. Narmi's intention? He want to negotiate with the King.

For him, this was a negotiation between two kings.

Hey guys. This time MC will rampaged around in Alabasta. Wohoo cheers for MC.

Thanks for supporting my novel. I love you guys. And I thought about Marineford War. I need you guys opinion, that was should I prevent Ace from being captured by Blackbeard or not? Please give your answers and reasons on the comment below.

Once again, thanks and enjoy my novel. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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